

  • shastar
    shastar Posts: 21 Member
    There are so many posts on this thread, I just wanted to reply to someone. I read an article too about lifting weights like 15 years too late. I have started weight lifting too and I cut out almost too much fat having 20 grams leftover at end of day. I am trying to put back in some fat so the number is closer to zero at end of day for fat.

    You must be feeling fabulous for 35 years and getting sooo close to your goal. We are at number 26 years.

    Keep in touch!:smile:
  • banditbonnie
    banditbonnie Posts: 18 Member
    Wow a thread from people my age. I'm fairly new to MFP and am stumbling along through the message boards. I lost a few pounds but nowhere close to where I want to be. I've been walking the treadmill diligently and was making progress then I woke up and my knee was killing me. My greatest fear was to hurt myself creating a lapse of exercise. My mindset has been to eat to live, not live to eat. A ftiness guru thinks I just pulled a hamstring, nothing torn. So I'm luckily just walking until he checks it again. I don't have a lot of friends on MFP so if you want to add me, please do. I hope I can find this thread again. It's nice to see issues of women in my age bracket.
  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.The weather in Charleston SC has been great. I love:love: walking in this weather, and the azaleas and daffodils :flowerforyou: are out. I am planning on working out in the yard this afternoon. Unfortunately I gained 1 pound :cry: this week but it will come off again. Being in Myrtle Beach last weekend and we had to go out a couple times this week.
  • graycatbird
    graycatbird Posts: 14 Member
    Hi, everyone! Thanks for the welcomes! I've been thinking about my goals for the rest of the month, and they are:

    1. Cardio exercise six days a week (I already do five, but I'd like to ramp that up a little).

    2. Strength training at least four days a week.

    3. Emphasize veggies and fruit more -- try to plan meals and snack around them instead of having them just be incidentals.

    4. Log food and exercise every day, even if I blow it foodwise.

    It's a gorgeous day here in Maine, and spring seems to be on the way. Of course, that doesn't mean we won't get slammed by a late snowstorm before spring actually gets here (or even after!).

    Hope everyone has a great Sunday.

  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good morning ladies, I missed a day. Friday night Heather and I took 5 of grandchildren to Lafayette to spend the night. My Godchild's birthday party was sat morn and we took kids. Then we shopped til we dropped then home. We gave Heather 30th birthday party and was my job to keep her away til time to start. It was a surprise. We had a nice party with friends and family. ended late and of course time change so I am dragging this morning. Did pretty well on food but did not log. Did have some cake but just small piece. Was holding her friends newborn so forgot to eat supper. Today is my baby boy;s 24th birthday. Heather's real bd is wed. they were born 6 years and 3 days apart. Today is also 11 years since my moms death. She died on Matthew's 13th birthday. bittersweet day. I plan to go workout later today when ken gets off work or when heather wants to go. she joined last week. I hope you are all having a great day. did not read posts. I will try to go catch up now.
    vicki m
  • susanp15
    susanp15 Posts: 25 Member
    Michele, yes Route 611 area has certainly grown! We've lived here now for 32 years and can't believe the difference. I sent you a "friend" request.:smile:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good Morning! I just read all the posts and want to welcome our newest members! Look forward to getting to know you better...you'll love the support and friendship you will find here!

    Janemartin: Thoughts and prayers to your dear friend!

    Sorry that I don't have time to respond to more individually today, but I am off to "play" with the granddaughters again today...it is a beautiful day here in chicago, so I will got put together a picnic lunch to take to the park so that the 3 year old can "RUN" around with some younger playmates today!!! What fun to be here with them:love::love:

    Have a good one!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Sunday morning! :flowerforyou:

    Jumping for joy here, finally, yes FINALLY found the trail leading down from the dreaded Plateau City. I've lost a little over a pound, must have dropped it up on the edge of the cliff yesterday while frantically searching for a way outta there. I tell ya, I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off! Might have to add that title to my list of personal exercises. :laugh:

    Went out with friends last night, played cards and drank a couple pints of stout, :drinker: my goodness did we ever laugh and have fun. I sure needed it after this very stressful week. :cry: I'm still pining the loss of my dear neighbor lady, but I found out her doggie is doing fine with his new family, which is a great relief.

    I've defrosted a chicken with its head is cut off (LOL oh that's bad) which I'll be simmering this morning in the soup pot with tons of vegs for stock, and will be making a lower-fat-single-crust chicken pot pie for dinner tonight. I'll skip having toast with Sunday brunch in order to allow for a bit of crust this evening. It's all such a balancing act.

    Oh my gosh I just looked at the clock and realized Daylight Savings started today! :noway: I'd better get up off my duff. Let's have a great day everyone, and as always, thanks for being here. :smile:

  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    Hello again ladies. How many times can I restart this journey to a healthier me? I feel like I take a few good steps forward but something comes along & I go almost as many backwards.

    Off to read posts & gain inspiration from you lovelies.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Love to sleep in Sundays!

    Hope everyone remembered to change their clocks...I do so hate losing that one hour in the spring.

    Welll I'm keeping everything in line this weekend...so far...but am hoping that I will continue to be good the rest of today. I did my Kettlebell workout yesterday and boy am I sore today, but it's good sore feeling:love: I will have to get it on a regular schedule.

    Got all the mending done yesterday and managed to clean up a few piles of papers, wish I was that productive all the time, but alas I'm not:blushing:

    Today we are off to pick up my wedding ring from the Jewelry store (it needed repair) and then to a movie. We have been watching season one of Downton Abby and have been loving it. Hubby reads a lot of British mysteries and I read a lot of British regency novels so just seeing the place they have used for filiming the main house is fabulous.

    I must get going so we can get out and about. Everyone have a good day, grab a glass of water:drinker: and keep drinking then get moving...it really does make us feel better.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Hello again ladies. How many times can I restart this journey to a healthier me? I feel like I take a few good steps forward but something comes along & I go almost as many backwards.

    Off to read posts & gain inspiration from you lovelies.


    Just checked out your bio and saw where you are from...the last book I read the people in it were from Buckinghamshire. I know how you feel about starting , stopping and going backwards.....hang in there going forward is sure to get easier:flowerforyou:

  • friigirl
    friigirl Posts: 7
    Hello everyone, I just found this board and look forward to getting to know you all. I made a good start with exercise and counting calories. Had a near miss auto accident two days ago and it put a wrench in my exercise plan. "No exercise for a couple of days," said the doctor. I really miss the calories that come with the work out. I hope to get outside for a long walk today. I'm really grateful you are all here and that car situation was just a bad neck strain and not a fatal incident.
  • friigirl
    friigirl Posts: 7
    Hi I am also new this month, would you like to be friends? Give each other personal support? :happy:
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    Count me in!
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello My Name is Kathy & I am new to MFP I would love to join this group I need support and goal setting is huge for me I am not super savy when it comes to chats or forum groups not sure how to join this group but would love to be apart of this I am turning 50 this year and I have about 200 lbs to lose I have been strength training for a few months trying to get my body fit enough to start hitting it a bit harder. My first goal on this journey was to hold a plank for one minute and I did that last week super proud of that achievement but the bottom line is I want my health back & I want to lose weight & feel better as well as look better. Just like all of you I am sure. So any and all advise encouragment would be much appreciated
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Welcome to all the new ladies. Looking forward to getting to know you.

    friigirl-glad the accident was not worse. Take care of yourself.

    jb-So glad you found your way out! :drinker:

    Have a great week everyone!
  • realpure
    realpure Posts: 156
    Happy Sunday!

    Nancy, you are my hero! Love a great teacher and I'm confident in all cases it is someone who loves his or her job. We need more great teachers. Hope you have a great spring break! Sounds like you have a great break planned "low key".

    I subbed 4 days last week................ I got two lettters, one standing wave by an entire class in the cafeteria (1st grade) and an invitation to a 7 year olds birthday party. =-) and "cobat pay" - I think that was yours Nancy. Too funny!

    Busy weekend with the kids and their constant stream of friends. Warmer weather always keeps our house full. We went to see The Lorax today. Very cute with a great message.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. I have learned so much here this last few weeks. It is helping me feel more connected with my body and health and it's been fun too!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • SharryC
    SharryC Posts: 6 Member
    My goals for March ... exercise 4 days a week. Lose 5 pounds.
  • yclayton
    yclayton Posts: 44
    hello everyone!
    yikes did i blow it this weekend! we had the grandchildren ages 4 and 2 since friday, and they like to eat out, which their fitness and nutrition obsessed mother rarely does with them (except the occasional maggianos they love italian), she makes all kinds of healthy food. since we had lilys first horse show sat am (lily won blue ribbons in lead line obstacle and in walk class, plus a special award for being the youngest rider!), and then lessons with our trainer in the afternoon plus chasing lucas all over creation at the show and thru the barn and pasture at home, he really loves to run, we were all too tired to figure out dinner, so went out and we ate like crazy people. then today after church, we did it again, we picked up pizza and took it home to eat with friends who came over. after nap we took the children home. so now not only do i feel major guilty about pigging, i actually feel a little sick from all the spagetti, ice cream and pizza i ate this weekend. kinda like a blob. like i can feel all the salt and fat cloggin up by body. so tomorrow back on track, and i think it wont even be that hard, considering how i feel now! i feel like i need to sweat all the yuk out! so it will be off to the gym, working in the barn, riding both equines, and hopefully a little house straightening plus some flower planting in the plan. just browsed quickly thru the posts, sounds like most are having a good weekend, so keep at it everyone! yvonne
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii today. Tomorrow I'll do some yoga and then take the extremepump class.

    Welcome banditbonnie. I love to cook, too. Always trying new things (much to Vince's dismay!). Today I made fudge to take to my daughter, Rice Krispie bars to take, her birthday cake (a chocolate fudge cake with chocolate ganash only I think I may have used too much cream, asparagaus soup (asparagus was on sale, so I thought I'd give it a try) and pork chops for dinner tomorrow (so all I have to do is heat them up)

    How I love when we sping ahead! How I hate it when we turn the clocks back. How depressing! I love when it stays lighter later. Yea! I'm in my glory.

    Don't know how I did on my food today. Did lots of cooking (like I told banditbonnie). So that means lots of "tastes". Oh, that reminds me, I still have to portion out the soup.

    Welcome friigirl and fitz1191! WTG, fitz, on the plank!

    yvonne - congrats to LillyNeed to take a shower and then off to watch TV and beddybye.

    I've been cutting down tablecloths to fit our banquet table, our Ikea table, and the card table. I get these tablecloths at a real cheap price. Like I just got one for the Ikea table to JC Penney, it was $5. OK, so it's a Christmas one, but at that price I can use it downstairs.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.
