may as well just sit on my bum



  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    Just listen to your body, if your not hungry and not tired, then do worry about it. THis is how I handle my weight loss so some days I do eat more than others, but it is working for me
  • I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    this...u seem set in your dont have a what was the point of the post? if you dont want to eat..dont....dont expect a group of people to support lack of eating....excercising is for health, fitness, hot bod....all of that plus it allows you wiggle room to eat theory is if you have the choice to eat more and lose or eat a little a lose...why not EAT MORE!! Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here.

    hmmm im not set in my ways I eat more healthy options now but eating was never my problem ITS MY MEDS and I beleive ive said that, IF you think my post was not worth being posted then why bother answering it full stop, sorry think some peeps are jealous that I can not only exercise but also exercise self control when it comes to eating
  • Just listen to your body, if your not hungry and not tired, then do worry about it. THis is how I handle my weight loss so some days I do eat more than others, but it is working for me

    exactly, totally agree I do listen to my body and come mothers day im gonna go out and eat , simply because I dont deprive myself and the cals I lose through exercising sorta balances out any extras I may eat on special occasions
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    Just listen to your body, if your not hungry and not tired, then do worry about it. THis is how I handle my weight loss so some days I do eat more than others, but it is working for me

    exactly, totally agree I do listen to my body and come mothers day im gonna go out and eat , simply because I dont deprive myself and the cals I lose through exercising sorta balances out any extras I may eat on special occasions

    so do you have the original answer to your question? Why it's best to exercise and not just sit around eating too few calories?
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    this...u seem set in your dont have a what was the point of the post? if you dont want to eat..dont....dont expect a group of people to support lack of eating....excercising is for health, fitness, hot bod....all of that plus it allows you wiggle room to eat theory is if you have the choice to eat more and lose or eat a little a lose...why not EAT MORE!! Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here.

    hmmm im not set in my ways I eat more healthy options now but eating was never my problem ITS MY MEDS and I beleive ive said that, IF you think my post was not worth being posted then why bother answering it full stop, sorry think some peeps are jealous that I can not only exercise but also exercise self control when it comes to eating

    drawn to it i guess :smile: not jealous...i enjoy eating and losing...its the best of both worlds. people who eat their exercise calories have self control also by the way. There is nothing wrong with fueling your body. The problem is over eating. Eating back your exercise calories is not overeating.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    what is the point to exercise if you have to eat the cals burnt back?, may as well sit on my bum, do nothing and enjoy the cals

    Yep, may as well.

    May as well lose all muscle mass.

    No benefits to exercise at all. Enjoy the couch.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    hmmm im not set in my ways I eat more healthy options now but eating was never my problem ITS MY MEDS and I beleive ive said that, IF you think my post was not worth being posted then why bother answering it full stop, sorry think some peeps are jealous that I can not only exercise but also exercise self control when it comes to eating

    Eating back exercise calories in a diet where exercise isn't accounted for because you believe it's healthier than increasing your daily deficit is NOT lacking self control.
  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    I cant eat anymore, I eat what I enjoty, when im hungry at a party I will cake IF i want it if I DONT WANT IT THEN i wont, I linedance twice a week and have done for 8 years and is part of my life, not to burn cals but cos I enjoy, even did it when I was a size 10

    Then WTH is the point of you posting then???

    this...u seem set in your dont have a what was the point of the post? if you dont want to eat..dont....dont expect a group of people to support lack of eating....excercising is for health, fitness, hot bod....all of that plus it allows you wiggle room to eat theory is if you have the choice to eat more and lose or eat a little a lose...why not EAT MORE!! Regardless of the "i just cant eat that much" crap i always see....we all know how to eat alot or we wouldnt have ended up here.

    hmmm im not set in my ways I eat more healthy options now but eating was never my problem ITS MY MEDS and I beleive ive said that, IF you think my post was not worth being posted then why bother answering it full stop, sorry think some peeps are jealous that I can not only exercise but also exercise self control when it comes to eating

    Peeps....always hatin.:noway:
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    Just listen to your body, if your not hungry and not tired, then do worry about it. THis is how I handle my weight loss so some days I do eat more than others, but it is working for me

    exactly, totally agree I do listen to my body and come mothers day im gonna go out and eat , simply because I dont deprive myself and the cals I lose through exercising sorta balances out any extras I may eat on special occasions

    so do you have the original answer to your question? Why it's best to exercise and not just sit around eating too few calories?

    that was not her question, her question was.......why do you have to eat back exercise calories
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    If its meds that have 'helped' you gain weight, then many congratulations for losing 9lbs, it can be a hard old slog with that stacked against you.

    When I've taken meds that have induced weight gain, I find water, water, water to be the best in helping minimise any unnecessary gain.
  • Just listen to your body, if your not hungry and not tired, then do worry about it. THis is how I handle my weight loss so some days I do eat more than others, but it is working for me

    exactly, totally agree I do listen to my body and come mothers day im gonna go out and eat , simply because I dont deprive myself and the cals I lose through exercising sorta balances out any extras I may eat on special occasions

    so do you have the original answer to your question? Why it's best to exercise and not just sit around eating too few calories?

    yes thanks, but no thanks to the bullies on here, I do exercise but because I feel healthy doing so , I eat a good balanced diet too, I was just wondering but gotta say I will never ever ask anything again as all the backlash isnt worth it, I'll just ask questions to my own group of friends rather than throw myself into the lions den lol
  • zafferFL
    zafferFL Posts: 402
    NVM!! better things to do today
  • missbaker89
    missbaker89 Posts: 245
    You cannot reason with stupidity...

    who is being stupid?
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    I couldn't even read through this whole topic due to the bad quoting.. But I would like to say that people who eat back their exercise calories do have self control they don't go over their limit set for them to still maintain a healthy deficit. Telling us that you can't eat that many calories doesn't really accomplish anything especially if you aren't willing to take the answers to your question. I hope you find something that works for you. :ohwell:
  • If its meds that have 'helped' you gain weight, then many congratulations for losing 9lbs, it can be a hard old slog with that stacked against you.

    When I've taken meds that have induced weight gain, I find water, water, water to be the best in helping minimise any unnecessary gain.

    I swear its the water that has helped me as to be honest before coming on here the only water I ever had was in tea , now I have my 8 glasses every day without fail
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    hmmm im not set in my ways I eat more healthy options now but eating was never my problem ITS MY MEDS and I beleive ive said that, IF you think my post was not worth being posted then why bother answering it full stop, sorry think some peeps are jealous that I can not only exercise but also exercise self control when it comes to eating

    Wow, you seem determined to argue with everyone. People are jealous of your self control?! MFP is specifically designed for you to eat back your exercise calories to help fuel your body and maintain a *healthy* deficit. There are many, many people on this site who have had great success by following the way MFP is set up to work. They're not lacking in self control - they understand the basic math behind it and the importance of fueling your body for health.

    If you wanted to know how the exercise cal thing worked, you could have done a search and read any of the hundreds of posts on this topic, or you could have posted a polite thread asking for help understanding the exercise calorie thing. Instead you come across as defiant. If you don't want to eat them, don't eat them. No one's making you. But at least try to understand the reasoning behind the way MFP is set up.
  • I couldn't even read through this whole topic due to the bad quoting.. But I would like to say that people who eat back their exercise calories do have self control they don't go over their limit set for them to still maintain a healthy deficit. Telling us that you can't eat that many calories doesn't really accomplish anything especially if you aren't willing to take the answers to your question. I hope you find something that works for you. :ohwell:

    As you say you havent read the whole post I have happily taken on board those who respectfully answered my question without using bullying tactics but sorry never listened to bullies in 51 years not gonna start now, those tidy peeps ive thanked but mob bullying is different , would you like it?
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    This has been answered many times, including by me, but the reason you eat them back is to do with maths.

    Think of 2 sides - on one side you have the food that you eat which is adding calories to your body.

    On the other you have activities you perform which is using the calories. This is everything from heart beating and breathing up to exercise.

    The ideal balance is for each of these to be the same so that when you subtract the calories used from the calories taken in, you balance at 0.

    In order to gain weight the number would be positive and in order to lose weight the number would be negative.

    If you don't eat your exercise calories back, that is just the same as if you were to do no exercise, but just eat even less.

    I presume you have picked an appropriate number as your calorie goal for the day. This number isn't random - it is based in science, so to throw in random exercise offsets the calculation and goes against the reasons you picked that number in the first place.

    I understand that you are struggling to eat, I have seen the same thing with my mum, and despite me trying to gently educate her, she persists in sticking on salads all the time eating less and less thinking that it will be the solution.

    If you do struggle to eat then you should try some methods of increasing slowly so you get used to it.

    The point of exercise isn't to burn extra calories off as a bonus. It is for the sake of fitness and the composition of your body. You really should eat them back.

    For the record I think there has been hostility on both sides of the argument, but I would add if you are going to ask people for advice, when the information they provide goes against what you believe maybe try looking into it, especially when the majority are saying the same thing. I think the hostility sprung from you getting overly defensive in the first place. If you don't believe something, ask for further clarification of what makes them believe that. There are plenty of very knowledgeable people on here who can explain in detail why they believe what they do.
  • naiomi85
    naiomi85 Posts: 29 Member
    If you don't want to eat them...then don't?
  • mdsjmom98
    mdsjmom98 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't think I was around for the last time this topic was brought up, so I'm glad it has been brought up again. Being relatively new to this, I don't quite get the concept either. I'm always under, even with the minimal amount of exercise I'm doing. (walking 20 min/day) Then it says "you're eating too few calories, your body will go into starvation mode" And to be honest, that freaks me out. As big as I am, I can't imagine that happening anytime soon!! So I just eat my 1200 or there abouts, and if I burn 200 a day in calories, oh well, I've eaten my daily allotment. I'm not sure if it's going to backfire on me or not, but I have lost 17 lbs so far, so we'll see. Good luck everyone on your quest for a healthier life!!
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