Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • jotun87
    jotun87 Posts: 32 Member
    "I bet you're hideous naked, now"


    Someone said this to you!? DId you tell them to go *kitten* themselves??
  • MikeG2
    MikeG2 Posts: 97 Member
    My sister (who has seen me overweight her whole life) told me that I am withering away and that I look borderline anorexic. I still have plenty of meat on my bones. I think she's just not used to the "skinny" me.

    Careful, though. My husband and I have both changed a lot physically. However, when we look in the mirror, we see the tummy pouch or the love handles-we don't see the progress as much as others do. Helps me to understand (a little) how people can become anorexic.

    agree 100%
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    How'd you do it?

    me: uhh, eat less and exercise?

    Pet peeve because people are just wanting a magic fix-it or an "easy button". They already know the answer, they just don't want to hear it.

    Hahahahahahahaha - my standard answer - I stopped eating and started moving....A LOT!! you should see some of the looks i get...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    "I bet you're hideous naked, now"


    O M G!!!!! WHY would anyone say that??!?!?!!

    because they assume after almost 100 pounds that i DEFINITELY have the loose skin thing happening. Ignorant jerks.
  • melcam_2000
    melcam_2000 Posts: 11 Member
    Oh I know exactly how you feel. I have lost 22 lbs and nobody has noticed at all. I am with you that I know I am doing this for myself, blah, blah, blah...... BUT how can somebody not notice? I just want one person to say something!!! Haha. I'm such a drama queen. At the end of the day though, I feel amazing, I know I have lost weight and nobody is going to stop me. This is my time and I'm doing it!
  • confuzzledwife
    confuzzledwife Posts: 142 Member
    Oh I know exactly how you feel. I have lost 22 lbs and nobody has noticed at all. I am with you that I know I am doing this for myself, blah, blah, blah...... BUT how can somebody not notice? I just want one person to say something!!! Haha. I'm such a drama queen. At the end of the day though, I feel amazing, I know I have lost weight and nobody is going to stop me. This is my time and I'm doing it!

    same here.. I've lost 17 lbs., I'm not quite down a size in pants but my jeans are definitely looser.. no one's noticed yet!!
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    "I bet you're hideous naked, now"


    O M G!!!!! WHY would anyone say that??!?!?!!

    because they assume after almost 100 pounds that i DEFINITELY have the loose skin thing happening. Ignorant jerks.

    ok so i just checked your profile pics, and please dont take this as me hitting on you (I'm extremely happily married) but... WOW - you look absolutely amazing! I doubt you could look hideous...naked or otherwise. Congrats on all of your success & keep up the fantastic work!!
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    "Oh, well you're running. Runners can eat anything they want."

    ...yeah, right! I hate that one, because it's so dismissive of all the hard work I've put into my body. :(
  • Reedern
    Reedern Posts: 525 Member
    seem to have a little jealousy of the weight loss as well. But as people have said before this, it's not about anyone but YOU! So now if they say something that's insulting or sarcastic, I usually say something that fits the comment made.

    If its a Dr (I work in a hospital) I tell then it's because I would rather see them in the hall than be on their operating table.


    Yeah I wanted to loose weight, but it seems I am loosing it all in my boobs! (My wife used to say that, you should see how people look at me when I say that with a straight face!

    Or The naughtiest for the most insulting

    Yes I lost alot of weight so my penis would look bigger. That usually shuts them right up!

    LMAO.... this is funny stuff! hahahahahahaha Love it
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I want to add this- I've noticed that MEN make eye contact now & are generally nicer - hold doors, chat me up ... I guess most women would be pleased with this but IT MAKES ME MAD!
    I'm the same 'fatty' who was invisible last year. LOL I'm still invisible.
    HOW can I be invisible at 200 lbs and MORE visible now?! grrrr

    LOL....I'm gonna take this one step further.... while the gentlemen keep getting nicer and more attentive.... the women are getting caddy and resentful. I HAVE NOT changed underneath my skin people. It's still the same old Jen in here!
  • kdrew11
    kdrew11 Posts: 363 Member
    I like it when people make comments when I lose weight. I can't imagine someone that would be annoyed by it... They must be annoyed by a lot of things then.


    Totally agree. I'm always really flattered when people comment on my weight loss and don't get it when people ask "I hope you don't mind me saying......"
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    "I bet you're hideous naked, now"


    O M G!!!!! WHY would anyone say that??!?!?!!

    LMAO... I DO look hideous naked now but that will be between me and my tummy tuck when I'm done...thank you very much.
  • pineapple1989
    pineapple1989 Posts: 195 Member
    Mainly I get really nice compliments and it really helps :happy: however there have been 2 things said which really made me laugh (didnt get offended as who cares, I'm losing weight!)

    My boyfriend said to me after about 10lbs "wow, your belly doesnt stick out further than your boobs anymore!" Uh thanks... going to delete every picture of myself from the last 4 years because I genuinely hadnt noticed that!

    I get quite a lot "you're doing really well, which diet are you on? Weightwatchers? Slimming World?" Erm isnt it possible to lose weight without following a plan, can't I just eat healthy?

    People mean well, and if they dont, I take it as a compliment anyway which will just annoy them further!
  • cgdiaz24
    cgdiaz24 Posts: 21 Member
    this is perfect.

  • I was pregnant with twins last year. It was pretty freakin' awful x 1,00,000 lol. It WAS a miracle and I did think it was amazing but it's just one of those things that you pretty much **** 5 bricks when the OBGYN asks if you know how to count and then turns the monitor towards you and it's like...of course I know how to count? Wait... one.... tw - -!

    It was pretty funny to see the look on peoples faces when they asked when I was due and I said, "May." and it was, like, October. I looked probably 7 months along at 2 and I really wasn't all about the bed rest. I think the only time I ever got sensitive about it was when people would obviously sarcastically say, "Good luck with that." or would try to feel my tummy after I lost them because they 'forgot'. I was always like wtf are you doing?

    That's terrible. I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost 5 babies and it just sucks.
  • I think a lot of this depends on the person's tone giving the "compliment" and the mental state of the person receiving the "compliment." I totally agree that some of the statements said are horrendous and unacceptable, but they are likely said by people who are generally horrendous and unacceptable. Sometimes decent people have moments of weakness and might come through with tone or with other things they say over time; however,...

    I think a lot of our interpretations (especially if you are offended on a regular basis) have more to do with our OWN baggage than the person who has supposedly offended us.

    I have not been offended by any compliment I have received....a few have made me pause, but I can put them in context. One of my parent's employees I've known for years and my sister in law have both said how jealous they are of me. the employee actually said that I make her sick. But, it was said from a place where she meant well AND she has had Cancer and been dealing with medical issues. My SIL has gained a lot of weight in the last four years and she has depression. My gut instinct is to say, "What are you jealous of? my 20 years of obesity? My high blood pressure? My working out at 10 PM after my kids go to bed? My 1200 calories a day?" But I don't. I laugh it off.

    If I am annoyed by anything, it is the well-meaning hyperbole. You are SOOOO skinny now---type of thing. I am so NOT mad at the person saying it, but it only bugs me because, well, I am NOT skinny. I have a long way to go before I am skinny and I may never BE skinny. But see, that is MY issue. Not theirs. They mean well.

    I have thought a couple of people have pried a little too much with questions. I really felt they were trying to see if I had gastric surgery. I don't feel that way about most people who ask "what is your secret or what are you doing" but a couple people have just set off bad vibes.

    The same happened when I had twins---there was an occasional person who seemed to be trying to figure out if they were IVF or not. I actually have had more than one person (strangers) out and out ask me. I just say, "nope. I'm just old and have old eggs that wanted out...Plus my grandma had twins."
  • Janworkingitout
    Janworkingitout Posts: 434 Member
    Worse thing said to me: "Be careful don't lose too much weight... everybody doesn't look right skinny?"
  • babigurl86
    babigurl86 Posts: 129 Member
    I've had people say my goal weight was completely unattainable,
    -that i shouldn't lose any more weight (at that stage I'd only lost.....3lbs lol)
    -that i shouldn't lose to much or id look like a lollipop head (that's funny cos the day you met me i was below my goal weight, jealous *kitten*!!........and breathe)
    -that it wouldn't suit me to lose weight

    i've had plenty attempted sabotages,when people say 'live a lil' (the ones who don't have my best interests at heart) i give a sickly sweet smile and say 'thanks but.... im tryna live long' (whilst looking at their gut)
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    Because I've never been overweight by much, and my weight loss has been very slow, I hardly ever get comments on it.

    A couple months ago, I walked past this jock guy I went to high school with (I graduated 2010) who also goes to my college...
    He double-taked and said loudly to his friends "Did she get skinny?! She got skinny!"

    I don't know why, but that comment made me cry :(
    On one hand I was happy because SOMEONE actually noticed my body had changed, but it also confirmed/brought back all my insecurities from my high school years. I've probably lost only about 10-15 pounds since high school, but I literally felt like a hideous blob back then. I still struggle with that mindset.
  • bnelly55
    bnelly55 Posts: 88 Member
    Oh I've had my fair share of idiotic comments. I was accused (at the gym ) of being bulimic. Yep thats how I did it. Where has bulimia been all my life? Then the other other day work I brought in a cake for my co worker because it was her birthday. Well my kids were with me because I was off that day. So anyway, I have this one co worker who is an insecure b**** and is always trying to sabotage my weight loss by trying to make me eat fast food. Well the birthday girl asked my daughter if she wanted a piece of cake and this ***** says outloud 'no she can't have any cake, her mom is probably counting her calories too'. Oh I was livid. I let it go but I'm still really mad about it.

    The only time I get uncomfortable is when I am the center of attention and everyone is talking about my weight loss. I'm glad they notice but it becomes awkward because I don't know how to react and I have a LONG way to go.