Married ladies....



  • rmoles18
    rmoles18 Posts: 7 Member
    My husband definitely knows, only because i say - CAN YOU BELIEVE I WEIGH THIS MUCH??? lol but if i didnt tell him, he would probably say about 20 pounds less than I am. I say this only because I weight 185 and look like I weigh 140. Im 5'8" and a size 8-10(depending on brand). I dont think they really need to know - if i didnt freak out about it in front of him he probably wouldnt know and also if i kept secrets better (haha) then he wouldnt know. let them think what they want, who are we to tell them otherwise?? :)
  • wells0707
    wells0707 Posts: 251 Member
    Nope, but if he asked I would tell him. It's not something that I would hide from him, but it doesn't affect him in any way either so I never bothered to bring it up. Weight doesn't matter to him. At every weight he has always called me sexy.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    Mine would be terrified to say anything. . .

    As for the starter of this post who is 5' 3" and size 6 at 150 lbs, you MUST have big bones and good muscle tone. I am 5' 3" also, and at 150, I wore size 14, and sometimes it was a bit tight!

    Thankfully, I am much smaller now. But it amazes me just how different everyone's body is!
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,089 Member
    my SO knows, because he was with my at the hospital and listening while I was answering questions about weight ect.
    But I don't like him to know, as I weight more then he does most of the time :(
  • Yes my husband knows what I weigh. We celebrate each milestone together. I'll get on the scale and announce the new weight for the week or whatever and he'll wake up to applaud (he works at night) and then go back to! If I don't lose one week, he'll say encouraging words like take it will come and things like that. He is very supportive and motivating.
  • angiebarker
    angiebarker Posts: 127
    My love has been with me through all my ups and downs and he was even with me at my lowest so always knows how much i weigh. if i lose i usually tell him. we dont keep weight a secret.
  • Miajulia
    Miajulia Posts: 2 Member
    We have been married 37 years and he never complains or talks about the weight I have gained which is 90 pounds more than when we married. He never asks what I weigh, and I don't tell him. What is kind funny though, I never realized he had gained so much either. When I did see how much he weighed I was amazed to hear he weighed as much as me!!! I think it would be the same for him too, he would be amazed to know I weigh as much, Love is blind in some relationships I guess .
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    Mine knows but doesn't really seem to care. I don't think the number means anything to him, he just likes the results :wink:
  • ruggedBear
    ruggedBear Posts: 295
    I tell my husband when I hit a small goal, like dipping under a certain mark on the scale or dropping a pant size. If I'm frustrated with slow progress, talking about it with him helps me stay motivated. I've never been shy about anything with him (after 17 years together there's no mystery anymore) - he's even seen me inside out (C-Sections, with all my guts and extra yellow stuffing hanging out :wink: ) so what's a number compared to that?

    In a way I think it's motivating him too - he realizes that the 20 lb difference that always existed between us (me usually being 20 lbs lighter than him at any point) has stretched to more than 50 lbs! He's recently re-joined his gym and I can't wait to hear about his progress!
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    He does but only because I weigh myself all the freakin' time and report it to him...not sure he cares but I am sure he knows.

    This just made me laugh!
  • JAG1224
    JAG1224 Posts: 191 Member
    Hubby knows my weight but if I ask him what he thinks I am he always guesses less! Either he's stroking my ego or I look it.. guess I'm big boned too! HAHA!
  • bellevie23
    bellevie23 Posts: 208 Member
    Well we are divorcing, but yes, he always has, we met in the military, weight is something that has to be maintained, once I got out it still was something we discuss, even now going through our divorce we discuss it lol, not just mine, his as well as he is trying to get to 7% body fat and is pretty close where as Im just trying to lose the baby weight :laugh:

    My take on it is that I shouldnt have any reserves on talking about it, he slept with me when I was tiny and he slept with me when I was bigger, the actual number should have little to do with it. I am one of those who always have looked less than what I really am, if you are ashamed to say your weight to someone then that is prob where you should know you want to make change. I will continue working out until Im proud to say my weight, but it has never stopped me from telling him...or anyone for that matter..
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    yes my hubby knows how much i weigh, everytime i weigh in i tell him my new weight.
  • marynmarty
    marynmarty Posts: 89 Member
    I don't think there is anything about me that my husband doesn't know LOL (which sometimes isn't good lol)......He sometimes watches me weigh in....At one point we were competing so we watched each other weigh in. My husband doesn't care about things like that so I was always comfortable showing what I weigh. He has always said he loves me no matter what size I am. The only thing he said I need to watch for is once I start losing my boobs he wants me to stop LOL. What a guy!!
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Mine knows but doesn't really seem to care. I don't think the number means anything to him, he just likes the results :wink:

    Agreed :happy: Although, I think he likes how I look no matter what my weight, which is probably why I've gotten overweight :grumble:
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    Yeah my husband knows cause I talk to him about it but even when I was at my biggest he didn't care but now we are both trying to get healthier I know his weight too and we encourage each other. I dont think there is anything we dont share with one another.
  • I think he don't know, but then again he may know, oh well
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member
    Yes, mine does. He always looks at the scale if I'm on it and he's in the same room.
  • AmyLRed
    AmyLRed Posts: 856 Member
    my husband had no clue how much i weighed. He weighed himself this weekend and told me he weighed 176 or something and i made a comment that it was nice to finally weigh 20lbs + less than him instead of 20lbs+ more than him. he looked very confused. He said "you never weighed 20 lbs more than that!?!!" Uh, yes hunny, i sure did.......... ;o)
  • My husband knows how many pounds I have lost and how many more pounds I am trying to lose... But I doubt I will tell him my weight until I have reached my goal. He tries to do the math by asking me how many more pounds I have to lose and what my ideal weight is, but I won't fall for it!! =P