30 day shred march



  • jbrow2487
    jbrow2487 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi All, I just started the 30DS today, and while I was huffing and puffing (because I haven't worked out in awhile :P ) I didn't find that I was absolutely dying even though I did all the moves and was making sure that my form was correct. I am currently feeling it in my quads. My question for the rest of you is, are you only doing the 30DS for your exercise each day? Or are you doing other work outs as well? Thanks :)
  • angielautenbach
    angielautenbach Posts: 119 Member
    I only did that for an excersize for the first 4 days. Now that it is a bit easier and I dont wake up sore anymore I add 20 minutes on the ellipical 2 times a week. Well see how I feel after level 2 starts and see if I will continue doing the elliptical.
  • lohofosho
    About to do day 5 on level 1 today. I have definitly noticed I have been less tired and out of breath, but boy am I sore from day to day

    Today I was randomly doing something and felt my arm and OMG I actually have a muscle!!! What!? Am very happy with my new found muscles and endurance.

    Going strong! :)
  • westcoastredhead
    i just did day 1 of level 2! really feel like i am seeing a difference in my waist/tummy and shoulders. i took before pics and am considering taking some more on day 15 the half way point. I am doing it every day and doing a workout class at the gym every day on top of it all. i have to see results when this is over or I will cry i think!!
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    I started on the 6th, so I'm on level 1 day 3! It felt like it went quicker tonight! Feeling good though fo sho!j
  • angielautenbach
    angielautenbach Posts: 119 Member
    D8L1 way great! Did the last bicylce crunch without feeling like I was going to die. My shins still hurt very bad. Going to switch to Level 2 tomorrow!!
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    well done I am thinking abou tchanging to level 2 as well day 9 today level 1
  • laurabell86
    laurabell86 Posts: 23 Member
    Today is Day 5 of level 1, ended up falling back a little because I'm trying to do the 6 week 6 pack at the same time. It's hard to get through both but I'm noticing a difference and it's keeping me motivated!
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    wow well doen not sure if id be able to do both thats great :)
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    well did 8 days level one and thendid level two just now and feel like I did when I started level 1 was a good work out managed it all but the plankmoves i find hard and have to follow the easy steps but manaed it all and enjoyed it
  • dogacreek
    dogacreek Posts: 289 Member
    I just finished D6L1. I've skipped a couple of days due to zumba classes, but I plan on doing two sessions tomorrow and two on Sunday. I'll be back on schedule afterwards. Burned 250 calories tonight.
  • HeatherFP13
    HeatherFP13 Posts: 81 Member
    Well...day 9 level 1 complete! I'm so tempted to go to level 2...but I'm going to stick with level 1 for one more day. I have gone to 5lb weights for all the exercises, but that last one is horrible! lol I went for a 2 mile walk/jog before doing it today...it was gorgeous out! One more day and we are 1/3 of the way through March! How is everyone doing?
  • angikaye
    angikaye Posts: 1 Member
    I've just recently started 30 day shred as well. Can anyone tell me how y'all are logging it on your exercise diary? For now, I've been putting it as circuit training. I couldn't see a better option.
  • angielautenbach
    angielautenbach Posts: 119 Member
    D9L2 So glad I decieded to switch to level 2! Definetly kicked my butt (in a good way) seemed to go by alot faster and was better on my shins. So excited for tomorrow being 1/3 of the way done!!!!

    I log it as circuit training 20 mins.
  • 2012slimjim
    On day 7 L1 today. Sadly enjoying it because you can physically see the results so quickly. Haven not list any weight for the last 2 weeks I cheated and measured yesterday. Unbelievably I lost 9 inches in the 6 days. 2 from my waist and 3.5 inches from around my belly button. I obviously have a lot to lose but this has really motivated me. So, after my 2 week plateau I hopped on the scales this morning and am 2.5 pounds down. Woop woop finally!!! It is so supportive knowing others are doing the same thing so thank you for this thread xxx
  • Trinketona
    Trinketona Posts: 190
    yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started today as well
  • rabbitts92
    hey just saw your post i'm on day 3 of level 1 . So glad i'm not the only one feeling sore (can't walk down stairs without pain) but amazingly it makes me more determind to do it every day !!? I hope the results are as effective as the pain all over my body.
  • lorim77
    lorim77 Posts: 63 Member
    Day 14, L2 (Day 4 of doing L2)
    I did 30 minutes on the treadmill yesterday before I did 30DS and I noticed a huge difference in my endurance during the DVD. My only issue is that I've somehow gotten a shin splint on my right leg. Ouch! I'm working through it but I have had to go a bit easier on the jumping parts. Been following Anita most of the time.
    Tomorrow I'm halfway through and I'm already amazed with my results. My tummy feels tighter, I'm standing up straighter and I'm getting some definitionin my arms. Can't wait to see what I look/feel like after Day 30
  • mummytobeslim
    mummytobeslim Posts: 367 Member
    everyone seems to be doing so well .I will be doing day 10 today ,went on tolevel 2 early wanted top push myself a bit more .I hoep i loose some inches off my tummy ,never measured ,but might just do that as still have20 days to go x
  • lorim77
    lorim77 Posts: 63 Member
    Do it! I measured on Day 10 and couldn't believe the inches I lost! It's such a motivator for me. My weight hasn't really gone down at all but I don't even care since I see the inches falling off. I want to have measurements from each level completed to see where I lost the most. I'm already thinking about what to do after I've completed all 30 days. Was thinking of 3 days a week, one day of each level. I also bought Shred with Weights and Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. Might work those in as well.