Things people do at the gym that you hate



  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    Theres one woman who insists on talking to me when I'm on the elliptical about what shes having for dinner or the price of cheese.
    Then another time someone commented on the amount of sweat I had produced. I'd like to see them doing 60 minutes on the elliptical at full pelt, while listening to some biddys inane drivel about shopping and the most boring subjects you could imagine, while trying not to have a nervous breakdown...
    And there's one guy on the excercise bike who makes noises like a cat with its tail stuck in the car door.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,670 Member
    This. Especially the "beasts" who believe it's their right to pile on plates on the leg press then leave them. If your sister or mother wanted to use it, would you leave it and have them rerack it? Well then don't expect others sisters or mother's to do it either. Put your weights back!!!

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Gemp2307
    Gemp2307 Posts: 22 Member
    Women w/o any kind of bra. ?????????????????????
    YESSSSS!!!! and also, for no reason at all, people who are inappropriately dressed.. denim? ballet pumps?? a girl in aerobics class once wearing punky rock t shirt, ripped denim cut offs, and black tights. also sport team uniforms, full team kits, socks pulled up to the knees... for no reason, this stuff bothers me
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    1. Guys who don't rerack plates that are really heavy, which makes it very hard for little women to take the bar apart and rerack and get weights that are my size.

    2. People who take 10 minute breaks between sets to talk to their friends while I'm waiting on a machine. If you take ten minute breaks between sets, you aren't really exercising.
  • alikat42
    alikat42 Posts: 213 Member
    I'm all for wiping down your machines, but...

    My gym has like 5 thousand ceiling fans on high at all times. So, if you need to clean the machine next to me please do one of two things:
    1. Spray the towel over by the cleaning station OR
    2. Stand between me and your machine

    I regularly get a disinfectant shower mid-workout because neither of these things occur to people.
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    i get so annoyed with the girls who get all dressed up just to work out, and then dont even break a sweat!
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    People who take the elevator up to the second floor workout area make me insane! There's this one guy who takes the elevator to the second floor then gets on an elliptical for 45 minutes or so. What, that flight of stairs is going to push you over the edge? I don't think so.
  • jgondor
    jgondor Posts: 145 Member
    People using the equipment that I want to use. Selfish I know, but then that is about all that annoys me at the gym.

    i totally agree! i cannot stand when people use the machine i want to use. i get so pissed! haha
  • Myles_D23
    Myles_D23 Posts: 51 Member
    Sorry to say but people who fart while on the tread mill. When I am running I do not want to have to run through a sulfur cloud and start gagging.
  • ahipsher
    ahipsher Posts: 46 Member
    The girls that do their make-up before they go to the gym.
    I use the gym in my university apartment complex, and you can tell the difference between those who are coming there straight from class and those who just curled their eyelashes before hitting the treadmill.

    And when big groups of friends come in together and just sort of hang around and chat on the machines.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    I had an older woman ( 60+ ) get on the treadmill next to me just a couple minutes after I started and synced her timer with mine on the machine so she could cover the screen as she walked with the newspaper she was reading and when she wanted to check how much longer she had, she leaned over to see my timer. Was it really going to kill her to lift a newspaper up enough to see her own timer?

    I'm also mildly bothered by the guys that come in pairs to the weights and have a loud conversation about some really rude things. I have my headphones in and my music going but I lower the volume since I'm aware if I'm next to someone it's likely they can hear it (especially any metal I have on there) and yet I STILL hear those guys. Talk about your reps and whatever, but don't talk about how much of a pain in the butt your "baby mama" is being.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    There is far too much *****ing going on in this thread.
  • dawnhite7778
    When they stay sitting at the machine even though they are done talking to someone for like 15 plus minutes or any length of time. If you are done get off and clean it and stand and talk so other people can use it.
  • jandk09
    jandk09 Posts: 99 Member
    stare while your working out
  • KickassAugust
    KickassAugust Posts: 1,430 Member
  • Stazed
    Stazed Posts: 55 Member
    not re-racking weights and dropping them (don't mind once in a while if you genuinely struggle to finish the rep but not repeatedly!) if you can't set them down don't pick them up!
  • staps065
    staps065 Posts: 837 Member
    People who wear the same clothes to the gym every day! Now, unless thay have 5 identical outfits and/or wash their gym clothes every night, ewwww! I see this with some guys and girls! I can understand a guy being gross like that, but a woman? Really!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    I really hate it when the kids from the college come in and hog all the machines but don't actually use them.

    I really hate loud grunters. There is a guy I see quite often who goes on the bike and I swear, you could hear his grunts in France!

    There is also another really freaky guy who is there a lot who talks and sometimes even shouts at himself. It freaks me the hell out!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    People that walk under my 70kg bar when I'm shoulder pressing.

    That PT that insists on standing right behind me when I'm doing hang cleans when she could clearly be rep counting somewhere else.

    Guys that kick the front of the treadmill with every step. 20-30mins of 'doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof doof'

    Oh and people that want all of the plates taken off of the leg press when they could use the machine instead if they can't lift 100kg.
  • Chloe_Chaos_
    Chloe_Chaos_ Posts: 150 Member
    Yes I am a girl. Yes I'm lifting weights near or in the manly man section but DO NOT ask me if you can "get a few reps in" while I'm in between sets for 30-60 seconds. I'm not your friend, I'm not sharing, use this when I'm done.

    Please don't measure your biceps in the public domain, have your gym man friend do it in the locker room or in your house.

    I don't care if you grunt a little, but don't have your buddies screaming at you to "GET IT UP!", if I have my headphones in (they cancel noise) and I can still hear you, we have a problem. Not to mention being a guy with a bunch of guys telling you to get it up must be embarrassing.

    Please please please, wear a freaking bra. I'm not asking for much. If you're going to do cardio I would prefer not to see your boobs touch your knees then bounce back up into your face. Plus nipples looking at me while I'm trying to concentrate is horribly awkward and distracting.

    There are many more things that bother me lol. I love going to the gym but sometimes the people at the gym need a lecture!