2012 52 5/7 Challenge



  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    5/7 with one segment of kickbox buns and thighs and 22 min walk/ jog.
  • bjlilly
    bjlilly Posts: 8
    3/7 with a 3 mile walk, and work=out with the exercise ball.
  • 5/7 today 3.2 miles outdoors and 3 miles on the bike. Killer arms today with a man in the gym. I will run the next time I see him LOL
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Gosh you ladies are REALLY bringin it!!!! Good job!!!!:drinker:

    Could we all say where we are from??? I Verda am from Vida, Montana and right now I believe spring is here! LOVIN IT!

    My 5/7 workout was 1 mile in less than 10 minutes on the elliptical, my NROL workout and a 4 mile speedwalk with the furry kids!!!
  • First off, I am from Derby, KS, that is a small town just outside wichita, ks. & Verda, I thought spring was here also, especially since we never really had winter here. But I woke up this morning to the DJ's on the radio saying there was white stuff falling from the sky & they weren't sure what it was since we hadnt seen it in awhile. LOL. Only like .4 of an inch & all gone already, thank goodness, as my Daffodils are already blooming.

    Thinktank, I need to do something about my arms, they are my weakest body part. Anybody have any home type exercises. we have 2, 3, 5, & 8 lb weights.

    Busymom, that doesnt sound like a day off, that sounds like a workout!

    4/7 -- 46 mins on the exercise bike & 45 mins or so on the treadmill. I was going to do 40 & 40, but my book was really good while I was on the exercise bike and before I knew it I was at 45:56, so I thought I will just do 45 & 45, but my great nephew had piddled a little bit on the treadmill while I was on the bike & I forgot to clear it. So I walked til it said 55 mins and know I got my 45 in may a couple extra. My outside walking may be limited the next few days, my 6 yr old great nephew and 3 yr old great niece are staying for a few days. If my older niece stays the night for the weekend I will get a walk in outside, otherwise will all be house bound exercise.
  • 5/7 had a day off, so got in a good workout. Did my exercise routine & mixed it up yet again, 25 mins. Then did 40 mins on the
    exercise bike, followed by 35 mins on the treadmill. All in one flow, instead of breaking it up in bits & pieces throughout
    the day.
  • 6/7 Crossramp 1 mi 10 miles on bike. I am in my groove but I think a day off is coming soon.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Way to work it women!!!!

    6/7. I had an extremely busy day today. At school at 6:30 am., after schoo; I went and cleaned my bachelor friends house and when I got home I went for a 2 mile walk with my furry kids!!
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    5/7 today and I'm done for the week! Did Ripped in 30 - level 2 and 10 minutes on the elliptical. I also started spring cleaning my son's room. Took out 4 garbage bags full of junk and a big bag of toys that are too young for him now and started organizing all his toys again. Couldn't believe that I had just done this less than 6 months ago! Not sure how he collected and hid that much junk in kes than. 4 months! Hope you all have a Great weekend!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    6/7 with Kick box cross train kicks
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    You guys are killing it!!! Keep up the fabulous work!!

    My family is in town this weekend (yay!!!) but I'm on call (boo!!) so I'm at the hospital getting some work done before rounds and thought I'd pop over to see what's going on here. Lots of activity on this board! Will try to get some activity in this weekend if I can, but honestly I'm much more interested in playing with my brand new, 6 week old niece who is visiting, and who I won't see again for a few months. :bigsmile: I can't believe I'm going to have one that little in just a matter of a few weeks!

    As for the re-introductions request from Verda (good idea!), I live in Chapel Hill, NC and LOVE it. Go Tarheels!! Grew up in KY, did residency training in Pittsburgh and fellowship in New Jersey, so I've moved around up north a bit and happy to be settled in the south with the nice warm weather. I'm looking forward to some nice outdoor activity this spring on my maternity leave!!!

    Happy weekend all!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • 6/7 today with a 6 mile walk with mom, gorgeous day outside. Now going to take my 2 nieces and my great niece & nephew
    to see The Lorax.

    I can never resist spending time with a small baby. I've tried to tell all the people I sit for that one of them needs to have a baby, but none of them went for it. I miss having a little one to care for.
  • wanna_be_fit
    wanna_be_fit Posts: 1,516 Member
    Woo hoo, 2/7 today with a 45 minute walk on the trails in my neighborhood. The weather here is awesome, so my mom, sister, niece and i got a nice walk in. Hope you're all having a great day!!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Nice job girls!!!!!

    It was BEAUTIFUL here in eastern Montana (68*) so I walked 2.5 mi. with the furry children and then biked 15.5 mi. after I put them in the entry till I got back! I think my 7/7 was well earned!:wink:
  • I am 1/7 today. I did a 4 mile run/walk this morning. I am going to try and get something else done tonight.
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    1/7 today with my level 2 of ripped. Yesterday was my day off, but I walked with my daughter while she rode her bike for about a mile and then I played baseball with my son for about 30 minutes. I love the warm weather! It's so much easier to be active! Oh, and we are in the DC Metro area. It's supposed to be 70s all week!! Yay!
  • 1/7 Got the week started off right with a brisk 4 mile walk, depsite it being a little damp & cool. Felt good after spending 4 hours in
    the car.
  • bjlilly
    bjlilly Posts: 8
    1/7 just took my great-grandkids home and needed to walk after the drive, so just did 4.4 miles and it felt great.
  • I am 1/7 today. I did a 4 mile run/walk this morning. I am going to try and get something else done tonight.
    I went to the gym and did 3 miles on bike and 1 mile walk/swim in pool
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    1/7 was doing tons of spring cleaning (house AND yard) AND 9 miles on the bike! My back said thats enough!!!