

  • krhbutte
    krhbutte Posts: 246
    Hey Everyone!
    Hope all is well! I have a long weekend starting so I probably won't be on too much the next few days.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I posted a new picture my sister in law made me take a picture in the middle of shopping so there it is from the middle of good ole

    Hope ya'll like it

    Tomorrow will be 11 months since I started my weight loss journey
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Your pic looks great, who cares where it is! 11 months, that's a lot to lose in that amount of time. Way to go.

    I am having a mini freak out. I was stupid enough to hit apply on the website when jobs were posted while we were on vacation. There were about 6 positions in Kindergarten to 3rd grade, which is my certification. I got a lot of 'sorry the job was filled' things like 2 days later, so I thought I was safe. Today I got a call for an interview! AHHHHH!

    I go back and forth with this whole job thing- in fact I know I vented on here before about it. My kids are pretty self sufficient, they don't need me 24/7 like they used to- honestly they do their own thing more often than not. BUT, I've grown really happy with my life at home, doing my own thing, having time to myself, etc. I know the money would be huge, we really could use it. Sure it's not a big deal if we don't have it, but it would help tremendously. Every time I pay bills I think, "I need a job".

    My DH doesn't care, he's happy with me at home, but I also see the gleam of 'less money worries' in his eye when I talk about working again. Hence, probably the reason I applied in the first place. I at least feel like I'm making an effort to help financially.

    Who woulda thunk I would get an interview? Holy crap. I need to pay bills, I think I'll do it right before I go, then I'll be more into trying to get the job. :laugh: There is a part of me that finds appeal in doing something. Staying at home isn't all that fullfilling in a professional way. Probably one of my biggest freak outs is wondering how I would work out? Silly, huh? Most of you have jobs and still do it! I can too.
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    I hope the job interview rocks Lori! You'll make the right decision - it's a tough spot though.

    Hi guys - I'm back kinda. Been crazy, hectic and will continue to be that way. We will be changing computer systems first of August - going to be tough for awhile. Training the last week of July, trying to get all the ducks in a row, then BAM new system Aug 3. Yipes. Sooo not ready for this!

    We finally found an attorney to take our case. Our back yard has been flooded out every summer for 5 years now and it is causing mold to grow in our house - we live in a mobile home and rent the lot. The water is from their irrigation line being cracked. They refuse to fix it. Last year we had the health department and EPA out there and nothing got done, finally this year the health department issued them violations so there was enough hard evidence for an attorney to get interested. Finally. However, living with the mold growing all summer is causing health problems also. We are supposed to be moving at the end of this month. I sincerely hope it goes through!!

    So anyhow - that's my life at the moment. I browse here when I can, will try to post a little more. No change in weight yet, don't look for that to happen until we either move or the weather cools down and they shut off the irrigation system! Not gaining though :smile: Happy with that anyway!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hello BT!! Love and kisses to all.

    I earned an hour early leave from work today and used it to book a massage. I am one happy camper right this moment.

    Chicken in the oven cooking, good friends on line and the scale has been nice.

  • Tri_Dad
    Tri_Dad Posts: 1,465

    Tag :heart:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Off to bed everyone I know its early but I am pooped...

    Hope everyone has a great night

    chat with ya'll in the morning
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Tamara-You look so little and soooo young too! Keep it up girl!

    Beth-So glad the dress fits. That is awesome. And you can find bras that help with the top part.

    Tae-I see your ticker is still moving on up. 2 more pounds gone! Way to go Girl!!!

    Vanessa-good to see you back in the game girl!

    I hope everyone else is doing great too!!!! It was a long day at work and I am also tired but more so in need of a shower. It was very humid today. But on a good note, a lady I work with everyday side by side walked up to me today and said Girl the weight is just falling off of you. I said well I am glad you think so and thank you but the scale isn't telling me that. She said she could look at me and tell so that makes me feel better! Have a good evening everyone!!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    Tamara, you look great, you know you are losing weight when you can wear horizontal stripes and still look thin!
  • lynniejones
    lynniejones Posts: 1,291 Member
    How did everyone do with moving 30 extra minutes today? I have an hour lunch so I took a walk on my lunch instead of sitting on my lazy bupkiss.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    I moved today Lynnie! An hour on the treadmill, walked 2, ran 1 and then did fartleks for 1. I also lifted and felt like a million bucks. So much for the whining about going, it was dumb. Then I got home, got the message about an interview and wanted to binge eat all day just thinking about a job.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    How did everyone do with moving 30 extra minutes today? I have an hour lunch so I took a walk on my lunch instead of sitting on my lazy bupkiss.

    Family sabotaged me-- not happy tonight--

  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    How did everyone do with moving 30 extra minutes today? I have an hour lunch so I took a walk on my lunch instead of sitting on my lazy bupkiss.

    Family sabotaged me-- not happy tonight--


    Families! What were they thinking anyway? Don't they know what mom wants, mom should get? If only!
  • supersarah79
    I just got home from a 37 min bike ride. While I was riding I almost came home at 25 min cause it was getting dark, but then I thought of the challenge and kept going so I could at least make it past 30. I am going to try and post more this week, since I didn't post once last week when that was the challenge.
    I am excited to see other are doing half marathons. I have one coming up in August.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    How did everyone do with moving 30 extra minutes today? I have an hour lunch so I took a walk on my lunch instead of sitting on my lazy bupkiss.

    Family sabotaged me-- not happy tonight--


    Families! What were they thinking anyway? Don't they know what mom wants, mom should get? If only!

    Even once a month would be nice-- ya know?

    Oh well-- whaddyagonnado?

    With any luck, I'll get it moving tonight-- work be damned. Hubs just said "it's crunch night," meaning end of my pay cycle-- type, type, type to see how much I can post by midnight for next week's pay--

    But, pity the fool who tries to stop me from running-- let me tell you, it'll be crunch night all right-- :angry:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    note to self:

    do not stand between Marla and a well-deserved run - hope you got it in.

    I did not move in any significant way for 30 minutes yesterday, but I did go to work for a change and all the combined walking added up to at least 30 minutes - or is that cheating???

    Hope to get in a ride today - not up to 30 minutes, but my 5-10 minute ride plus 30 minutes of working on the ground with the horse should count...

    Damn back.... I want to do more faster.... :grumble: :angry: :grumble: :angry:

  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Well, I am certainly not brave (read:crazy) enough to stand between Marla and her running. Wish I had a picture of Mr. T right now. :wink:

    I did my 5 mile tempo run last night...and have decided that I really hate them. I know it will make me better, but I really don't like it. I'm definitely a fan of the longer runs.

    My ticker moved! How ironic is it that I have lost 4 pounds in the month since meeting goal and it took me 3-4 months to lose the last 3 before it. Strange times.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Morning Black Team

    This morning I had to change my heart rate monitor to my current weight since it had been 50 pounds since I did, I did my 5 mile walk and burned 415 calories which is still good but I usually burned 525 calories ( when it was wrong weight I guess). I guess I shouls have updated it awhile ago and it would not have been as bad.

    I gotta work with my DH tomorrow we own our own heating and air business and I gotta help him uggghh Talk about hard work, I should sweat my butt off lets hope.

    Well Hope all is good and have a great week. My scale has not moved since weigh in, these last 3 pounds are gonna take a month to get off I feel it.

    Thanks Renea and Lynn about my picture comments!!!!

    Off to get my friends baby
  • ksproston
    ksproston Posts: 6,933 Member
    Good Morning Team,

    Fighting a migraine again today. Argh. Movement, other than what is absolutely necessary, has not happened lately.

    My mini goal is to make it through the day without :cry: .
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Wish I had a picture of Mr. T right now. :wink:

    Wish granted--


    Great ticker movement, young lady-- !!!!!