5 random/interesting facts about you



  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    1. I broke my left arm as a kid by jumping off a swingset.
    2. I don't plan on having kids till about 30.
    3. I love the big bang theory and the biggest loser
    4. I want to become a social worker one day.
    5. I wanted to be a famous singer for many years.
  • TransTina
    TransTina Posts: 82
    1. I was 5'6" at 16. By 17 I was 6' 2"

    2. I have boobs!

    3. Most women comment about my legs.

    4. I love shiny PVC

    5. I am on the International Football Hooligan Register!! LOL xxx
  • Vicky_Is_In_Glee
    1- Sometimes I just 'meow' like cat
    2-When my boyfriend is around, I cant keep my hands off him
    3-I am addicted to workout
    4-My best friend is my doggy ;)
    5-I love music.

  • bigredhearts
    1. I am extremely nosey. Not out of rudeness, I think its more of an OCD thing since when I am told something said to be a fact I spend time researching to see if its correct. I just HAVE to know stuff.
    2. I can wiggle my eyes back and forth really fast, i can cross one eye and keep the other straight AND my nostrils wiggle when I laugh.
    3. I am very outspoken and shy at the same time.
    4. When I was little i used to write horror stories.
    5. When i was little i used to want to be a boy, and to be specific, i wanted to be a hanson brother. (to clarify why i didnt want to be a girl was because i just didnt want to go through the changes women had to go through, i thought it was a choice LOL)
  • redsteve65
    redsteve65 Posts: 142 Member
    1. I have 3 tattoos
    2. I proposed to my wife after going out for 3 weeks. 23 years later we are still married
    3. I am a passionate Liverpool FC supporter
    4. I live and work by the sea on the South Coast of the UK. From my office I can see the sea.
    5. I haev a half-brother that I have never met.
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member




  • PamJ413
    PamJ413 Posts: 19 Member
    1) I have two bachelor degrees--Sociology/Psychology and Nursing
    2) I am petrified of clowns
    3) I cry all the time when watching movies/commericals
    4) I broke my 2nd toe getting into the shower
    5) I love to buy watches
  • nisemac
    nisemac Posts: 25 Member
    1. i don't have a belly button
    2. i have a habit of sorting money in my wallet by denomination. they must also face the same direction.
    3. i have a fear of public restrooms, and will plan my fluid intake in order to avoid them
    4. i didn't get my ears pierced until i was 18
    5. i live in downtown Beijing, and on a clear day i can see part of the mountains where the Great Wall resides from my apartment. On a bad day, i can't see the building across the street.
  • TransTina
    TransTina Posts: 82
    1. I have 3 tattoos
    2. I proposed to my wife after going out for 3 weeks. 23 years later we are still married
    3. I am a passionate Liverpool FC supporter
    4. I live and work by the sea on the South Coast of the UK. From my office I can see the sea.
    5. I haev a half-brother that I have never met.

    Well done on your weigh tloss and marriage!

    Pity your team aren't up to much!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    :heart: I am a primary school teacher
    :heart: I am a sleep talker & occasionally a sleep walker
    :heart: I love animals (especially dogs & seals) & feel extremely bad & avoid at all costs killing any sort of animal (including disgusting toads & spiders). I always feel it's not their fault they are that particular animal.
    :heart: I really love some songs in the 90's & when I hear one I know I belt it out & usually do a silly dance!
    :heart: Valentine's Day is my favourite day of the year, followed by Easter, My birthday, Xmas & last but not least New Year. I am a real sucker for love && chocolate!!!
  • octafishy
    - everyone who know anything about me knows not to talk to me for at least 2 hours and 1 cup/bucket of coffee after i get out of bed.
    - i live with my in-laws again (did this once before a few years ago) have for almost 3 years now and they still dont understand the above and try to talk to me the second i stumble out of bed
    - i have never liked sleeping alone even as a kid. i started out with lots of stuffed toys but have now moved onto a husband and 3 dogs(2 big and 1 small) and cannot sleep properly unless the dogs are in my bedroom at night (and have come onto the bed and given me a cuddle)
    - i have no friends left from my school days and that bothers me sometimes
    - i am currently unemployed so i spend 2 days a week working for my mum: cooking, food shopping, and cleaning and i like this more than my old job :)
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    1-I was born with two birth defects -- without the left side of my L-5 vertebre and the cartilage of my right ear was folded up inside my ear canal (that fixed itself. My ear is normal now, though it did flop for a few weeks until the cartilage hardened. lol).
    2-I had the same cat from the time I was 12 until I was nearly 31 years old.
    3-I have five tattoos and had a total of 10 piercings. I'll forever have the scar under my lip from my lip piercing, and I'm okay with that.
    4-I regret very few things in my life. Even the bad/foolish things make us who we are.
    5-I have, at last count, 11 half siblings (thanks, Dad!). I've met two of them.
  • mjutan
    mjutan Posts: 23
    1. I recently did a TEDx talk on working hard and being enthusiastic about life:

    2. I'm Canadian, my parents are South African and I've lived in Canada, USA, England and Australia

    3. I write a travel blog when I go on month-long trips and adventures around the world

    4. I put on 25 lbs in College and haven't focused hard to get rid of it until now! Thanks MFP and MFP Friends!

    5. I love the Dave Matthews Band just a little more than anyone should.
  • tdismydog
    tdismydog Posts: 42 Member
    1. i hate shoes and socks even in the north dakota winter
    2. i love the smell of gas ( the stuff in the tank of a car type gas)
    3. i once ate a can of cat food on a dare
    4. I played football in college and was also in track
    5. i can do the splits.
  • WifedUpMartin
    WifedUpMartin Posts: 167 Member
    1) I absolutely love old people.

    2) When I was little there were only 4 things I would eat - chicken, mac and cheese, green beans, or apples.

    3) I won first place in my fantasy football league this year.

    4) I've had a lot of dates but only two serious relationships in my life. I met them both online. The people I've dated that I've known in person first have never amounted to anything.

    5) I've been going to college since 2005 and don't have a bachelor's degree yet. I've changed my major more times than I can count. So I work full time at a mortgage company and take classes at night (I have finally decided on nursing).
  • rlodin
    rlodin Posts: 19 Member
    1. I have two ankle bone things - one of them is just a random bone that grew.

    2. I used to play drums religiously for 10 years. I was in an indie rock, then black symphonic metal then tea party/tool/led zepplin escque mix mash of stuff. Now I spend all my spare time practising judo and trying to eat and excersise myself fit.

    3. Maybe its from living in australia my whole life, but I love snow and always try to organise holidays in them. I can't ski though :D

    4. I love all kinds of music, from duran duran, to kraftwerk, to metallica to morbid angel to emperor.

    5. I have melancholic depression and take medication every day to prevent falling into deep depression. I usually don't tell people that I know because they feel sorry for me and that annoys me a little bit, but i'm sure it will be ok on this forum haha. Plus, I think more people need to be open and honest about this stuff.

    6. I know, too many! I have an irrational love of drinking drinks out of aluminium cans. especially beer.
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    1. I am secretly obsessed with Kat von D.
    2. I love my feet. Like seriously, I constantly massage them, baby them. LOVE my feet!!!
    3. I love vodka, gin and tequila. And if I didn't have kids I'd probably be an alcoholic.
    4. I've never tried any illegal drugs.
    5. I know more about cars than I let anyone know about so I don't have to fix them.
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    1. I <3 Jane Austen. My favorite of her books is always whichever one I've read last.
    2. I broke my arm barrel racing when I was 15 and it's been held together by rods ever since which seriously affects my ability to do push ups. :(
    3. I was born with polydactyls as were a couple of my kiddos. My youngest daughter still has her extra toes.
    4. If there were a soundtrack to my life, Sanctus Real would be playing most of it...like 75% easy.
    5. Believe it or not (judging by my username), I never wanted to have kids. Sooooo glad my heart was changed.
  • Jeaniehop
    Jeaniehop Posts: 88 Member
    1 I have a phobia of birds and sock monkeys lol (I know it's crazy)
    2 I married my high school sweetheart (still just as much in love 14 years later)
    3 Nail polish lip gloss and shoes are the only things that keep me from being a total tomboy
    4 I secretly know more about cars than I let my husband believe lol
    5 I love to cook for people it makes me happy when they love my meals
  • cindycoley19
    cindycoley19 Posts: 39 Member
    1) I am a morning and sunshine kind of person
    2) I have Graves Disease (No Thyroid)
    3) I will be divorced in May and after 28 year relationship, I'm happy to be ME again
    4) I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ and am passionate about my faith!!
    5) I am a 48 year old Grandma of a beautiful 7 month old little girl named Claire!