Couch - to - 5k Running Plan

Cool Running has this plan to get beginner runners out of the house and onto the road:

By the end of 9 weeks, after following the plan, you should be able to jog for 3 miles (5k). Today, I jumped in and completed the First Workout of Week 1: alternating states of very brisk walking and very slow jogging for 20 minutes.

I knew I had to go for it today because if I didn’t start today, I’d have to start tomorrow. As FLY Lady continually suggests, it’s never too late to jump in RIGHT NOW! I am trying not to be a perfectionist but it is SO HARD! :sad:

I have learned so much from FLY Lady. (F-inally L-oving Y-ourself)

I spent a good amount of time stretching (because in the past, jogging has injured me horribly), I reset and charged up my iPod, downloaded and synced Robert Ullrey’s “Couch to 5k” Running Podcast, washed a bottle and filled it with cool tap water… and… I WAS OFF!

I live in a hilly community at 9000 feet above sea level. But, nevertheless, I lugged my 200 pounds up and down these hills alternating between very brisk walking and very slow jogging.

I actually had sweat pouring down my face for the first time in my life!!! :cry:

My Exercise Diary for today now shows 14 minutes of very brisk walking, and 6 minutes of jogging.

I couldn't feel more proud of myself. :heart:


  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    VARDA - You SHOULD feel proud of yourself! That's wonderful! I'm starting the Couch-to-5-K (C25K) on Monday. What did you think of the Ullrey podcast? I have seen several out there, haven't had a chance to listen to any of them yet to see which ones I like.... I wish I could find one that is 80s music!
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    i am so proud of you!! thanks for all the info...i too love the Fly Lady! :wink: i am starting the C25K Aug 3rd along with some others. i have been a 'wogger' since late March, and each day i could really tell i was getting stronger! take care and good luck! cheering you along the way :drinker:
  • MrBinkerton
    MrBinkerton Posts: 109
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


    I am also working on the Couch to 5k program and thus far, I am really liking it. I am on week three. I have one more workout this week, the third one.

    Like I said, I am enjoying it. I def feel like I have gotten a great workout in by the time the time is up. I workout on the treadmill at the gym, with just regular music and clock it by time, but it seems to be working good. I NEED FAST MUSIC!!

    It is getting harder which makes me nervous though :(

    I have read that you really just need to stick with it and not give up! I am hope I can!

    Good luck to you and thank you for the post. I like hearing about others who are doing it!!!!

    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    Started C25K 4 weeks ago. I had to repeat week 1 and week 2 but still working on it. I use Suz's podcasts. They are hip/hop (like the beat). Ulrey's are good too but I don't like the music as much.

    I am doing my first 4 mile run/walk in September.
  • VardaElentari
    Thanks all for the love and support! (This is the greatest place to get it :heart:)

    I enjoy Ullrey's podcast because the music is fast and he says things like "you can do it!" It would be nice to have a bigger variety of music, but I don't mind the techno-ish beat so much. It's driving, and I think that's the point.

    I'm so glad to see others are working on this program, too. I don't feel so alone! We are all at different stages of our journey, so it's perfectly normal to take longer than a week to progress in the workout.

    The last thing I want any of us to do is sabotage ourselves by pushing too hard.

    Keep it up everyone! :heart:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    Hey - I started it this week too. Week 1 day 2 completed. Tomorrow is day 3.
    I did not do it outside, I like the comfort of no one seeing me on my treadmill :glasses:

    You can do this and you will get through it!!
  • VardaElentari
    I look funny when I run.

    My shorts bunch up between my fat thighs.

  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    you guys are all awesome for trying it. Im on week two and finding it so much harder than week one! I am going for run #2 of week #2 tomorrow morning and I am hoping my shins wont hurt so much this time around.

    I always feel like I look funny when I run too. I always feel like I am running like Im on an angle and leaning to far forward. I had the 'thigh issues" too so I went out and bought a pair of capris and I LOVE THEM SOOOO MUCH. they are cooler than pants but long enough that they wont ride up. i dont know if that will help, but it might :)

  • VardaElentari
    For those who are doing this program, I have a question for you.

    How often do you run? Daily? Three times a week as suggested?
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Good for you! I am on week 1, day 2. I have been doing walking/jogging intervals for a few weeks now, and did it 3x per week. In the other days I do strength training, and one day rest. Good luck!
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I run every other day - So Mon-Wed-Fri-Sun-Tues... and so on.
    I have a trainer and work with him on Tuesdays and Thursdays, then I try to get to hot yoga twice a week. I also swim twice a week and walk my dog 2 miles every day.
    I need to tweak my schedule so that I'm not totally killing myself on my hot yoga days, and I've asked my trainer to back off on my cardio on focus more on my core and upper body.

    Today has been my rest day because I haven't had a break yet. My husband is out with clients and I had to entertain both my girls all day, which in itself is a workout.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I just did week 4 day 2. It was tough, I had a side ache, but I didnt stop! Day three SAT am at 7:30, that alone could kill me! lol
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    HOLY CRAP i did run #2 of week#2 and its amazing how much harder running that extra 30 seconds each time he he. tahts totally awesome on week #4!!!! i am finding it realy hard but I am also beginning to believe that running is a very mental challenge :)
  • paulamma1
    paulamma1 Posts: 544 Member
    Well done to all of you on this and similar plans!!!

    We used to run the whole time as kids; never even crossed out minds that it was "difficult".

    Hang in there, you'll learn to love it again.

  • jesp1216
    jesp1216 Posts: 100
    i think im gonna start this with a friend either tomarow or monday
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    Great to see that there are so many people on here that are willing to give this program a shot. It's so worth it! :smile:

    I'm currently doing Week 8. The next run will take place this evening, it's going to be the second run of the eighth week. I run every second day and this way I'll be finished with the program the day before I'll fly to Croatia for a vacation with a friend of mine. I really cannot wait for both finishing C25K and the holiday :heart:

    Just stick with the program, you can do it! There were so many times I looked at the plan of the following week and was like "no way I'll ever run 20 mins straight" etc. but every time I managed to pull it through :smile:
  • Valtishia
    Valtishia Posts: 811 Member
    Started C25K 4 weeks ago. I had to repeat week 1 and week 2 but still working on it. I use Suz's podcasts. They are hip/hop (like the beat). Ulrey's are good too but I don't like the music as much.

    I am doing my first 4 mile run/walk in September.

    Where do you find this one?? I was looking for one that was hip hop
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Started C25K 4 weeks ago. I had to repeat week 1 and week 2 but still working on it. I use Suz's podcasts. They are hip/hop (like the beat). Ulrey's are good too but I don't like the music as much.

    I am doing my first 4 mile run/walk in September.

    Where do you find this one?? I was looking for one that was hip hop

    Here's the link for the Suz podcast.

    I used hers at the end of last week and I shaved almost 3 minutes off my time. The strong beat and faster music really got me moving! Up until then, I'd been using the Robert Ullery one. I have continued to use hers this week as well.

    Here's the link to his:

    I also did a google search, and there's several others: (podrunner also has podcasts to go further, with an 8K podcast and a 10K podcast) (This one is Christian music, there are a few extra downloads on this site) (This one has a 5-4-3-2-1-0 countdown and then the music completely changes for each interval, but the sampling I listened to had good music. I kind of hated it sometimes when the song changed right in the middle)

    Hope these help!
  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    I just love Nicole's podcasts that pettmybunny mentioned as well. They can be found at:

    Unfortunately, there is no podcast for the last week so I need to use some other podcast for that then.
  • VardaElentari
    Great to see that there are so many people on here that are willing to give this program a shot. It's so worth it! :smile:

    I'm currently doing Week 8. The next run will take place this evening, it's going to be the second run of the eighth week. I run every second day and this way I'll be finished with the program the day before I'll fly to Croatia for a vacation with a friend of mine. I really cannot wait for both finishing C25K and the holiday :heart:

    Just stick with the program, you can do it! There were so many times I looked at the plan of the following week and was like "no way I'll ever run 20 mins straight" etc. but every time I managed to pull it through :smile:

    When you go on vacation, will you be taking some time to run?

    I'm hoping to make time to run while on vacation so I won't lose the habit and get lazy :laugh:

    Besides, I think it might be fun to experience running in a different place for a change.