You know you're serious about losing weight when....



  • Fitness_4_Jess
    Fitness_4_Jess Posts: 55 Member
    ...candy is too sweet to eat so you snack on veggies instead do incline pushups everytime you are near a counter and don't stop until your arms shake
    ...5lb weights are right by the tv so you can workout while watching a tv show love the burn after an awesome workout know proper portion sizes know what a small, medium. and large banana, orange, and apple look like
  • CarolinaGirlinVA
    CarolinaGirlinVA Posts: 1,512 Member
    ...when you eat something that isn't exactly healthy your body reminds you in not so subtle ways.
    ...when you get really frustrated at missing out on exercise instead of finding excuses not to do it. wonder how many oz or grams are in the _____ you just ate, and then wonder if you'd get weird looks sneaking a food scale into a restaurant. aren't too embarrassed to ask the server for the nutritional info, and then get irritated if they don't provide it.

    (which leads to...) tell your friends they have to decide where dinner will be before going out so you can go online and pre-plan what you'll order.

    Yes, my friends think I have lost it.

    And my favorite... spend so much time on MFP your husband starts to wonder if you are on a dating site and looking to replace him. haha
  • burton_mel
    You pass on the oreo cookies after dinner because it would put you over your calorie goal for the day...even when you know you're going to workout an hour later!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    .... decline mediocre cocktails/wine/dessert because you don't want to waste your calories
    .... budget calories for a yummy dessert at your favorite restaurant
    .....walk to your errands so you can burn a few extra calories
    .....dream about tabata workouts
    .....start following fitness/health people on Pinterest
    .....your friends are sick of you talking about boot camp (this is inspired by my friend) star in a photoshoot for your boot camps marketing materials (ok, same friend) discuss the best yoga classes/studios with your friends at brunch
  • mrskellyray
    mrskellyray Posts: 114
    you spend more time reading the labels then visiting the free sample tables at the supermarket.

    This! haha people look at me like a CRAZY person because i'm going through and comparing all the different brands! :)
  • burton_mel
    When you really commit to the "it's not a diet, it's a lifestyle" philosophy....
    When your <1200 calorie day doesn't consist of coffee for breakfast, 700 calories of fast food for lunch, and 400 calories of snacks for dinner. :bigsmile:
    Love it! LMAO!
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    Love that!!!:laugh:
  • cantobean
    cantobean Posts: 287 Member
    You come home from a long, frustrating, exhausting, terrible day at work....

    eye the brownies on the kitchen counter....
    think about the cold beer in the fridge....

    and pass them up to work out instead.
  • squiggles409
    squiggles409 Posts: 50 Member
    You do upper body circuits while nursing a leg injury...dang this one is too real right now...

    I am all about this one right now!! Had knee surgery two weeks ago. The lack of cardio is REALLY starting to drive me crazy!!
  • cjpg
    cjpg Posts: 433 Member
    Options know the difference between a small, medium and large apple

    BWAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! This cracked me up!

    Seriously, I can now look at fruit and estimate pretty damn accurately how much calories is in it now.... in the 'before-times', a banana was a freaking banana. Now... not so much ;)

    I say you know you're serious about losing weight when you look forward to your next workout and begin mentally preparing your next activity, instead of putting it off and winging it when you're there.
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    When you pass on the 290 calorie salad at Olive Garden and the 150 calorie breadstick to have dinner.
  • deniseselah
    deniseselah Posts: 225 Member
    ... I turn down a Dove dark chocolate egg
    ... I pass up all the free samples at Sam's Club (?!)
    ... I count out the exact serving size for chips (instead of plowing through a bag)

    great topic!
  • LelliAmi
    LelliAmi Posts: 327 Member
    You look up a menu online before going out and decide not to go there.
    You know that semen has not only calories but nutritional value
    You wear your heart rate monitor to do everything just for fun. But only log actual exercise.
    You donate your "fat" clothes instead of packing them up for a later use.

    The 2nd one!! LMAO!!!! XD
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    You have a chocolate "treat" all lined up for the day with much excitement and anticipation then your 2 yr old steals it from you and shoves it in her mouth and you just smile lovingly at her!!!
  • gurganuss
    gurganuss Posts: 78 Member
    Totally agree with the whole working out after a bad day.

    Plus when you are always trying to hit 1200 calories when in the past you know you hit much closer to 2000 to 2500!!!
  • whiterice83
    whiterice83 Posts: 63 Member
    - you feel guilty not doing your Wii exercises even though you've been doing a different exercise
    - you feel bad when you don't have 5 glasses of water before you leave work at night
    - you refuse to eat things or at places you can't track on MFP
  • whiterice83
    whiterice83 Posts: 63 Member
    Plus when you are always trying to hit 1200 calories when in the past you know you hit much closer to 2000 to 2500!!!

    Oh my gosh totally!!
  • shellie1206
    shellie1206 Posts: 80 Member
    when you say fruit instead of hashbrowns
    when you say fresh veggies instead of green bean casserole
    when you say healthy smoothies instead of starbucks
    when you say get up and go instead of I need to watch this show
    when you say parking far instead of right next to the door
  • TheMissingSock
    When I knew i was going out with friends and wanted to have a couple drinks without feeling guilty, I worked out twice has hard that day. Not to mention, reviewed the calories in my favorite drink and pre-counted how many i could have before going out!
  • 2kidsmckinney
    2kidsmckinney Posts: 39 Member
    -When you resist the urge to eat at a work potluck
    -Water isn't as bad as you though and pop tastes horrible
    -You look at other peoples meals and say what are you thinking
    -You log on to MFP more than Facebook
    -The word calorie is the number one word out of your mouth (and your 5 yr old tells you this)