"5 foods to never eat"...?



  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    Belief that there are foods that should never be eaten, barring allergies or adverse reactions, is patently ignorant.

    I agree 100%
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    now this got a giggle out of me!
    white foods
    white bread
    white pasta
    white flour
    white sugar
    white rice

  • DelilahFreeman
    DelilahFreeman Posts: 29 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    I think this is case by case, as with most diet regimens. My husband eats bananas often in order to get potassium and he has lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.
  • Aphreal
    Aphreal Posts: 103
    Side note, bananas burn my mouth. Now I know why, it's down right POISON!
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    I think this is case by case, as with most diet regimens. My husband eats bananas often in order to get potassium and he has lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks.

    LOL at the original quote. What a quack doctor. Going to eat my banana now. Like I do every single day.
  • kristindesigner
    kristindesigner Posts: 15 Member
    Here goes nothing....
    Fruit SHOULD NOT be avoided and DOES NOT slow weight loss.

    You're right, it doesn't slow weight loss, it REVERSES it!
    Read 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes to learn how wrong and unscientific your statement is.

    I love fruit, but it's full of fructose and fructose (as we should all know by now) is worse than sugar.
    It not only spikes insulin, (which causes fat storage) but (like alcohol) the only part of the body that
    can process fructose is the liver. This means the body treats it like a toxin.

    Of course fruit also has fibre, vitamins and other nutrients, but avoiding my beloved mandarins, apples
    and bananas along with all grains and dairy is the sole reason I've lost over 30pounds with little effort.

    beefwalker, I agree!

    This conversation is cracking me up. Everyone who is mentioning moderation is right on target. However, the way that certain foods apply to a diet is also very dependent on an individual's weight loss goals. What I mean is, a person whose goal is to lose 45 lbs can have a much different diet than a person trying to shed 5 lbs to rock a bikini on vacation. When you have a lot of weight to lose, you have more leeway because anything healthy is a good option. When you're down to ounces, though, a banana here or there might make the difference. :)

    Personally, I have found that cutting flour (not all carbs, just flour), dairy and sugar make a huge difference, even on a day-to-day level. I especially try and avoid flour, whether it's wheat, rice or whatever, because it's so processed that it doesn't provide a lot of benefit; it's just filler. What's the point in eating something to just fill up and not do your body good? So my five foods to avoid are:

    1. flour
    2. processed sugar
    3. dairy
    4. father-in-law's cheesecake
    5. fast food
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    Get me the hell outta this thread! :noway:
  • Bonsu10
    Bonsu10 Posts: 1 Member
  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.

    That's really odd and wonder why. I typically eat one a day and have lost quite a bit since January 1st. Doesn't seem to slow me down.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I'm not sure to what you refer, but for me the foods to never eat would be:

    raw habanaro peppers
    tomato dumplings

    because I hate those things
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Has anyone ever figured out what those are, without having to actually buy the ....so called report?
    And what about the one about losing stomach fat...5 foods to help eliminate stomach fat....
    just curious is all!!

    You know that internet ads for stuff like that are usually just scams made by people who are trying to make money off of you right?
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    now this got a giggle out of me!
    white foods
    white bread
    white pasta
    white flour
    white sugar
    white rice


    This made me laugh out loud... Both times I saw it.
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Food to never eat:

    1) Foods you don't enjoy
    2) Foods you don't enjoy
    3) Foods you don't enjoy
    4) Foods you don't enjoy
    5) Foods you don't enjoy
  • DanZiehm
    DanZiehm Posts: 152 Member
    One is banana's...although I don't know why...I think moderation is a key for me. If I agreed never to eat any of a particular food, ever again, I would probably crave it immediately! :ohwell:

    Wow... I didn't know that and that is bad news for me. I eat a banana every moring for breakfast. The potasium helps to deal with the soreness/cramping the day after I cycle. I'll try this, but like you, I'll be craving a banana the next day!
  • lrkidd
    lrkidd Posts: 74 Member

    I heard bananas were good for you in ...moderation, like maybe one a day. But I SOOOO dont like them, I like the flavor....just not the fruit.. weird huh??

    I just thought maybe I'd get some responses to this topic and be able to pass around some information on MFP....talking to those of you who have done research!! (is that selfish of me.....???)

    I so feel you on this one! I love banana flavor but cannot stand the way they "slime" down my throat. I also heard that they were especially good for you if you work out so I try to eat one daily.
  • Pashen4fit
    WoW and I love banana's (maybe because it helps my sugar craving)
    actually, i got a list of foods that will prevent you from losing weight from my doctor this week, and bananas is one of them.
  • donna_glasgow
    donna_glasgow Posts: 869 Member
    Yes, bananas are the reason why 2/3rds of all adults are overweight. It's got nothing to do with aisles and aisles full of refined sugar and processed foods in the supermarket. Use common sense.

    that made me laugh lol well said
  • Jenn_1990
    Jenn_1990 Posts: 14
    One is banana's...although I don't know why...I think moderation is a key for me. If I agreed never to eat any of a particular food, ever again, I would probably crave it immediately! :ohwell:

    I just read a topic about how bananas are the #1 food to make you feel full. :laugh:

    I eat a banana and am hungry about 20 mins later :(
  • lisabmcd
    lisabmcd Posts: 4 Member
    There is no "evidence" that white rice " sits on top of the lining of your stomach".
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I can't believe I read this whole thread. The only thing it did was make me crave my morning banana sooner than I would usually snack on it. Eating it now...I'll be hungry again before lunch, aww man!