Would you cheat?



  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    Its too easy to just say no I never would because put in certain situations who knows what you would do.


    Meet someone who makes you physically tremble just to stand near them, then you'd better be sure you can be strong.
    That's called lust and isn't worth losing love over.

    While its not worth losing love over, you cannot be absolutley 100% certain that you wouldn't give in to it in an extremely weak moment. We are ALL only human afterall!

    ^^this^^ and the one above that... have a friend I seriously think I can't be around unsupervised - is that love? no. i LOVE my husband (whom I've been with for close to 11 years, married almost 9). part of the problem is my husband is away on a work assignment for a year (NOT military). yes I feel lust, which is totally natural, but it'd be directed at him if he was home ;-)

    he'll be back soon, he'll be back soon, he'll be back soon, he'll be back soon....
  • Felidae_1981
    Felidae_1981 Posts: 200 Member
    Oh, and no I've never cheated nor would I. I think when people do there is something missing from their relationship and they either need to try and fix it or get out...then(!) find someone new.

    And if someone's only cheating because of weight gain/loss - then they're not worth your time anyway. That is way too shallow.
  • carrieebg
    carrieebg Posts: 20 Member
    Please never cheat. There is never a reason to cheat. It is devastating and crushing and hurtful and in no way is cheating ever acceptable for any reason.

    Your spouse could be horrible, and there is still no reason to disrespect yourself in this manor. Cheating is the lowest of the low.

    If your unhappy for a host of reasons there are many, many other choices to turn to, to correct the problem.

    Cheating is the wrong answer in every situation.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I would honestly break up with my SO if they got fat. Lack of self control is a complete turn off to me and makes me feel sick to my stomach. Its not so much that they got fat, its that they didn't have the discipline and that they were in denial about their weight gain.

    Dude,how vain and shallow could you be?
  • megandanielle2513
    megandanielle2513 Posts: 17 Member
    NEVER! I've dated the big muscle head....and the ripped toned dude...but now I'm with a guy who is an inch shorter and a little smaller compared to what I'm used to and I love him to PIECES! He is amazing and has turned my life around----all about personality! Yet I still find him sexy too!
  • MaryPhillips90
    MaryPhillips90 Posts: 236 Member
    This is a ridiculous question.
    Would you cheat? Yes. Then why in the world commit to a relationship?

    I would never cheat on my husband. If I had the urge, I wouldn't have started a relationship and I would have been a *kitten*. But I love my one and only.
  • cmmattison
    cmmattison Posts: 10 Member
    NEVER! I love my husband, his size didnt attract me, his personality did.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I would honestly break up with my SO if they got fat. Lack of self control is a complete turn off to me and makes me feel sick to my stomach. Its not so much that they got fat, its that they didn't have the discipline and that they were in denial about their weight gain.

    Dude,how vain and shallow could you be?

    I've come to realize there isn't really any such thing as too shallow when it comes to relationships. Everybody has different preferences and has a right to be happy, not be stuck with someone that no longer fits their personal preferences.

    How is not taking charge of one's health any different than not taking charge of one's finances? We would all find it acceptable to dump an SO who decides they are too lazy to pursue their career, why can't the same apply to someone who lets their health go?
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I would honestly break up with my SO if they got fat. Lack of self control is a complete turn off to me and makes me feel sick to my stomach. Its not so much that they got fat, its that they didn't have the discipline and that they were in denial about their weight gain.

    Dude,how vain and shallow could you be?

    I've come to realize there isn't really any such thing as too shallow when it comes to relationships. Everybody has different preferences and has a right to be happy, not be stuck with someone that no longer fits their personal preferences.

    How is not taking charge of one's health any different than not taking charge of one's finances? We would all find it acceptable to dump an SO who decides they are too lazy to pursue their career, why can't the same apply to someone who lets their health go?
    I married my husband knowing full well that he would age, change, sag, get wrinkles, etc. He married me knowing full well that my breasts wouldn't always be perky, I'd sag, get wrinkles, etc. I have never seen an 85yo man or woamn who was physically as attractive as they were at 25 or 35 or even 55. But I have see that 85yo man holding hands with his 85yo wife and looking at each other as if the entire world around them has completely dissolved.

    My grandma was a stunning beauty when she was young. When she was 72 she had a stroke an brain surgery. She went from looking like someone who could pass for 40 and still be a hot 40 to someone who was drooling, bald, had half her face sagging, and aged 40 years literally overnight. My grandpa never once looked at her any differently. I've been fortunate enough to see and be around a lot of loving, committed couples in my life but the look on my grandpa's face when he brought grandma home from the hospital and helped her out of the car - that was absolutely the purest love I've ever seen. It wasn't an "addiction" or "fake" or any of the other silly things people have said in this thread. He loved her because of who she was, not what she looked like.
  • chelbel89
    chelbel89 Posts: 161 Member
    I married my husband knowing full well that he would age, change, sag, get wrinkles, etc. He married me knowing full well that my breasts wouldn't always be perky, I'd sag, get wrinkles, etc. I have never seen an 85yo man or woamn who was physically as attractive as they were at 25 or 35 or even 55. But I have see that 85yo man holding hands with his 85yo wife and looking at each other as if the entire world around them has completely dissolved.

    My grandma was a stunning beauty when she was young. When she was 72 she had a stroke an brain surgery. She went from looking like someone who could pass for 40 and still be a hot 40 to someone who was drooling, bald, had half her face sagging, and aged 40 years literally overnight. My grandpa never once looked at her any differently. I've been fortunate enough to see and be around a lot of loving, committed couples in my life but the look on my grandpa's face when he brought grandma home from the hospital and helped her out of the car - that was absolutely the purest love I've ever seen. It wasn't an "addiction" or "fake" or any of the other silly things people have said in this thread. He loved her because of who she was, not what she looked like.

    ^^^ This. The object should not be to marry and then "leave" someone who no longer meets your "requirements of happiness" as someone else mentioned. The object should be to love and support each other through hard and easy times. If you see your partner struggling with weight, then help them! Encourage them! Support them and see how much faster things change, and how happier they become. You can not be a selfish, shallow, and self serving person in a marriage or any committed relationship. If so, then you are not mature enough to understand what a relationship is about, and should not be in one.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I married my husband knowing full well that he would age, change, sag, get wrinkles, etc. He married me knowing full well that my breasts wouldn't always be perky, I'd sag, get wrinkles, etc. I have never seen an 85yo man or woamn who was physically as attractive as they were at 25 or 35 or even 55. But I have see that 85yo man holding hands with his 85yo wife and looking at each other as if the entire world around them has completely dissolved.

    My grandma was a stunning beauty when she was young. When she was 72 she had a stroke an brain surgery. She went from looking like someone who could pass for 40 and still be a hot 40 to someone who was drooling, bald, had half her face sagging, and aged 40 years literally overnight. My grandpa never once looked at her any differently. I've been fortunate enough to see and be around a lot of loving, committed couples in my life but the look on my grandpa's face when he brought grandma home from the hospital and helped her out of the car - that was absolutely the purest love I've ever seen. It wasn't an "addiction" or "fake" or any of the other silly things people have said in this thread. He loved her because of who she was, not what she looked like.

    There is hope after all! Thank goodness.

    I hope that my new husband and I will be this way many years from now. I've only been married for 3 months, and some of these posts here really scare me.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I would honestly break up with my SO if they got fat. Lack of self control is a complete turn off to me and makes me feel sick to my stomach. Its not so much that they got fat, its that they didn't have the discipline and that they were in denial about their weight gain.

    Dude,how vain and shallow could you be?

    I've come to realize there isn't really any such thing as too shallow when it comes to relationships. Everybody has different preferences and has a right to be happy, not be stuck with someone that no longer fits their personal preferences.

    How is not taking charge of one's health any different than not taking charge of one's finances? We would all find it acceptable to dump an SO who decides they are too lazy to pursue their career, why can't the same apply to someone who lets their health go?

    Why,because its an unrealistic expectation to assume that someone will always remain physically attractive and never,ever, heaven forbid, let themselves go. We end up pregnant things change,you get sick or injured and end up gaining weight because you can.t be as active as you once were. We get old and change, that's part of life.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    I would honestly break up with my SO if they got fat. Lack of self control is a complete turn off to me and makes me feel sick to my stomach. Its not so much that they got fat, its that they didn't have the discipline and that they were in denial about their weight gain.

    Dude,how vain and shallow could you be?

    I've come to realize there isn't really any such thing as too shallow when it comes to relationships. Everybody has different preferences and has a right to be happy, not be stuck with someone that no longer fits their personal preferences.

    How is not taking charge of one's health any different than not taking charge of one's finances? We would all find it acceptable to dump an SO who decides they are too lazy to pursue their career, why can't the same apply to someone who lets their health go?

    Why,because its an unrealistic expectation to assume that someone will always remain physically attractive and never,ever, heaven forbid, let themselves go. We end up pregnant things change,you get sick or injured and end up gaining weight because you can.t be as active as you once were. We get old and change, that's part of life.

    Let me clarify this point then. If someone is really that concerned about pure physical attractiveness, then they probably shouldn't get married or expect to stay in a long-term committed relationship because surely their looks will degrade over time, and maybe that should be explained upfront if getting into a relationship.

    But I think that is a bit different than getting into a relationship with someone who is living a healthy lifestyle and active, and then down the road they gain 100 lbs and stop taking care of themselves. I think the partner has a right to expect much more from their SO, and I wouldn't blame them for leaving.
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    I have always cheated on every boyfriend I have been with, except my last one. I didn't cheat because of looks though, I cheated because I liked knowing I had some sort of control over them and their feelings. None of which makes it right and I am actually ashamed I spent most of my life purposely hurting people, but I would never ever cheat now. I believe when you're with someone it is because you love them for who they are, flaws and all. So no, I wouldn't cheat now, no.

  • good2bthaking
    good2bthaking Posts: 325 Member
    Hell no, i love my wife and she loves me.we have both seen each other at our worst. I intend to grow old and sit on the porch drinking coffee when we both fall apart. Wouldn't want it any other way!! Don't get me wrong. I still love to look at pretty women, but that's only the surface. With my wife I have the full package, Love, Trust, and a BEST FRIEND!!!
  • carlie_carl
    carlie_carl Posts: 285
    never ever would a real man cheat if he truley cared for his partner, I see nice girls get messed around all the time, it makes me sad that they are attracted to bad people. cos I know some great people who would put smiles on them nice peoples faces
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    I would never cheat in any relationship.

    If my partner/spouse were to gain weight, id try and motivate him to eat healthier and work out. I expect my partner to age over time, we can't always remain youthful.

    However, we can put effort to keep up our appearances (weight wise). Keeping fit & healthy is important to me. If my partner gained a enormous unhealthy amount and refused to do anything about it, it could be a reason to end the relationship. (Assuming it's not a medical issue.)
  • Karrix
    Karrix Posts: 288
    Double post, my bad.
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    Hell no. My husband is awesome whether he's 150 or 200 pounds.
  • cindy4mica
    cindy4mica Posts: 777 Member
    Never. I've been cheated on several times and I wouldn't wish that feeling upon anyone. Be supportive, or if it's too much for you to handle, just leave him/her and move on. It will hurt initially, but in the long run, you'll both know you were loyal.