March Day by Day Challenge--Open to ALL!!!



  • saxnviolin
    saxnviolin Posts: 159 Member
    Goals for 3/4 :

    1- minimum of 15,000 steps on pedometer
    2-10 glasses of water
    3-45 mts. cardio

    Thanks for this post. :love:
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 3:
    1. Plenty of fluids! --Yes.
    2. Healthy choices and portion control. --:sad: No to both.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.--No.

    Yesterday was my 'rest' day but I forgot to change my last goal. It SHOULD have been--Work on a jewelry piece, which I did.

    Portion control was OUT yesterday! I guess choices weren't bad but they could have been a lot better, too.

    I need to cut all the processed crap again--it really messes me up!

    Goals for March 4:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Stay on my plan!!!l.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.
  • shoffmann23
    shoffmann23 Posts: 11 Member
    Only accomplished one goal yesterday, but I did eat that green vegetable! Green beans for dinner. Went out for some drinks and didn't pig out, I eat more when I drink, so that was good!

    1. Go grocery shopping for healthy meals for the week.
    2. Eat another serving or two of vegetables for dinner.
    3. Go for a walk.
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for 3/4
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- done
    2. Log all food- done
    3. Finish homework- only 1/2 of 1 assignment left, but it's not due until Thursday

    Goals for 3/5
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food
    3. Swim for 1 hour
    4. Continue not drinking soda

    Keep up the good work ladies and thanks for keeping me motivated.
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member

    My goals for 3/4 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - Nope
    2. excersie for 30 minutes -Done
    3. stay under 1500 calories - Done
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps -Done
    5. pick healthy recipes for dinner this week - Done

    My goals for 3/5 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 30 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps
    5. Walk a minimum of 3 miles
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Goals for 3/4
    1-work out for at least an hour -YES
    2-drink 10 glasses of water (saw lots of people with this goal and thought it was a good one!)-YES
    3-avoid binge triggers-well, I had two Girl Scout Samoas, but it didn't spiral me into a binge!

    Goals for 3/5
    1-drink 10 glasses of water
    2-enjoy 6 mini Cadbury chocolate eggs, and that's all
    3-finish preparing story for 5th graders
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    Okay, yesterday's goals are gone...down the drain!

    1) Start fresh with 30 Day Shred...Day 1 DID NOT DO!
    2) 90 oz of water (They say to drink half your body weight in ounces of water) DRANK 8 OZ
    3) No Cheeze-Its or Girl Scout cookies (These seem to be my weaknesses and are packed full of calories!) HAD ABOUT 4 SERVINGS!

    3/5/12 Goals:

    1) No excuses! I will not have the mindset that I can do better tomorrow! This is it!
    2) 90 oz water
    3) 30 Day Shred...Day 1
  • JKB52
    JKB52 Posts: 7 Member
    Didn't put down any goals yesterday but did stick with the ones I made for Saturday and so far so good! Now for today Monday I want to
    1. Did a least 8 glasses of water (haven't done that yet)
    2. exercise at least an hour
    3. Eat healthy today!

    Need to be good this week so I can reach a goal I set for myself by March 17th!
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for March 4:
    1. Plenty of fluids! --Did better.
    2. Stay on my plan!!!l --Eh, mostly good but I slipped up in the evening (stress).
    3. 1 mile walking workout. --2 miles.

    I am NOT a counselor! I cannot advise my son-in-law about their relationship problems except to say--they BOTH could use some couples counseling!

    Okay, on to a fresh day!

    I took a different approach to the Girl Scout cookie thing this year--I donated the money to them. That way I am still supporting them but I don't have the cookies in the house to tempt me.

    Have a good day, everyone!

    Goals for March 5:
    1. Plenty of fluids!
    2. Stay on my plan!!!l.
    3. 1 mile walking workout.
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    I am back! this really works.

    goals 3/5

    1.Stay under goal.

    2. gym burn 300 calories.

    3. get up in the am starting tomorrow to do Wii fit plus even if just weigh myself and body test. add on yoga.

    Talk to ya tomorrow.
  • lstnlondry
    lstnlondry Posts: 1,794 Member
    Goals for Thursday-Sunday were:
    1 take my dog to the vet and it will go successful & all will be well.
    2. get a conversation going with good intentions and enjoy the great results after.
    3. Make peace with my mind, body & soul

    I completed the first goal only.

    Goals for Today are:
    1. complete w3 day3 of c25k
    2. stay at a peaceful level as I feel so out of it
    3. do my best to keep food at calorie level
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    Hello again! I was able to meet my goals for the week-end.

    So, today, my goals are to

    1) Drink 100 oz of water
    2) Complete day 7 of the 30DS level 1
    3) Walk my dogs for 45 minutes

    I hope that you all have a GREAT Monday!
  • imworthit
    imworthit Posts: 165 Member
    Yesterday's goal of getting to bed by 10pm didn't happen:(
    Went over on my calories slightly but not too bad:)
    Didn't binge:)

    Today's goals are:
    Stay within my calories
    Drink more water (I usually do good, but going to try to increase it even more.)
    No Bingeing
  • aandbthomas1
    Goals for 3/5
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water- 8 so far but will try to finish before bed
    2. Log all food- yes but went over thank you very much girl scout cookies my husband bought :grumble:
    3. Swim for 1 hour- no I got called into work at 7am and got home from school at 11pm
    4. Continue not drinking soda- 5 days and counting :happy:

    Goals for 3/6
    1. Drink 10 glasses of water
    2. Log all food and stay closer to limit
    3. Continue not drinking soda
    4. Try to get in some form of exercise between work and school
  • mommy2ajs
    mommy2ajs Posts: 1,319 Member
    My goals for 3/5 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water - Done
    2. excersie for 30 minutes - Done
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps - Done
    5. Walk a minimum of 3 miles

    My goals for 3/6 are:

    1. drink a minimum of 8 glass of water
    2. excersie for 45 minutes
    3. stay under 1500 calories
    4. walk a minimum of 10,000 steps
    5. Walk a minimum of 3 miles
  • aklitten
    aklitten Posts: 237 Member
    Goals for 3/5
    1-drink 10 glasses of water--DONE
    2-enjoy 6 mini Cadbury chocolate eggs, and that's all-Well, I had 8. Not too bad.
    3-finish preparing story for 5th graders--I have it written, but I need to edit and proofread.

    Goals for 3/6
    1-drink 10 glasses of water
    2-work out for 60 minutes
    3-accomplish all errands and get to dry cleaners by 4!!
  • tltincher
    tltincher Posts: 107 Member
    1) No excuses! I will not have the mindset that I can do better tomorrow! This is it! --Done
    2) 90 oz water -- No
    3) 30 Day Shred...Day 1 -- No

    Goals for 3/6/12

    1) 90 oz water
    2) Finally start Shred...Day 1
    3) Get required protein
  • May63
    May63 Posts: 162
    I am back! this really works.

    goals 3/5

    1.Stay under goal. yes

    2. gym burn 300 calories. yes

    3. get up in the am starting tomorrow to do Wii fit plus even if just weigh myself and body test. add on yoga. oh i forgot about this one.

    Talk to ya tomorrow.

    1. so today is lots of water

    2. under goal

    3..get to bed early. this might help with getting up goal someday.

    talk to ya later
  • amandawood1983
    I am a newbie, but really looking forward to keeping up with the site!

    My goals for 3/6:

    1. Stay within calorie limits
    2. Log all food
    3. Excercise at least 30 minutes
  • SilverRoxy
    Hi All! I know you're a few days into this, but I hope you don't mind me joining in. I could really use some support.

    I've been terrible the past few years (yes, I said years) sticking to MFP or any routine for that matter. Every time I get going in the right direction, I sabotage my progress. Years ago I lost a significant amount of weight. The past two years the scale seemed to creep back up and now I'm in a very unhappy place. It hit me the other week when most of my dress pants don't fit. I take great pride in the wardrobe I've built (that sounds bad but I don't mean it to) and simply can't afford to start over with buying all new stuff. Plus, I can't be defeated!!!!

    So... yesterday's goals:

    Eat a healthy breakfast even though I was on the go. DONE! (1 oz. almonds, 1 cup of soy milk, 1/2 cup of high fiber bran flakes)
    Go to a kick boxing class--- DONE! (Took one last Monday night. I'm SO sore today but I did it again!!)
    Don't give in to the sweets in the office--- DONE! (I resisted the box of thin mints on our counter. This is BIG!)

    Today's goals:

    Watch my water intake---- I'm already 20 oz. in and have only been at work for an hour.
    Exercise after work--- Just received my Tim Horton's 10 minute body DVDs. Gotta use one today!!!
    Don't over eat at dinner--- I have plans to have dinner with mum at an Italian restaurant. Have to be good! I think I'm going to have broiled scallops and tell them no butter. A salad with it and instead of a potato they have minestra.. a little oily but lots of good stuff for you in that!

    Question for everyone.... Has anyone tried those 10 minute workout DVDs? I heard they are intense even though they are only 10 minutes. The box recommends you do 2-3 workouts in a day though. A bit of false advertising maybe? Still, anything is better than nothing on those days that I don't have an hour to go to the gym.