This lady said that Kim Kardashian is FAT!



  • AlbionLass
    AlbionLass Posts: 136
    I think she could do with losing ten pounds or so and toning up but she certainly isn't fat by the standards of the majority of the population, she has a lovely shape, pretty face but needs a haircut. Always looks to me like she needs to exercise more.
    I think that the majority of women who have her body type would be much heavier than she is, she's a bit of a freak of nature.

    Personally I'd take athletic over curvy if I could choose a new bod.
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    Do people wonder why eating disorders are on the increase when someone with a figure like that gets such negative comments.

    I do not follow her antics but from the scraps that I have seen there must be loads to have ago at her for, but the shape of her body is not one of them.

    How many of the people who have said she is fat have commented on success stories where the person posting has done really well but has more fat that Kim? I really think people have double standards here and just feeding the world of celeb.
  • Do people wonder why eating disorders are on the increase when someone with a figure like that gets such negative comments.

    I do not follow her antics but from the scraps that I have seen there must be loads to have ago at her for, but the shape of her body is not one of them.

    How many of the people who have said she is fat have commented on success stories where the person posting has done really well but has more fat that Kim? I really think people have double standards here and just feeding the world of celeb.

    thank you. people are freaking unbelievable--so is UNDERWEIGHT the new "thin" and "healthy"??--how frickin sad.
  • betsygw
    betsygw Posts: 43 Member
    I would die for her body!! Beautiful curves, not fat at all!!!!!!!
  • tashaa1992
    tashaa1992 Posts: 658 Member
    She could just be jealous, it's a terrible thing but we all get it. I think Kim is absolutely beautiful, she's an excellent role model for young girls I think. One good example of a terrible role model would be barbie. If you look at how much she has changed over the years(weight and measurement wise) you'd be appaled. They're sending out the wrong message to young girls. Kim is beautiful as she is, it's just envy.

  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I think she has an amazing body. She's a bit to short for my liking (I'm 5"11 and just can't imagine being under 5"). But she has great boobs, and a great curvy *kitten*. The best thing is that she has a flat stomach, even though her body allows her to carry extra weight in the right places - *kitten* and tits. If I put on weight it straight away goes to my arms, stomach and face. The best parts get it last. I think her legs could be sexier, but that would probably happen if she was a bit taller. I was looking at pictures of her the other day and realised that he face has totally changed from 6 years ago. I really don't think she had a nice face back then. But she does now. I think she got rid of some facial hair, pimples, lightened her skin, got a new make up look and might have had some plastic surgery (fillers and nose?)
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    I think she has a fat head.. she is way overrated.. yes she is beautiful.. but what exactly did she do to become famous?? Party exbff of paris hilton and a sex video.. big whoop
    this... And she is creepy without her pound of makep on. Lol
  • DS67ATX
    DS67ATX Posts: 289
    She has a great looking body and a phat *kitten*.
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I think Kim is a really pretty woman, but if someone is going to be famous for their nice butt, I think they could find a better one than this. Just sayn'
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    shes not thin. but she's not fat either. she looks fine, especially considering her body type.

    Agree. Shes not skinny or fat.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" .. Plato

    she's a little "soft" looking but who am i to nitpik?
  • nyd_12
    nyd_12 Posts: 12 Member
    I don't think so... she's just right for her size.... she's a little curvy & there's nothing wrong with that
  • She looks to be about a UK size 12 there, but her shape suggests she works out and keeps fit otherwise it would all be jiggling. Like someone above suggested she could lose a few lbs, but if she's happy as she is then no one would or should berate her for it, as she looks curvy and healthy. That's how my body is, so some of the comments here make me :(
  • mewaybright
    mewaybright Posts: 240 Member
    I do believe she has all the right curves in all the right places and there may be a little padding on her but in no way does she have to drop it... she has a very nice body as women's body's go... No need for improvement there...
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Oh, and by the way, very few professional photos are "as taken". This photo probably had a nip at the waist.. at the very least.
    Check this out.
  • I think she looks great.
  • hanahlai
    hanahlai Posts: 281 Member
    She has a cute figure. With that said, I personally for myself would want to be slimmer and toned and muscular. I don't think she should have to lose weight though unless she felt like it. I also don't think other women who have her figure are "fat" or "gross." It still looks better than the 'average' woman's body.
  • warnerl1
    warnerl1 Posts: 25
    Spoken truly like someone with no hips or shape who is a size 0 that wants to make anyone not a size 0 who can never be a size 0 feel bad about themselves. Good job.

    Oh my goodness I could not agree with you more!! I have a small stomach and a huge butt/hips. I always have... my mom has a large butt and a small stomach as well. It is my genetics and I can't change that. I am not under the impression that my hips/butt/thighs could not be more tone though. I personally don't like KK just because I think she is overrated, but she is beautiful and has a beautiful body. Also, I know my boyfriend would be extremely upset if I lost all my junk in the trunk lol
  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    I am absolutly in awe, I have read person after person talk about how she is big/overweight/too much (yes many people thought she looked great)...but looking at her and then I look at me and think...damn I am in trouble if people really think she is fat. To think I was just starting to feel better about how I look...damn..damn..damn. You know I wonder if someone with her measurements and weight were part of the MFP community and they posted that pic if people would say that person looked great or incredible or gut is that they would...and yes I am aware that it is different and she is a celebrity, but wow honestly I would be psyched to look like that. I don't think she looks even a little bit fat, she looks great! Funny I just got done reading a thread about how most men that answered said they like their women with confidence which she has but size did not matter so much...**hanging head and walking away sad...self-esteem not fully intact**:sad: ;-)
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    what the hell!! if this girl needs to lose weight then there is no hope for the rest of us...what on earth is the world coming to!!!! give me strength!!!!!!