Married ladies....



  • Kandygirl
    Kandygirl Posts: 249 Member
    my man knows how much i weigh but thats because we talk about it. but he thinks im about 2 pants size smaller then i really am which is nice.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    lol.. I think he knows the ball park .I tell him when I've lost but I never give the exact weight and he doesn't really care.. Girls, there are just certain things a woman should keep to herself.. he also doesn't know when I shave my legs , tweeze my eyebrows or give myself a pedicure etc. all he knows is I am stunningly beautiful and an amazing creature lol!
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    My mustache is actually a finely calibrated scale... HEY-OOO!

    Thank you, try the veal... I'll be here all week.

    ///OK, real response:
    If your S/O isn't fitness-oriented or athletic, you shouldn't be suprised if he can't guess your weight by looking at you. Unless the guy is with you on your weightloss ride, or played a lot of sports (we were always sizing up the competitors), he probably has no experience at guestimating bodyweight just based on what he sees. I don't think it's all that unusual that the average guy can't judge your weight just by looking. Remember, we're not very perceptive (disclaimer - unless boobs are involved).

    If you're concerned that they haven't been listening to you talk about how important your weightloss is and how unhealthy your starting point was and how excited and proud you are of meeting your goals, well... uh, get used to it...? Or get a different guy that will pay attention to stuff that's important to you.
  • rfarinha
    rfarinha Posts: 388 Member
    My husband doesn't know, and he doesn't ask. He does know how many pounds I've lost, so when I get to my goal weight, I guess he'll do the math and figure out just how huge I was... :ohwell:

    I am just hoping to get down to where I weigh less than him! :laugh:
  • smsinger75
    smsinger75 Posts: 253 Member
    We have been together for 17 years. Married for over 16. Hubby knows now what I weigh. I never hid it from him, he just never inquired about it. He had no idea that my highest weight was that high (159). I am only 5'2". He thought it was at least 10 lbs less than that. I was close to weighing the same as him. He is 5'10". I think that was my wake up call. I weigh in on Monday mornings first thing. He has become my cheering squad for the scale and then he takes all of my measurements for me to celebrate the NSV. He is super supportive! I am down to 141 now. Almost halfway to my goal.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    yes I tell my boyfriend every time I lose weight. "I weighed 143.6 this morning!" "oh... is that good?"
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    He doesn't know the exact number but he knows about how much I've lost and what range I'm in. LIke I told him when I finally weight less than him, got under 200, got out of the obese range per BMI and when I hit the 170s. Had to also tell him when I could fit into his pants. LOL! It was totally by mistake but I had to run out to my car after having changed into my sleeping shirt so I needed some pants and his shorts were on the floor. Figured I could at least pull them up enough to cover the vitals with my shirt hanging over but they fit! And come to find out, that was perfect timing because a couple weeks later he needed my help doing some driveway sealing jobs and I didn't have any rugged pants to sacrifice but I was able to wear his D!ckies (can't believe that was editied...)

    Another funny story about weight showing he doesn't have a clue... When I first started, we talked about my goal and where I want to get to (150's) and he said "why dont' you get down to 120?". Ha! With my build, I'd have to starve myself to get that low! Maybe the 140's but I'd rather be cut than super thin.
  • TubbsMcGee
    TubbsMcGee Posts: 1,058 Member
    Yes, my guy knows almost exactly how much I weigh.

    We're also High school sweethearts, have been together for 6 years.

    If I have him guess my weight, he usually guesses about 5 lbs less, but if I'm in a good mood after a weigh-in, I'll come cartwheeling into the room and insist he estimate my weight that day. He kind of does the same thing too, but not as often and with less cartwheeling.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Well of course he does. He also knows my highest weight, shoe, dress, jean sizes also. No big deal.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    Oh HELL no :laugh:

  • EBell83
    EBell83 Posts: 18
    My husband does know my weight...though I'm not sure how much he cares about the actual number. He was surprised when I told him I was up to 160 a few weeks ago. He said he didn't see that at all and actually would have guessed about 20-30 pounds less. Love is blind, maybe? He's very supportive (and smart) about how he views my exercise progress and weight loss goals. He'd be just as happy if I never lost a pound as long as I was healthy and happy with myself.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    Yes. My weight is the same as it was when we first met, but the topic never came up. He just said I was around 110lbs when he carried me the first time, and he was right.
  • WJZR
    WJZR Posts: 98 Member
    Hi ladies. I had an interesting conversation with my husband yesterday. I told him that I may reach my first goal on MFP this week. He asked what it was and I hesitated. I thought for a second and realized he has no clue what I weigh. It never really comes up as I don't obcess over the number much. When I told him my weight, he seriously told me he thought i was 10 lbs less. He wasn't joking, he did look confused. We have been married for 8 yrs and are high school sweethearts so trust me when I say... He was clueless. I can read him like a book :laugh:

    I have been told by many that at 150, I look closer to 130. Must be muscle mass or big bones! :grumble: I am 5'3" and wear a size 6.

    So ladies that are married.... Does your husband know what you weight? I am curious.

    Wow, if you are 5'3" and wear a sixe 6 you must be pretty fit. You probably dont really need to lose.... i am 5'4" and 165 lbs, and wear a size 16! Not a happy, sweet 16 either. My hubby knows what i weigh, i guess i have complained about it over the last few years. my goal is 135, but i would be happy with 140, at age 60.
  • jimsuzy
    jimsuzy Posts: 20 Member
    My poor husband doesnt have a clue....he thinks he has been getting weaker as we have been married for 23 years....poor man:wink:
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Well of course he does. He also knows my highest weight, shoe, dress, jean sizes also. No big deal.

    Same here. I am confused why anyone would think "I've gone so far as to legally commit myself to this other person, hopefully forever, but OMG they can't know xyz about me!"
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    My poor husband knows my weight intimately----every week we share the agony/exstasy of the weigh in----seriously, though he is my biggest fan:heart:
  • TTcarey
    TTcarey Posts: 43 Member
    21 Years later and 80lbs lighter heck yes my husband knows how much I weigh!!! but 80lbs ago he didn't have a clue!
  • Crying_In_Color
    Crying_In_Color Posts: 246 Member
    He sure does. I tell him every time I weigh in. We also work out together at the gym daily. He's body building and I'm working on weight loss before I tone. He knows everything about me.
  • jennfost777
    jennfost777 Posts: 37 Member
    Yes mine does but always forgets. He used to tell me that I looked fine when I was 160 but now that am 143 he takes second looks lol. Funny thing is that when when we got married I was 130 and a size 8 but now after loosing 12 pounds. On here I am 143 and a size 6 so Weight really doesn't have as much to do with size as I once thought it did.
  • ahersh00
    ahersh00 Posts: 85
    HELL NO! He knows that I weigh generally in the same ballpark as him...but he doesn't know the exact number... He does know how much weight I've lost, however!

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