Fashion show at the gym??????

I DID NOT want to go to the gym this morning! It took every bit of energy I had to get out of bed (while the hubby slept). I threw on some old cut off sweatpants and tee-shirt. I didn’t brush my hair, just threw it in a bun and am pretty sure I had mascara under my eyes from the day before… BUT I WENT and I had a great workout!
While I was on the elliptical I looked around and saw all these women that could have been on the cover of “Shape” magazine with their cute yoga pants and matching sports bras, hair in 2 perfect pigtail brides and I am pretty sure some of them had make up on. I just started thinking how much thought people give to getting ready for the gym. I do have to clarify that I don’t always look as bad as I did today, but for me it was about getting there not about what I looked like while I was there… What are your thoughts, do you give a lot of effort to your appearance when you go workout?


  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i'm a sweaty disgusting mess when i leave why bother putting any effort into how i look when i get there, it's just going to get ruined anyway...
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I see the same thing at my gym but not of the women or men are decked out. I do not have time to prep for the gym. I go to work out.
  • jojopel
    jojopel Posts: 348 Member
    I get up at 5:30 to get to the gym - I'm barely awake enough to get dressed, never mind putting makeup on! I'm going to sweat, why bother getting rid of my bed head when I know I'll have to wash my hair later anyway :laugh:
  • anderra2
    anderra2 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't go to the gym until after work and I must say that it is definitely a fashion show then!!! People are coming in all dressed up and then changing into outfits that are cute and color coordinate. When I'm at the gym I'm there for a hard workout (at least an hour) and it makes me laugh to watch some people that are there searching for guy/girl they think is cute. If I could make it to the gym in the morning and my schedule allowed, I would be working out at that time. I think for most people, if you are up that early and committed, it's less of a fashion show than the afternoon crowd.
  • TundraTed
    TundraTed Posts: 254 Member
    I get there at 5am. I am in gym shorts and a ratty old t-shirt. I have bedhead. Don't care.
  • laurend926
    I go to the gym right after work too and I usually just throw on a tshirt and capris. I hate when people think it's a fashion show, you are going to the gym to sweat not find your soulmate!
  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    I don't go to the gym until after work and I must say that it is definitely a fashion show then!!! People are coming in all dressed up and then changing into outfits that are cute and color coordinate. When I'm at the gym I'm there for a hard workout (at least an hour) and it makes me laugh to watch some people that are there searching for guy/girl they think is cute. If I could make it to the gym in the morning and my schedule allowed, I would be working out at that time. I think for most people, if you are up that early and committed, it's less of a fashion show than the afternoon crowd.

    I also go to the gym after work. The reason I am one of the ones that is "all dressed up" is because I work in an office with a business professional dress code. I then put on an outfit that is "cute and color coordinate" because I like that stuff. What does it matter to you if my shirt matches my shorts? My hair is done and my makeup is on my face when I get to the gym because I come straight from work and if I don't go right after work then I don't have time because I have a 5 year old and other home responsibilites. I work my butt off at the gym, my clothes and what I am wearing have NOTHING to do with how hard I work. and I am certainly not there to pick up anyone "cute" just because my clothes match!!!!!!
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    some people like to look good no matter where they are. i dont see that as a problem and i cant imagine why that annoys anyone.
  • rebawagner
    rebawagner Posts: 199 Member
    some people like to look good no matter where they are. i dont see that as a problem and i cant imagine why that annoys anyone.
    It doesn't annoy me at all:flowerforyou: , I am just curious as to how many people care and put thought into it and how many people just go.
  • Kittens08
    Kittens08 Posts: 51 Member
    amen sista. i go in like a trainwreck, and come out like a sweaty trainwreck. :)
  • QueenJayJay
    QueenJayJay Posts: 1,139
    I don't worry about other people at the gym. I just do my thing and go. Unless they mess with me or something (which has never happened).
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I DID NOT want to go to the gym this morning! It took every bit of energy I had to get out of bed (while the hubby slept). I threw on some old cut off sweatpants and tee-shirt. I didn’t brush my hair, just threw it in a bun and am pretty sure I had mascara under my eyes from the day before… BUT I WENT and I had a great workout!
    While I was on the elliptical I looked around and saw all these women that could have been on the cover of “Shape” magazine with their cute yoga pants and matching sports bras, hair in 2 perfect pigtail brides and I am pretty sure some of them had make up on. I just started thinking how much thought people give to getting ready for the gym. I do have to clarify that I don’t always look as bad as I did today, but for me it was about getting there not about what I looked like while I was there… What are your thoughts, do you give a lot of effort to your appearance when you go workout?

    I'm a group fit instructor so I always feel like when I walk in the door I have to be "on." My attire is coordinating top, bra, bottoms, socks (I try to have at least 2 pair of kicks in rotation so that I can make an attempt at coordinating them with my outfit), hair bands (I usually wear pig tails), and a smile!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i am too busy working out to watch what other people are doing/wearing...
  • sfh0wrd
    sfh0wrd Posts: 82
    If I have makeup on at the gym, it's because it was already on my face from earlier in the day. I don't have tons of super matchy clothes, but I do try to match. And I don't mind looking good while I work out. I honestly think I work out a little better if I feel like I look good. I worked hard to lose 50lbs, so if I want to wear a tight t-shirt to work out in, I'm going to do it.

    And for the record, I'm happily married to the most amazing guy ever, so if I look good, it's for me, not for others. :happy: I'm not going to purposely have my tennis shoes match my sportsbra, but I'm also not purposely going to look sloppy just to appear more legit. Let's not make a mountain out of molehill.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    I view my gym clothes as being just as critical a piece of equipment to my workout. I want to be comfortable, chafe free, and feel motivated. If I went in baggy gym shorts and a ratty t-shirt that's not going to give me much inspiration when my willpower is flagging. On the other hand, when I dress in appropriately fitted clothing (not tight, just not baggy) and I look put together I feel like I am on the job and this workout means business so quitting is not an option.
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    I go to the gym at the end of a 10+ hr work day. So that means the night before I throw together workout clothes consisting of shorts/pants, a wife beater, and a tshirt that may/may not match. Hell, half the time I'm lucky if i remember my iPod and earbuds! After my long days I care less about what I look like, all I care about is a good sweat to de-stress. But I know what you mean! If you're there for a good workout, you're perfect outfit doesn't matter cause we're all gonna look like sweatballs!
  • MaiLi45
    MaiLi45 Posts: 1
    Sometimes an outfit I really like gives me that extra motivation when I'm in the gym. If I don't like what I'm wearing, I don't feel 100%. I don't put much effort into it though. I definitely don't wear make up, and my hair is always in a ponytail in the gym. Now what bugs me is when people are doused in cologne or perfume. But that's a whole different topic.
  • MeliciousGibson
    I, too, have my hair and makeup done when I get to the gym because I have an office job and either go on my lunch break or after work. I also have cute color-coordinated tops and bottoms....they just might not be matching each other that day!

    I could care less what I look like at the gym. I could care less what anyone ELSE looks like at the gym! It's about ME for that hour or so.

    I certainly have seen what you're referring to, and I used to get a chuckle out of it about 6-10 years ago. Now I am too self-absorbed to notice - and I don't mind admitting it!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member
    before - i used to throw on a baggy tshirt and pants and give it a go.
    now - i spend a few extra minutes picking out something alittle more fitted because I've spend all this time working on getting my body fit.
    If anything those girls who look like they are fresh out of a shape magazine photo shoot make me want to workout even harder because one day that will be me. (or at least my brain thinks so)
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    It depends on my mood, sometimes I'm the t shirt/capris girl..... sometimes I'm the cute colored tank and matching capris. I wear what makes ME feel good. I don't wear cute outfits to get attention or get a "soulmate" <-- I have one all ready. It makes me feel confident knowing how far I have come from where I started out at. I go in looking like a million bucks and come out looking like a hot mess. I'm not afraid to sweat or let my makeup run down my face, just makes me work harder. Granted, I go to the gym after work so I have makeup on (what's left anyway). Congratulate the people who are at the gym and making an effort, who cares if they are wearing sweats, t shirts, or a matching 80s jump suit. They made it there just like you did.