How did every 1 gain weight



  • mammothdoll
    I coped with grief in an unhealthy way. Then I habituated to eating too much.
  • jetsgirl
    jetsgirl Posts: 50
    I was always quite skinny and then hit my 20's and I didn't adjust to that well. Then having 7 pregnancies in 5 yrs (5 miscarriages) which lead to a temporary depression.
  • fatgirlzrule2
    fatgirlzrule2 Posts: 172 Member
    No matter if it was stress, kids, pills, depression, or the like, it all comes down to eating too much and doing too little. I know I can blame my weight gain on personal issues, but I still chose to sit down and eat half a pizza, or a couple candy bars, or huge bowls of CapN'Crunch, or whatever else I shoveled into my mouth.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    Falling in love... and the subsequent falling out of love... and repeat. Also, going away to college and not having the healthy food my family bought all the time. I moved to Texas, and the junk food really is bigger, everything was spread out where I lived so there was less walking. Mix those factors with a glutton-y personality, and voila! 60lbs in 4 years. Uck.
  • sarge634
    sarge634 Posts: 42
    I was always underweight up until about five years ago i quit smoking and started eating to much,i used to hate eating now i think about food all the time.
  • ilmpk
    ilmpk Posts: 6
    Stopped cycling 15-20 miles/day, and mountain bike racing after I left the military. My eating habits are atrocious also, another item I'm trying to correct.
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    For me it was several things:
    Having 2 kids
    Working overnights at mcdonalds for 4 months when my son was a baby (overnight shift got free meals)
    Quitting smoking
    Going on Lyrica for fibromyalgia (going back off it a few months later)
    In general, being a SAHM to 2 kids, one with Autism who before going to school, I couldn't even go pee alone let alone exercise.
  • StephanieDJL
    StephanieDJL Posts: 130 Member
    I've always been 'big' or bigger than my peers but as a teenager the combination of finding the internet, being able to feed myself & sleep at ridiculous hours resulted in insane binge eating. I'm the definition of emotional eater, I over eat for every emotion.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    I ate more than I burned... by a pretty significant margin, since I gained most of my weight over the course of one year.
  • Deanthedog
    Deanthedog Posts: 122 Member
    5 stone within 4 years ...combination of medication,huge portions,not enough exercise and contentment have lost over a stone since being at my heaviest but still a couple more to go
  • PLV27
    PLV27 Posts: 22 Member
    I don't remember ever having been a normal weight. I've struggled with my weight since childhood so there's really no definitive period where I gained it all. I put my current heftiness down to a lack of understanding nutrition, emotional eating and a strong love of all things chocolate and carb.
  • superstankazz
    A vicious cycle of antidepressants (which I am completely off of now).
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    Went from being single and eating pretty healthy and working out 5-6 times per week, to being married to a man who loves to cook using real cream and butter! :o) We then got custody of his three children from his first marriage who had a lot of needs, and I stopped going to the gym after work...too tired and too stressed. Add two pregnancies on top of that, and it is a recipe for disaster. I made some pretty horrible choices and am paying for it now. So, getting back on track, and giving myself permission to be a bit selfish with my needs and time again. It is a learning process!!
  • sus_ny47
    sus_ny47 Posts: 1
    3 kids. I love sugar and didn't pay attention to portions. My husband can't gain an ounce and eats a lot. I think I was eating almost as much as him. lol
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I was lazy and I like chips.
  • SofaKingRad
    SofaKingRad Posts: 1,592 Member
    I like McDonald's, beer, BBQ, pizza, chicken wings (oh God I love chicken wings), and donuts. I hated working out at the same time. So it's kinda combo of those. Yeah...
    DAMNCHARLIE Posts: 569
    The death of my Mother, I was suprised how well I took it until 6 months later when I got on the scale COMFORT FOOD!!!
  • flutterby6973
    car accident + stopped exercising + steroid injection in my back + eating more = me gaining over 60lbs
  • cheesenbrats
    I continued to eat the way I did when I was playing football. I thought it was cool to see how much I could eat and would often engage in eating challenges. Unfortunately, I was not getting the exercise to offset the calories I was putting into my body. Eventually it was a habit and, like all habits, it has been difficult to break.

    Now I am focused on making a significant lifestyle change which included eating better and getting exercise. So far I have lost 20 pounds and look forward to loosing much more.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,051 Member
    I never met a carb I didn't like.:blushing: