How did you meet your significant other?



  • mnichol
    mnichol Posts: 642
    Nothing new now about this one, we met online, but......10 years ago when online dating was just starting. AOL had a FREE online service. I somehow stumbled upon his "ad" and the rest is history. We met 3 weeks later at a Friday's and have been together since then. The luckiest day of my life!!!:heart:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    I was working at a sub shop Boston Subworks and he worked in the place behind us Jeff's Backyard. I would see this really cute guy but never thought anything of it. I had worked at Boston's for almost a year and Brian walked in. I was really sick that day and he started telling me about some home remedies that had worked on his sons. I day dreamed about him for months and finally got up the nerve to give him my number! He didn't call me for 2 months. We went on our first date to Diversions because he didn't believe that I could whoop him at Tetris! I whooped him alright! I was 19 at the time and he was 31. Needless to say I kept him a secret from my protective family and then ended up pregnant about 8 months after we went on our first date. We've been together almost 3 years and my family still can't except the fact that i'm happy without them making every decision for me. Funny thing is I'm the only one in a relationship and with a child out of my 4 older siblings! We have our ups and downs but he :heart: 's me more than I ever imagined anyone could!
    Glad you're happy. My hubby is 12 years older than me and it has never been an issue with us either.
  • jules1984
    jules1984 Posts: 439 Member
    I went out on St. Patty's day with my friend Jayme (her 22 me 24) next thing I know she's got this guy "Jerome" hitting on her and his friend Dan starts talking to me. Jerome is drunk, spilling his drink on my friend, and making up obvious lies about his age and career. "I went to princeton, I'm a lawyer, this is my accountant, I'm 25" :laugh: He's 34 and works in a sandwich shop.

    Dan is also a little drunk but very sweet and honest. "Oh I do web design for the state, I'm 32."

    Jerome INSISTS on a double date and my most wonderful friend ever Jayme SUFFERS through this guy Jerry (not "Jerome" haha). It was like straight out of a comedy - him sleezily hitting on her and her shooting him down.

    Dan and I have been together 3 months and everyone insists we're practically married. He's the sweetest, most considerate guy ever, he loves my dog, we go camping and fishing and cook dinner together. I haven't spent a night alone other than my family vacation in two months. We're discussing moving in together in November!! :smooched:

    Jerry got drunk and trashed Dan's place. They're not friends anymore so Jayme is safe. LOL
  • jenniferscheller
    jenniferscheller Posts: 48 Member
    We met at LA fitness and we have been with each other ever since.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    I first saw my husband at an open mic night my band played first and he played after. I then officially met him at my best friends house, he saw my car with a keyboard and guitar in there and asked me to come over. I lived in a tent which is why I carried my instruments in my car. One day I decided to come over we jammed together(music is the best foreplay ever!) and he never let me leave. I wonder if my tent is still there?
  • Deb1971
    Deb1971 Posts: 41 Member
    I met my husband on a blind date at the mall (we were 18 and 19 at the time). We went into a candy store where I bought Peanut Butter Logs(the inside of a butterfinger)... When he saw what I picked he informed me he was going to marry me, I told him not a chance. We were engaged 8 months later. We have been together 18 years. Who knew!
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    Actually there is a bit more to my story, I watched him for about 6 months because I had no intention of dating the local town man *kitten*! to my surprise in that time he never once left the bar with anyone of the opposite sex! So one night on July 11 as a matter of fact I offered to go out to breakfast after work we all did it then, 2:30 in the morning breakfast. He said yes, followed me home so I could get out of my work costume, A corset and stockings deal, my babysitter left while I was changing. When I asked him where she was he said she left. I explained that I had a 4 year old daughter and now I could not leave. He said what about breakfast? I put my arms around his neck, smiled and told him I would feed him in the morning! The rest is history!

    That is how you pick up a DJ ! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    I met my hubby is a truly Canadian fashion... we met at Tim Horton's.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Online, in a chat room. We've been together 7 years now, with a 4 yr old daughter. :love:
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    Online on A social site for full figured women/men. I wasn't serious about looking for anyone, I was just there to co mingle. He emailed me with a witty, intelligent, funny, email. He had me at hello. This was in July. He drove 10 hours to see me in Dec. We traveled back and forth for a couple years after (him mostly coming to me). He still technically lives in another state, but he is mostly with me working remotely. It's wonderful finding the "one". I feel like we were meant to be together. :heart:

    We're happy! :smokin:
  • SatelliteCrush80
    SatelliteCrush80 Posts: 3,575 Member
    Online...he started talking to me after seeing an online profile, just four days after I'd been dumped via text message by my ex.

    We met in person on June 3, 2006...he had me at hello; became official June 6 of that year (06-06-06, what are the odds?) and I moved in with him April 11, 2009. This man is the love of my life, soulmate and best friend. I can't wait to be his Mrs. one day!
  • MarinesAggieWifey
    MarinesAggieWifey Posts: 4 Member
    We met online, tried unsuccessfully to talk on instant messenger for about a month, finally got a chance to talk on IM when my roomie wanted to go get food. I responded with "NOOOOOOoooooooooo!!!!" so she said to have him meet us (totally not like her) so he met us, didn't get a word in edgewise. He apparently liked something because he still contacted me after that lol. We dated for 3 days shy of 2 years, were engaged almost a year & have been married for a little over a year. :heart:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I was 22, he was 41. we worked in the same office and I had a mad crush on him, and my coworker and I used to try to guess his age. We knew he had kids, so we had him pegged at about 33-35. Right before my birthday, I was feeling saucy, so I called him over to my office, and told him my birthday was next week, what was he going to get me? He replied, with a devilish smile, "how bout me, naked, wrapped in cellophane?" I was speechless. and completely hooked. That was eleven years ago.......LOL I ended up getting fired for dating a coworker, but it was totally worth it!
  • kimberleysv
    I met her online. I know I know that sounds funny but it worked. 1 year in a chat room. 6 months long distance, and now 7 years together. It has been fantastic!:love:
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    " won her in a poker game"

    You gave me a great laugh!!!! Still laughing!

    And waiting for my "significant other". Thinking of taking up poker :laugh:

    I know I loved this one too! So hilarious....mine was my boss....and he had to fire me because I was horrible!
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    In the light bulb aisle at Lowe's :heart: :laugh:
  • Questfor250
    Questfor250 Posts: 155
    In a pool where she fell asleep on a floating raft and I kept her floating at my feet for two hours until she woke up. Yes, I was staring a lot too. She was great in a Red Bikini. The rest is history. 20 years in September. 2 great kids.
  • sheri3762
    sheri3762 Posts: 159
    Met him on Hallowee, got engaged on Christmas Eve, and married on Valentine's Day! But not in the same year!!!! And here we are 3 kids and 2 1/2 grandkids and 30 years later!!!
  • MirandaJayne
    MirandaJayne Posts: 600 Member
    We both worked at Zellers:love: (canadian wanna be equivalant to walmart or target, more like target). We were both cashiers, and he was and obviously is still, a year and 5 months younger than me. He was 16 and I was about to turn 18.... Scandilous!:blushing: 10+ years later we have been married 3 years as of June 30 2010.
  • Kristen81
    Kristen81 Posts: 342 Member
    At a bar...funny thing is I saw him the week before and totally made fun of him! The next week my mind was changed when I saw how happy and fun he was. We were friends for a few months before we got serious. 7 years....a 5 month old in September! I love him so :love: