You know you're serious about losing weight when....



  • You give up your favorite drink (Coke), and start downing the water!

    You decline to eat a piece of your favorite chocolate pie, handmade by Grandma
  • ...You can't wait for your 1 year old to go down for a nap so you can do your workout.
    ...You wonder if you can have hummus, crackers AND a banana for lunch (this was me 10 minutes ago. Yes I can :))
  • kdgqueen
    kdgqueen Posts: 2 tell your husband you can go get a treat at DQ, but only if he agrees to walk there and back. start hosting all of the family functions just so you can control what there is to eat. do extra on your workout to make room for the avocado you want to eat instead of burning off the junk you just ate. make a chocolate mug cake and after one bite, and it tasting so-so, your husband looks at you and says "this isn't even worth the 250 calories, is it?"
  • karynmarnitz
    karynmarnitz Posts: 1 Member
    Doing spinning or gym 3 times a week and not being too bad with food but not too strict either. Was hoping for more results from all the excersice. Assesment time at the gym on sunday. Hope I don't come out crying.

    What are you eating? Or are you just counting the calories.
  • Mamoonie
    Mamoonie Posts: 328
    ... your hubby asks you to bring home some McDonald's meal when you're done @ the gym, and you do so, but only buy food for hubby, not for yourself.

    ... when you have to do some work out at the muscle room @ gym, and actually feel comfortable being there (as opposed to thinking you have no right to be there)
  • discodaddy61
    discodaddy61 Posts: 161 Member
    all day while you are at work all you think about is getting on your bike and going for a ride.........
    you keep thinking about how many reps and sets you will do on the weight machines.
    ............when no matter how tired you feel or how bad your headache is you find a way to get to the gym no matter what
  • MrsBooBear
    MrsBooBear Posts: 12,618 Member
    When you work out the cals in other peoples meals. Then tell them.x
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    You're brushing your teeth, but pulling your stomach muscles in, tightening your butt and lifting yourself up and down on your tip toes whilst doing it.

    You're eating oatmeal with one hand in the morning for breakfast and keep alternating hands every now and then so you can lift a 3lb weight with the other hand.
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member plan a week in advance if drinking alcohol is the game plan. get mad when your new clothes are too big. would rather cook at home than go out to a restaurant. would rather do the grocery shopping than your significant other (or in my case, parents). dream of ways to get up and move while at work. get excited at the thought of working out.

    And probably a ton of what everyone else has said.
  • momotivation
    momotivation Posts: 72 Member
    bump, this is a great pick me up and a true reminder of the struggles but the ending victory!
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member're 10 minutes late to work because you forgot your salad at home and turned around to get it, even though there are a million restaurants around your office go to the store, buy your fav candy on a bad whim and then get home and throw it out unopened

    ...everytime you eat you think about logging it on MFP first
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member plan a week in advance if drinking alcohol is the game plan. get mad when your new clothes are too big. would rather cook at home than go out to a restaurant. would rather do the grocery shopping than your significant other (or in my case, parents). dream of ways to get up and move while at work. get excited at the thought of working out.

    And probably a ton of what everyone else has said.

    Okay that made me feel better about planning a beer this weekend! I thought I was the only one that did that.
  • binky610
    binky610 Posts: 17 really internalize the fact that even if no one sees you eat it, it still counts. put away the Ben & Jerry's after 2 teaspoons (they're not one serving containers!)
  • Connie1979
    Connie1979 Posts: 77 Member
    ....when you purposely try to find parking spots far away from the entrance
    .... You do mini workouts during commercial breaks while watching TV
    .....You buy expensive clothes that are currently too small with the intentions of losing weight to fit in them
  • SomeMorr
    SomeMorr Posts: 220 Member
    ... when you have to do some work out at the muscle room @ gym, and actually feel comfortable being there (as opposed to thinking you have no right to be there)

    this has been me recently, the guys in the muscle room don't make me feel intimidated anymore now that I just walk in there confidently, do my sets and leave.

    -you know you are serious when your husband asks you if you want a second helping at dinner and you know that it would make up feel like crap and mess up your calorie intake so you decline (I used to always have a 2nd plate)

    -when you realize that you are going to the gym 5-6 days a week and it doesn't feel like a chore!
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    You give up your favorite drink (Coke), and start downing the water!

    This! What was a daily thing is now once a week!
  • carholl
    carholl Posts: 44 Member
    When you reached a certain time/calories on the elliptical and are determined to do it...even if it means being late for work!
  • ~ you go to Math Night at your child's school and instead of pizza and cookies, you ask for seconds on WATER!

    ~ you need a huge lunchbox for all of your containers and baggies of healthy snacks instead of eating in the airport that you work in

    ~ you lay in bed watching Thomas the Train with your son, doing leg lifts!
  • nbsambucca
    nbsambucca Posts: 123 Member
    when you sit at work and eat your packed healthy lunch, and the others order their greasy burgers and fries. As they open them up you smirk and think how UNhealthy they are and how much better your lunch is because its good for you making you thinner and fitter.
    When your McDonalds' coupons in the truck expire before you use them.
    When you just cant wait for that next Zumba class.....and feel sad when its over.
  • phillbis
    phillbis Posts: 353 Member
    You look up a menu online before going out and decide not to go there.
    You know that semen has not only calories but nutritional value
    You wear your heart rate monitor to do everything just for fun. But only log actual exercise.
    You donate your "fat" clothes instead of packing them up for a later use.

    You owe me 1 keyboard! Thank God it was only water I was drinking.