How did every 1 gain weight



  • JoDeeD
    JoDeeD Posts: 391
    I was always underweight! I had to gain weight to get pregnant with my first child. I was back to prepregnancy weight at 6 weeks post partum. Then we taught him to share. I gained some weight. We baked cookies and brownies to get him to eat his dinner. Then I got pregnant with my 2nd child who was 10 pounds and breech so I ended up with a c-section and had difficult exercising after. Then I had another child by c-section. Now I am only 12 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight from my first child! Yippee!
  • KarmaxKitty
    KarmaxKitty Posts: 901 Member
    Eating too much + emotional eating + CRAPPY COLLEGE DINING HALL during my freshman year = 30 pounds on top of my already being overweight. =.=
  • rede2go
    rede2go Posts: 82 Member
    I lost a bunch of weight (39 lbs). Had a health scare and then was down and out for three months. I gained 20 back. I was discouraged and depressed but now I am back on track and working hard at it.
  • feb06momma
    feb06momma Posts: 169
    My now ex-husband and I basically stopped talking to each other the last 2 years or so of marriage. So, me, the recliner and junk food became great buddies. I put on 80 or so pounds in a year, eating away my feelings. Working to reverse all of that damage!!
  • MPwife10
    MPwife10 Posts: 130 Member
    2 babies in 10 I need to say more lol.
  • techigirl78
    techigirl78 Posts: 128 Member
    Drinking mountain dew like water and becoming more and more sedentary over the years.
  • SelkieDiver
    SelkieDiver Posts: 260 Member
    This time, inactivity due to a knee surgery that laid me up for 4 months and not watching my diet. I'd always been overweight but found a love of running 6 years ago and lost 60 lbs between that and eating healthily. Now I need to re-lose 15 of them. Oh well, life is cyclical. I'm back up and slowly getting my mileage back.
  • RMBoncore
    RMBoncore Posts: 7 Member
    I lost about 60 pounds a few years back from just biking and watching what I ate, but I gave it up. Over the next two years i gained it all back and then some from eating and drinking beer, while living a sedentary lifestyle. But that's all over now!
  • tyoung8
    tyoung8 Posts: 115 Member
    I gained weight after I had my daughter two years ago. Before I got pregnant I weighed 160 which was perfect for me. When I gave birth i was 240! Yikes! ive been yo yo dieting ever since!
  • kb455
    kb455 Posts: 679 Member
    I created a few human beings.... NOT good for the figure. But they were way worth it. :heart:
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    I never ate well, was never very active and always moderately overweight. Then i went on medication treatment for depression and things just got way out of control. As i have been examaning this history in the past 3 months, just getting started on MFP and with a personal trainer, it shocked me to realize i have been carrying this huge weight for nearly 20 years. I was always so sure it was a temporary blip, but 2 decades is a bloody long time!!
  • Donnacoach
    Donnacoach Posts: 540 Member
    A very bad back and child birth twice
  • spinqueen72
    spinqueen72 Posts: 406 Member
    I was exercising & eating healthy...but I wasn't eating ENOUGH! I basically was starving myself! My metabolism went nuts! I now eat 6 or more times a day. So far it's working pretty good! It was hard for me to wrap my mind around eating that many times a day...but my old trainer MADE me do it. I'm hypoglycemic, therefore I MUST eat every couple of hours anyways. Believe me...I don't eat fast food very often...I'm not a junk food junkie...I don't drink soda or anything with caffeine in it. My body just decided to go crazy on me after my daughter was born! I've been fighting my weight for 16 years. This year...I'm sooo over it!
  • LindaLou0802
    LindaLou0802 Posts: 22 Member
    I was always underweight until...I had a baby, didn't change my eating habits after my pregnancy, financially stressed over the last two years - emotional eater, had to quit my gym membership due to cost, wasn't exercising enough, getting enough sleep, and still not drinking enough water.

    But, here to change that!
  • txwomyn
    txwomyn Posts: 36
    I stop smoking and gained most of my weight. Need something to do with my hands.
    Now it is time to brake the cycle.
  • LenaMena87
    LenaMena87 Posts: 469 Member
    Bad car accident and my husband's love for out to eat!
  • Ithintooman
    Ithintooman Posts: 1 Member
    I quit smoking about 5 years ago and began to binge eat. I have also stopped doing just about every form of exercise.... EEK!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    With the Mirena birth control :/
  • savannahwhitexoxo
    birth control and depression
  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Not exercising, and drinking gallons of Mt Dew and eating whatever, whenever... I let myself go these past few years, idk it was like I just didn't care. That's no longer the case! :)