What is the name of the last book you read?



  • "Water for Elephants" by Sarah Gruen. I am a huge reader and I highly recommend this book, could not put down, and it was'nt full of crime and detectives like lots of books out there.
    loved it
  • KahloKat
    KahloKat Posts: 12 Member
    Los Enamoramientos by Javier Marías
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    "Mockingjay" - Suzanne Collins (3rd book in Hunger Games)! This is actually a re-read for me, I read all 3 last year but re-read the past month to prep for the movie!

    But currently I'm reading "Anna and the French Kiss" by Stephanie Perkins (I love reading YA books lol)