Fashion show at the gym??????



  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    If I go after work I have makeup and my hair is done just because I came from work. When I do make it in the morning...I look like



    But I don't care cause I am there to sweat. Not only that but when I work out my face gets no matter how much makeup I have on at the beginning, I am certainly not cute at the end. :embarassed:

    Usually those "fashion show" types aren't really working out that hard my observations. They move from machine to machine barely working up a sweat. :huh:
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    i rush to pick my 5 year old up after work and then rush to the gym so i am the poster child of looking like crap at the gym. I dont see the benefit of putting a lot of effort into how you look at the gym, especially when you are going to sweat your *kitten* off anyways. i'm there to work out, not to get hit on.
  • cristinahope
    Haha, this is hilarious. I think the same thing some days. I am less than put together usually, although, some days my running shorts may happen to match my oversized t-shirt. One lady, in particular, at my gym, shows up with curled hair and a perfectly placed headband, ruffled neon knee socks with a matching sports bra! Doesn't bother me a bit though, actually, in a way I look forward to seeing her wild outfits. To each his own!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    If I have makeup on at the gym, it's because it was already on my face from earlier in the day. I don't have tons of super matchy clothes, but I do try to match. And I don't mind looking good while I work out. I honestly think I work out a little better if I feel like I look good. I worked hard to lose 50lbs, so if I want to wear a tight t-shirt to work out in, I'm going to do it.

    And for the record, I'm happily married to the most amazing guy ever, so if I look good, it's for me, not for others. :happy: I'm not going to purposely have my tennis shoes match my sportsbra, but I'm also not purposely going to look sloppy just to appear more legit. Let's not make a mountain out of molehill.

    ^This :drinker:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I don't go to a gym but go to a Spinning studio where I've pretty much gotten to know everyone. I do plan what I wear there because certain types of clothing don't do well on me during class (too bulky and/or uncomfortable). I see that more as an issue of function than anything else; I'm not trying to impress anyone. As for makeup, if I go to class later in the day and had makeup on earlier, then I will have makeup on during Spin class. Probably 90% of the time I don't, either because I didn't have makeup on earlier or because I went first thing in the morning. My hair is always in a ponytail. I think once I did pigtail braids because I felt like doing it the night before class, so all I had to do was quickly re-braid in the AM. Oddly enough, the Spinning instructor had done the same thing that day. Honestly the braids were annoying because my hair was not off my neck like it is when I wear a ponytail.

    This past Friday I was helping set up for a Spinning marathon, and I had my hair down and blow-dried, I had makeup on, and I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt. All the instructors I saw thought it was so weird to see me in regular clothes with my hair down and such. I don't think they were judging me, though. They don't always come to class looking like they stepped off the cover of Shape or Women's Health :wink:
  • KatKatatrophic
    KatKatatrophic Posts: 448 Member
    If you still look pretty afterwards, you're doing it wrong.

    That's my most favorite saying for exercising.
    Basically, it's not a fashion show. I don't go to the gym (home gym), but when I did, it was tight shorts, tight cut off tees, and make-up galore. If I wanted to see that, I'd go to the hooker place down the street (JK! There is no hooker place down the street).
    Like jennifer said, you could spend a few extra minutes, without looking like them though.
  • Laura8603
    Laura8603 Posts: 590 Member
    My biggest concern is that I wear a good sports bra so the girls don't I may wear something cute, may not, depends on my mood. If I go on a weekend morning, I do not have on makeup. If I go after work, my makeup is on (I don't take time to wash it off if I'm just going to shower afterwards). I really do not even notice other people at the gym. I guess I just zone out.
  • Seminolegirl97
    Seminolegirl97 Posts: 307 Member
    My effort is looking at my tee shirt and asking my man.... are their visable stains on this??
  • BattyMama
    BattyMama Posts: 136 Member
    Its a gym, I work out in shorts and a tank. As long as your there to workout and not to pick up a date focus on making sure your form is right not if your hair is just right, and if your bra matches your pants and shoes.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I usually wear oversized cotton t-shirts but I got a couple of nice fitted tops yesterday and I actually felt better about myself. I definitely don't look cute when I'm done my workout because I'm a dripping mess but perhaps there is something to looking good :)
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    I have to admit, when i first started going to the gym I went in big baggy sweatpants and t-shirts but as I've gained more confidence and felt better about myself I have purchased more form fitting work out pants and tanks and new sports bras and it does motivate me to go when I have new work out clothes.
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I used to be one of those girls, not intentionally though. I used to only be able to make it to the gym right after, thus resulting in my makeup still being on my face. That didn't last long though. While I did wear the cute little workout clothes (because I was little at the time) I was there to sweat. Needless to say, I started bringing facewash with me because the sweat would make it literally run down my face.

    Now is different story. I normally wear sweats/yogo capris and a t-shirt. I'm more about comfort than I am looking cute. I'm not there to impress anyone. I'm there to eventually impress myself again.

    In my experience, most of the true hardcore workout buffs DON'T wear makeup to the gym.. at least not where I'm from.

    You can still look cute in sweats and t-shirt. Besides, it's not about what you look like, it's about whether or not you show up!
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    I have to admit, when i first started going to the gym I went in big baggy sweatpants and t-shirts but as I've gained more confidence and felt better about myself I have purchased more form fitting work out pants and tanks and new sports bras and it does motivate me to go when I have new work out clothes.

    ^^^^ She's right! While I do wear sweats and a t-shirt normally, I love new workout clothes. I just don't wear those cute little tanks and stuff because I don't look cute in them right now. When you do look cute, it does motivate you to go to the gym to look even cuter.

    Good for you by the way on feeling better about yourself! That's awesome!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    I don't go to the gym until after work and I must say that it is definitely a fashion show then!!! People are coming in all dressed up and then changing into outfits that are cute and color coordinate. When I'm at the gym I'm there for a hard workout (at least an hour) and it makes me laugh to watch some people that are there searching for guy/girl they think is cute. If I could make it to the gym in the morning and my schedule allowed, I would be working out at that time. I think for most people, if you are up that early and committed, it's less of a fashion show than the afternoon crowd.

    I also go to the gym after work. The reason I am one of the ones that is "all dressed up" is because I work in an office with a business professional dress code. I then put on an outfit that is "cute and color coordinate" because I like that stuff. What does it matter to you if my shirt matches my shorts? My hair is done and my makeup is on my face when I get to the gym because I come straight from work and if I don't go right after work then I don't have time because I have a 5 year old and other home responsibilites. I work my butt off at the gym, my clothes and what I am wearing have NOTHING to do with how hard I work. and I am certainly not there to pick up anyone "cute" just because my clothes match!!!!!!

    Agreed, I feel better and more confident about myself when my workout clothes match. Stupid I know, but it makes me feel better lol... That said, most of my workout clothes are black though lol
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I don't go to the gym until after work and I must say that it is definitely a fashion show then!!! People are coming in all dressed up and then changing into outfits that are cute and color coordinate. When I'm at the gym I'm there for a hard workout (at least an hour) and it makes me laugh to watch some people that are there searching for guy/girl they think is cute. If I could make it to the gym in the morning and my schedule allowed, I would be working out at that time. I think for most people, if you are up that early and committed, it's less of a fashion show than the afternoon crowd.

    I also go to the gym after work. The reason I am one of the ones that is "all dressed up" is because I work in an office with a business professional dress code. I then put on an outfit that is "cute and color coordinate" because I like that stuff. What does it matter to you if my shirt matches my shorts? My hair is done and my makeup is on my face when I get to the gym because I come straight from work and if I don't go right after work then I don't have time because I have a 5 year old and other home responsibilites. I work my butt off at the gym, my clothes and what I am wearing have NOTHING to do with how hard I work. and I am certainly not there to pick up anyone "cute" just because my clothes match!!!!!!

    Amen to that.
    Stop worrying about other people and let them do their own thing.
    I don't even look at other people while I'm working out because who cares??
    I'm there for me. I'm not there to judge. I'm there to sweat.
  • StayFITTer
    StayFITTer Posts: 744 Member
    I'm a group fit instructor so I always feel like when I walk in the door I have to be "on." My attire is coordinating top, bra, bottoms, socks (I try to have at least 2 pair of kicks in rotation so that I can make an attempt at coordinating them with my outfit), hair bands (I usually wear pig tails), and a smile!

    I am a fitness instructor too and I agree you do have to look professional. Sometimes I do my personal workouts before and/or after a class. I don't teach weekends, so when I do workout it's out of habit and preference that my clothes at least match--I wear a lot of black and throw in another color or two :-) BUT I don't care about my shoes matching. I carry at least 3 different pair --cycling, aerobics, and running.

    It's nothing wrong with putting on sweats or wearing coordinating clothes. I'm all about using what you have and getting the job done. However, I am an advocate of those on their weight loss/health journey to building a fitness wardrobe where you have a few pieces that easily coordinate. Your Inner Word Creates Your Outer Word. Coordinating clothes that fit and are comfortable not only makes you look good and feel good, but you are also taking time honor your body where you are.

    P.S. Despite my profile pic, I DON'T wear make up AT ALL during the week because I'm teaching a minimum of 12 classes a week plus my personal workouts so I don't have time to mess around with all that.
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    I go to the gym either for my lunch break or after work, so yes I do have make up on when I get there. I look like crap when I am done tho! I also like to match my outfits, I have cute yoga pants/shorts and matching shirts, but that is just cuz I like to match, even my socks match my shirt or shorts. And i don't just do this at the gym, even if I am working out at home my workout clothes coordinate! That's just me and how i like to dress. When I go to the gym on the weekends I roll out of bed and throw my hair up, but my clothes still match, lol. :laugh:
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    My effort is looking at my tee shirt and asking my man.... are their visable stains on this??

    That's too funny!
    My husband has begun encouraging me to buy t-shirts specifically for working out because I've ruined so many of his.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I don't go to the gym until after work and I must say that it is definitely a fashion show then!!! People are coming in all dressed up and then changing into outfits that are cute and color coordinate. When I'm at the gym I'm there for a hard workout (at least an hour) and it makes me laugh to watch some people that are there searching for guy/girl they think is cute. If I could make it to the gym in the morning and my schedule allowed, I would be working out at that time. I think for most people, if you are up that early and committed, it's less of a fashion show than the afternoon crowd.

    I also go to the gym after work. The reason I am one of the ones that is "all dressed up" is because I work in an office with a business professional dress code. I then put on an outfit that is "cute and color coordinate" because I like that stuff. What does it matter to you if my shirt matches my shorts? My hair is done and my makeup is on my face when I get to the gym because I come straight from work and if I don't go right after work then I don't have time because I have a 5 year old and other home responsibilites. I work my butt off at the gym, my clothes and what I am wearing have NOTHING to do with how hard I work. and I am certainly not there to pick up anyone "cute" just because my clothes match!!!!!!

    I am the same other then the 5 year old. Most my work out clothes are can be intermingled as they are usually black bottoms (they might have a pink or white pin stripe) and either a t-shirt from a 5k or a dry wick usually in black, grey or pink. I pack the bag the night before I leave for work so yes it takes me a whole 2 minutes to put together an outfit that matches (1.5 of those minutes trying to find matching socks). I go to the gym after work so my hair is usually done and then thrown up in a pony tail. I work out hard with sweat dripping off me and I don't pay attention to what others are wearing but they all pretty much seem to be dressed the same as me.

    Sorry I could go on a rant about this right now as I am just getting annoyed by all the posts that state "People that match their clothes are not at the gym to really work out" "Only if you go in looking sloppy are you there to actually put an effort in"
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    I don't care what anyone looks like at the gym, sometimes I am coordinated but most of the time (if I even get to the gym since it is 20 mins away on post) I am just wearing a tshirt and comfy pants that give me room.

    The only two things I hate about the gym is 1) People who act like it is a social event, and just stand around the machines chatting, not working out and not letting anyone else use the machine, "Cause they are on it" and 2) people that don't wipe their machines down. It's not like you have to bring your own wipe, it only take 20 seconds.