Do you think you can judge...



  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    It really depends on how open the person is about themselves online.

    I know I wouldn't be able to judge myself correctly. I probably come across as Type-A and very opinionated online, but in real life I'm completely different. In real life I am overly-worried about offending people and concerned with what they think of me. I usually keep my opinions to myself if the people I'm talking to don't believe the same thing.

    In an anonymous online world, I don't care all that much what people think. By not having that barrier in place, I might sometimes cross the rudeness line that I would seldom cross in the real world.

    And there is the whole issue of articulation. Some people can articulate their thoughts better verbally or through writing. I can't expect to judge someone's intelligence/professionalism solely by their ability to write. I am a terrible verbal communicator, but much better at writing my thoughts.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    I wonder if they get together in real life as well.

    I love hanging out with my internet friends.

    am i invited to hang out?

    The more the merrier! BYOB!

    bring your own boobs? i have those..

    Sweet! Ill bring the beer!

    good i have beads!

    I like where this party's headed.

    beer, beads, boobs, what could go wrong?!

    Bongs, people. You forgot bongs.
    and blow
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    Why are u asking/ Afraid people may think you are as rude in real life as you are on the internet. @ AngieD80.... dogs dont eat dogs! You are so dumb.

    jealousy, maybeh?

    i know im jealous of angie (;

    Friend request sent!

    om nom nom
  • BeautifulRedButterfly
    BeautifulRedButterfly Posts: 316 Member
    I wonder if they get together in real life as well.

    I love hanging out with my internet friends.

    am i invited to hang out?

    The more the merrier! BYOB!

    bring your own boobs? i have those..

    Sweet! Ill bring the beer!

    good i have beads!

    I like where this party's headed.

    beer, beads, boobs, what could go wrong?!

    Bongs, people. You forgot bongs.

    i wanna come
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member

    The more the merrier! BYOB!

    bring your own boobs? i have those..

    Sweet! Ill bring the beer!

    good i have beads!

    I like where this party's headed.

    beer, beads, boobs, what could go wrong?!

    Bongs, people. You forgot bongs.
    and blow

    My name is Angie, and I like to party.
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    I can definitely see where you are coming from.

    I however, feel as though I cannot form an opinion of what someone is like in their home life, work life, etc. based on MFP or any other site. I don't see what one has to do with the other, but that's just my opinion.

    What is the purpose of acting differently on MFP or any internet site than you would normally? Doesn't it get exhausting to try and keep up a facade in order to gain more followers?

    Probably about as exhausting as it is to hold a grudge.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member

    Bongs, people. You forgot bongs.
    and blow

    In that case, hookers too...
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,079 Member
    All of these quotes are making my head hurt.
  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,339 Member
    Some people do act different. More confident hiding behind a computer screen than they would be in real life.

    stupid question=stupid answer :flowerforyou:
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I wonder if they get together in real life as well.

    I love hanging out with my internet friends.

    am i invited to hang out?

    As long as you're a *kitten*!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member

    beer, beads, boobs, what could go wrong?!

    Bongs, people. You forgot bongs.
    and blow

    you beat me!!!
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    I wonder if they get together in real life as well.

    I love hanging out with my internet friends.

    am i invited to hang out?

    As long as you're a *kitten*!

    Wait? So does that mean I am invited... I do believe I was referred to as a douche.. ????
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Annnnnd I can see where this thread is going...
  • Bongs? Wow... reported. I so just reported you guys.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Topic: Do you think you can judge...
    ...a person's personal, professional, etc. life, based on what they portray themselves as online? Why or why not?
    Sure, someone's online persona is only a fraction of who they are as a whole person. But if that online persona is in complete control of the person (i.e., we aren't talking about private photos or e-mail messages published online), then that is what the person is being asked to be judged on.

    This idea that "judging" someone, being judgmental, etc. is bad or wrong is silly. We all judge. It's how we determine what is good, bad, what we like, whether to pursue interests, etc. It's how our brains work. We need to organize/compartmentalize in order to make sense of things. We make judgments every day, all day long. Judging is discerning. We confuse judging with condemnation.

    So, to your specific original question, yes, I can "judge a person's personal, professional, etc. life based on what they portray themselves as online." That's assuming I am considering someone in a personal or professional context. Most people online don't get that far into my brain. But if I'm considering someone in a different context, I am going to rely on my previous experience with said person. That's judging. I try to remember that I could be wrong, and that I'm getting a glimpse of someone's true self. But yes, I (and everyone else) still judges. It's all we have to go by.

    Is it possible what you are driving at is whether it's OK to condemn someone based on those judgments, or publicly call someone out based on those judgments? Different question.

    I however, feel as though I cannot form an opinion of what someone is like in their home life, work life, etc. based on MFP or any other site. I don't see what one has to do with the other, but that's just my opinion.
    This is my opinion - my judgment if you will - but I think you are kidding yourself. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't lying. I don't think you are a liar. But I think you are mistaken here. You may be telling yourself "this is only the online representation of Bob" but if you think of Bob in the context of his home or work life, the only thing you have to reference is your previous interactions with Bob. And if those interactions are only online MFP interactions, then that's what you'll use. I don't think that's bad. I think that how people's brains work.

    For the record, I judge topics such as this as self-serving. Instead of posting your true intent up front, you drew people in to commit to an idea first, then posted what I've quoted above on page 4 of this topic. In my opinion, it comes across as you posted a very vague moral question without committing one way or another - as is you are simply curious. After lines have been drawn, you come in to state what I believe (judge) was your original intent: to demonstrate your belief/approach that seems better than other behavior on the forum.

    I hope you don't take this as a personal attack. I am merely judging your own posts and what I believe to be your intentions.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    I think you can accurately make SOME assessments about a person's personality. People only share what they want others to see online, and the way they choose to portray themselves speaks volumes about their actual character and the traits they value.

    True. It is all about the reader's perception of what has been portrayed by the writer/poster, NOT the intent of the writer/poster. One is judged by one's actions.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,832 Member
    Bongs? Wow... reported. I so just reported you guys.

  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    Please keep replies to a 5 sentence max. I am having a hard time keeping up. There is sooo much action in here.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    Why are u asking/ Afraid people may think you are as rude in real life as you are on the internet. @ AngieD80.... dogs dont eat dogs! You are so dumb.

    We got a fiesty one in here today. I once had a dog eat a stuffed toy dog, does that count?

    I had an old dog attack a younger dog and he got pieces eaten off of him.
    Also, some dogs eat their young.
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