may as well just sit on my bum



  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Sorry what do you mean by differentley to what it was designed?

    Most calorie calculators ask what exercise you do every day and then give you a calorie allowance which takes that exercise into account.

    MFP ignores exercise and works out your calories just based on the things you do each day around the house or at work.
    Then, when you actually do the exercise, it adds in some extra calories to account for that exercise.

    So, the end result will be the same, it's just a different way of calculating the numbers.

    If you don't eat the extra calories MFP is suggesting, it just means that you have a larger calorie deficit each day than is recommended.
    For some people this works out fine and they lose weight quite happily.
    For others, it means their calorie intake is too low and over a longer period of time this sometimes means that weight loss slows down or stalls or that you aren't getting in enough good nutrition to stay healthy and full of energy. There are heaps of stories like this on MFP.

    My personal opinion on this is that if I can eat more and still lose weight - why the hell not??
  • Didnt know that and think im still probably doing it wrong lol but thanks
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    My personal opinion on this is that if I can eat more and still lose weight - why the hell not??

    Especially this! I like food. If I can lose at a higher calorie count, I don't want to go low! I also am quite happy with the fact that I'm pretty muscular, and I want to maintain as much of that as possible.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    Didnt know that and think im still probably doing it wrong lol but thanks

    None of this is an exact science - you need to experiment to work out what is best for your body and your lifestyle.
    I'm old enough to have tried "dieting" so many times that I know what doesn't work for me. Cutting calories low and depriving myself doesn't work for me. Eating plenty and still losing weight has been a winning combination!
  • dint know that and probably done it wrong but thanks
  • Sorry what do you mean by differentley to what it was designed?

    Most calorie calculators ask what exercise you do every day and then give you a calorie allowance which takes that exercise into account.

    MFP ignores exercise and works out your calories just based on the things you do each day around the house or at work.
    Then, when you actually do the exercise, it adds in some extra calories to account for that exercise.

    So, the end result will be the same, it's just a different way of calculating the numbers.

    If you don't eat the extra calories MFP is suggesting, it just means that you have a larger calorie deficit each day than is recommended.
    For some people this works out fine and they lose weight quite happily.
    For others, it means their calorie intake is too low and over a longer period of time this sometimes means that weight loss slows down or stalls or that you aren't getting in enough good nutrition to stay healthy and full of energy. There are heaps of stories like this on MFP.

    My personal opinion on this is that if I can eat more and still lose weight - why the hell not??
  • marbly
    marbly Posts: 103
    I'm doing it mostly all wrong too according to MFP. It's generally working and I'm maintaining my losses. Sometimes I eat below 1000 for weeks, sometimes above 1200 for other weeks, other times binge to 5000 in a day and yet other times, I do it the "proper" way and eating back my exercise calories at 1500 net for weeks again! 5kg more to go!!!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    It's great that you have found a method that works for you, but it doesn't work that way for everyone. For me, not eating back my exercise calories creates too much of a deficit and I plateau.
  • mbourke8
    mbourke8 Posts: 27

    idk maybe junk science but I'm not testing it out!!!
  • renaldabush
    renaldabush Posts: 1 Member
    you don't have to eat the cals back...that's great if you don't want to eat the cals back, but it's nice on those days that you do:)
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    Add calories to your day by adding a tablespoon of a healthy oil, handful of nuts, or p-nut butter to your apple slices. If you eat the extra calories to support your workouts, you will have nice firm skin, otherwise you risk becoming skinnyfat. You'll look good in your clothes, but in a bathingsuit, not so much. Got to tighten up that skin through solid exercise, followed by fuel, healthy foods, to keep that fat burning fire going.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    BTW OP, to quote, you dont need two posts. Just click quote, then type your reply after the quoted section.

    The simple fact is when you lose weight, you lose both muscle and fat. If you, as i assume you do, want to lose fat and keep muscle, you need to work those muscles. That way you'll minimise muscle loss, and maximise fat loss.

    Exercise has far more benefits than simply burning cals. Your whole health will get better. Depends why are you doing it, and what is most important.

    If you really dont mind losing muscle, then carry on as you :)
  • Do you know you have put this down in such a simple way to understand and beleive me I appreciate it and appreciate too that you can see that some things work for some maybe not for others, so far im loseing, appreciate it may slow down and may have to change tactics but at the moment im never hungry and have more energy , I dont deprive myself anything if I really want it but maybe eat less of it .
    I am so grateful that you have just laid things out in such away that IS straight forward without having to pull me up on things like my spelling , grammer etc,
    I will certainly think about things you have said .

    Many thanks
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I like to sit on my bum, but exercise is also good for my general fitness and wellbeing.
  • you don't have to eat the cals back...that's great if you don't want to eat the cals back, but it's nice on those days that you do:)
  • creepy-willy-wonka-meme-generator-kill-me-now-29c55f.jpg

  • RikanSoulja
    RikanSoulja Posts: 463 Member
    Your body will physically look better that's why
  • creepy-willy-wonka-meme-generator-kill-me-now-29c55f.jpg

  • Why even create this topic if you're going to argue with everyone? Do what you want. If it works for you, that's wonderful. If not, change it.
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