may as well just sit on my bum



  • FWIW I have never & will never "eat" back calories. I gained weight eating the wrong calories, now to lose it I am eating healthy calories.

    I have a set calorie count around 1200, which gets in all my nutriion, food groups etc.. Why do I need to add another 1000 to the plate? Sorry but the fuel thing just doesn't fly. Part of my calories is protein after workout, bout 170c/25g pr. So far the nutritionist & trainer haven't told me to shovel more food into mouth.

    Simple - eat better - move more.

    sums up far better my point at the start
  • spazwgeo
    spazwgeo Posts: 70 Member
    I don't know if this has been said because I really don't want to read through all of these posts about eating back calories.
    Exercise is important for a few different reasons. I exercise for one because it helps my mood! It also helps my heart to do cardio. But one of the main reason that I love to work out is because it gives me muscles!! I love that my legs and arms have become defined. Before they were just fat! Plus the more muscles you have the higher your metabolism is and your body is more efficient at burning all those fat calories!
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    FWIW I have never & will never "eat" back calories. I gained weight eating the wrong calories, now to lose it I am eating healthy calories.

    I have a set calorie count around 1200, which gets in all my nutriion, food groups etc.. Why do I need to add another 1000 to the plate? Sorry but the fuel thing just doesn't fly. Part of my calories is protein after workout, bout 170c/25g pr. So far the nutritionist & trainer haven't told me to shovel more food into mouth.

    Simple - eat better - move more.
    Why don't you think the fuel thing flies? If you exercise, you expend calories. So you aren't getting your original goal of 1200. Seems fairly straightforward.

    Your number are a bit confusing. If you are expending 1000 calories per day through exercises and only eating 1200, that would leave you 200 to maintain your body. That can't be right.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    The "I'll NEVER do that" thinking makes me sad. There were so many things I thought I'd never do, but keeping an open mind did me a lot of good.

    I NEVER thought I'd lose weight eating 2000 calories a day, but I did. I NEVER thought weight lifting would make me smaller, but it did. I NEVER thought I'd drink a protein shake, but I do. I also never thought I'd show my *kitten* in a bikini on an internet forum, never thought I'd be able to run a 10k, and especially thought I'd never actually WIN an award for running.

    Different stages of weight loss and fitness call for different approaches. Please keep an open mind. Listen to Justin Bieber's wise words. Never say never.
  • spazwgeo
    spazwgeo Posts: 70 Member
    FWIW I have never & will never "eat" back calories. I gained weight eating the wrong calories, now to lose it I am eating healthy calories.

    I have a set calorie count around 1200, which gets in all my nutriion, food groups etc.. Why do I need to add another 1000 to the plate? Sorry but the fuel thing just doesn't fly. Part of my calories is protein after workout, bout 170c/25g pr. So far the nutritionist & trainer haven't told me to shovel more food into mouth.

    Simple - eat better - move more.

    Well to each their own!! I for one could not function if I worked out everyday and only ate 1200 calories! My only question is this...have you told your trainer that you are only eating 1200 whether you work out or not??
  • Not to sound rude AT ALL, but I find this whole topic weird. How do people who want to lose weight (insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!

    Like I said above, do NOT take this meanly, but I guess what I am saying is maybe channel a little of your old 'fatter self' to figure out how to eat more ;) hee hee!

    Plenty of nutritious and calorie rich foods out there folks....

    As you've said not to sound rude then same goes here.. if people actually read the thread properly before commenting and being sarky(not aimed at yourself but plenty of others) then everyone would understand that "(insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!" This is not the case shes clearly said on numerous occasions its down to MEDICINE she has to take not her eating..!
  • She has answered her own question, don’t eat them back.

    So why... does everybody feel the need to be horrible or try and be-little her when like you say she answered her own question but.. that wasn't the question the question was just a general "What is the point in eating back calories.." and everyone took this upon themselves to use it as a reason to call her dumb and be really rude obviously want to take a good hard look at themselves before they start calling other people dumb and posting pics of a person banging their head against a wall when who's the dumb one ? - the person who cant understand what's being asked obviously..

    never mind dieting some people need to learn how to read first!

    Also this isn't a dig at you its just trying to get my point across to the couple of people on here that think they are right
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    She has answered her own question, don’t eat them back.

    So why... does everybody feel the need to be horrible or try and be-little her when like you say she answered her own question but.. that wasn't the question the question was just a general "What is the point in eating back calories.." and everyone took this upon themselves to use it as a reason to call her dumb and be really rude obviously want to take a good hard look at themselves before they start calling other people dumb and posting pics of a person banging their head against a wall when who's the dumb one ? - the person who cant understand what's being asked obviously..

    said it one ker! xx

    never mind dieting some people need to learn how to read first!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    this...u seem set in your dont have a what was the point of the post? if you dont want to eat..dont....dont expect a group of people to support lack of eating....excercising is for health, fitness, hot bod....all of that plus it allows you wiggle room to eat theory is if you have the choice to eat more and lose or eat a little a lose...why not EAT MORE!! Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here.
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    She has answered her own question, don’t eat them back.

    So why... does everybody feel the need to be horrible or try and be-little her when like you say she answered her own question but.. that wasn't the question the question was just a general "What is the point in eating back calories.." and everyone took this upon themselves to use it as a reason to call her dumb and be really rude obviously want to take a good hard look at themselves before they start calling other people dumb and posting pics of a person banging their head against a wall when who's the dumb one ? - the person who cant understand what's being asked obviously..

    said it one ker! xx

    never mind dieting some people need to learn how to read first!

    she knows the point and disagrees with it...this post was for pure argument sake in my opinion...she has already stated that her husband lost weight on 600 calories a day and she thinks thats fine...which to each is own...but the post was pointless....which means im wasting time done with this pointless post....EAT !!!
  • I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    this...u seem set in your dont have a what was the point of the post? if you dont want to eat..dont....dont expect a group of people to support lack of eating....excercising is for health, fitness, hot bod....all of that plus it allows you wiggle room to eat theory is if you have the choice to eat more and lose or eat a little a lose...why not EAT MORE!! Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here.

    This has nothing to do with her being set in her ways its a simple question why are people not getting it!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thats all she wanted to know!

    and as for your comment ...

    "Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here."

    Try go back and read the comments first before you comment yes SOME people know how to eat alot more but not ALL! if you had read the comments u would understand its down to meds she has to take for different things that shes put on alot of weight
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    The "I'll NEVER do that" thinking makes me sad. There were so many things I thought I'd never do, but keeping an open mind did me a lot of good.

    I NEVER thought I'd lose weight eating 2000 calories a day, but I did. I NEVER thought weight lifting would make me smaller, but it did. I NEVER thought I'd drink a protein shake, but I do. I also never thought I'd show my *kitten* in a bikini on an internet forum, never thought I'd be able to run a 10k, and especially thought I'd never actually WIN an award for running.

    Different stages of weight loss and fitness call for different approaches. Please keep an open mind. Listen to Justin Bieber's wise words. Never say never.

    This!! i really am done with this post now, lol...its just frustrating....
  • banghead.gif


  • The "I'll NEVER do that" thinking makes me sad. There were so many things I thought I'd never do, but keeping an open mind did me a lot of good.

    I NEVER thought I'd lose weight eating 2000 calories a day, but I did. I NEVER thought weight lifting would make me smaller, but it did. I NEVER thought I'd drink a protein shake, but I do. I also never thought I'd show my *kitten* in a bikini on an internet forum, never thought I'd be able to run a 10k, and especially thought I'd never actually WIN an award for running.

    Different stages of weight loss and fitness call for different approaches. Please keep an open mind. Listen to Justin Bieber's wise words. Never say never.

    This!! i really am done with this post now, lol...its just frustrating....

  • Not to sound rude AT ALL, but I find this whole topic weird. How do people who want to lose weight (insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!

    Like I said above, do NOT take this meanly, but I guess what I am saying is maybe channel a little of your old 'fatter self' to figure out how to eat more ;) hee hee!

    Plenty of nutritious and calorie rich foods out there folks....

    As you've said not to sound rude then same goes here.. if people actually read the thread properly before commenting and being sarky(not aimed at yourself but plenty of others) then everyone would understand that "(insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!" This is not the case shes clearly said on numerous occasions its down to MEDICINE she has to take not her eating..!
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    The "I'll NEVER do that" thinking makes me sad. There were so many things I thought I'd never do, but keeping an open mind did me a lot of good.

    I NEVER thought I'd lose weight eating 2000 calories a day, but I did. I NEVER thought weight lifting would make me smaller, but it did. I NEVER thought I'd drink a protein shake, but I do. I also never thought I'd show my *kitten* in a bikini on an internet forum, never thought I'd be able to run a 10k, and especially thought I'd never actually WIN an award for running.

    Different stages of weight loss and fitness call for different approaches. Please keep an open mind. Listen to Justin Bieber's wise words. Never say never.

    This!! i really am done with this post now, lol...its just frustrating....


    1 more answer the question, although answered before....people eat after exercise to fuel their body, maintain/grow muscles, energy, life. 1200 calories or less is so restrictive. Some can do it, but you have to know that you dont have to. There are plenty of people that lose weight eating over 2000 calories due to a high fitness level. Its to each is own but no matter where you are in your life 600 calories is too low. That is what stuck out to me.
  • Not to sound rude AT ALL, but I find this whole topic weird. How do people who want to lose weight (insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!

    Like I said above, do NOT take this meanly, but I guess what I am saying is maybe channel a little of your old 'fatter self' to figure out how to eat more ;) hee hee!

    Plenty of nutritious and calorie rich foods out there folks....

    As you've said not to sound rude then same goes here.. if people actually read the thread properly before commenting and being sarky(not aimed at yourself but plenty of others) then everyone would understand that "(insinuating they are a little heavier) have a hard time eating calories? Obviously we all used to be pretty good at it, LOL!" This is not the case shes clearly said on numerous occasions its down to MEDICINE she has to take not her eating..!

    Thank-you and maybe too I feel full and seems thats a crime to people on here
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    The "I'll NEVER do that" thinking makes me sad. There were so many things I thought I'd never do, but keeping an open mind did me a lot of good.

    I NEVER thought I'd lose weight eating 2000 calories a day, but I did. I NEVER thought weight lifting would make me smaller, but it did. I NEVER thought I'd drink a protein shake, but I do. I also never thought I'd show my *kitten* in a bikini on an internet forum, never thought I'd be able to run a 10k, and especially thought I'd never actually WIN an award for running.

    Different stages of weight loss and fitness call for different approaches. Please keep an open mind. Listen to Justin Bieber's wise words. Never say never.
  • I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    this...u seem set in your dont have a what was the point of the post? if you dont want to eat..dont....dont expect a group of people to support lack of eating....excercising is for health, fitness, hot bod....all of that plus it allows you wiggle room to eat theory is if you have the choice to eat more and lose or eat a little a lose...why not EAT MORE!! Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here.
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402

    ^^ Eating back calories.

    End this now.
This discussion has been closed.