"5 foods to never eat"...?



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,247 Member
    Here are the 5 foods to NEVER eat:

    Food that is spoiled
    Food that was shared by cockroaches
    Food in the bathroom
    Food with an expiration date of 1999
    Food from the dollar store that cost less than a dollar

    Other than that the BS of foods to never eat is propaganda from celebrities and hollywood are so they can sell books with their pseudoscience analogies.

    You can eat what you like and lose weight and still be healthy AS LONG as you get in your essentials, exercise, get rest, reduce stress, don't engage in health risk behavior (EX SMOKING) have sex and don't over exceed your calorie limit.
    It's not that complicated, people just want to make a simple process sound like it's a magic formula that they have to snare the naive into thinking that their money is better spent with them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'm going to quote this a few times so people actually read it. Great post Niner.

    I hear 1999 was a good year for expired food. Wonderful vintage. :noway:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    I keep my banana in a hammock.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • bethelcheryl
    bethelcheryl Posts: 199 Member
    Hello, my name is bethelcheryl and I am a bananaholic. I abuse bananas. I eat 3 bananas a day, sometimes more. My love of bananas started in my childhood, and was actually encouraged by my parents. I don't blame them. They didn't know. It has been a struggle, but I'm finally willing to admit I have a problem. And as all of us know, that is the first step. If anyone knows of a 12 step program, please let me know. Thank you :)
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    The 5 foods ad is on this website - funny.

    As for bananas - when I joined WW, they said "fruit is free" as long as you don't abuse bananas.

    I think it's because they're naturally sweet, and therefore naturally contain sugar, which naturally translates to Carbohydrates. So, people that are concerned about sugar and Carbohydrates - diabetics - or "Atkins freaks" (not my words) - think they're bad.

    I'm diabetic, I eat bananas, but I don't abuse them - because the fruit police would come get me. :laugh: (we need a dancing banana smiley btw) - and I've been doing GREAT dropping my blood sugar glucose levels and my A1C into the almost non-diabetic, normal range JUST WITH DIET.

    So, I think the ad is FUD - Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt - to get people to buy something.

    Hope this helps.

    Love it thank you for sharing!!
  • missdchurchill
    missdchurchill Posts: 1 Member
    i hit reply by accident and can't get rid of my comment space. Sorry everyone.
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    I love how this thread has turned into a banana debate :laugh:

    It is pretty funny
  • kathyc727
    kathyc727 Posts: 187 Member

    I heard bananas were good for you in ...moderation, like maybe one a day. But I SOOOO dont like them, I like the flavor....just not the fruit.. weird huh??

    I just thought maybe I'd get some responses to this topic and be able to pass around some information on MFP....talking to those of you who have done research!! (is that selfish of me.....???)

    Bananas make my tongue & throat feel "fuzzy". LOL Weird right?
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    Those ads are all scams. You inviting fraud and theft if you click on them.

    They lead to sketchy websites hawking phony diet pills. They will try to get you to sign up for a "free" trial and then bill you every month until the day you die, and for two years thereafter. And there's one atop the page right now! Grrr!

    For more on this scam, google "The fake diet girls"

  • BrienJD
    BrienJD Posts: 541 Member
    I think it's all a bunch of horses***t, just a huge marketing ploy as usual. If you eat enough of anything it can have negative consequences. I am sick of all this "never eat these foods" crap splashed over everywhere...don't eat salt, don't eat sugar, don't eat red meat, don't eat fish, don't drink milk, don't eat butter, don't eat margarine, don't eat bread or rice, don't eat this or that, eat this not that and on and on and on and on!!!!!explode:

    (Deeeeeeep Breath)

    Whew,......glad I got that off chest.

    Sorry, just my one of my pet peeves:bigsmile:
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    Never thought I'd spent 15 minutes of my life reading a thread about bananas! LOL
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    I keep my banana in a hammock.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    You're sexy and you know it! :laugh:
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    Here goes nothing....
    Fruit SHOULD NOT be avoided and DOES NOT slow weight loss.

    You're right, it doesn't slow weight loss, it REVERSES it!
    Read 'Good Calories, Bad Calories' by Gary Taubes to learn how wrong and unscientific your statement is.

    I love fruit, but it's full of fructose and fructose (as we should all know by now) is worse than sugar.
    It not only spikes insulin, (which causes fat storage) but (like alcohol) the only part of the body that
    can process fructose is the liver. This means the body treats it like a toxin.

    Of course fruit also has fibre, vitamins and other nutrients, but avoiding my beloved mandarins, apples
    and bananas along with all grains and dairy is the sole reason I've lost over 30pounds with little effort.

    blah blah blah..... keep on eating your processed pseudo food. I'll stick to my grown from the earth fruits.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    There have been a few people express concerns that corn will kill you where you sit.


    Don't say it so loud. Corn was sleeping. If you wake it up, we will ALL pay.

    This made me LOL.

    ohhhhhh this is just too much for me right now :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • helloliss
    helloliss Posts: 43
    I read that white bread, white rice ,any kind white flour in general .lol XD

    Bananas are so good ! the key is moderation ! :) 1/2 of banana or 1/4 is not going to harm you ! eat bananas !! especially Before of after working out .
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    I eat two bananas with about 5 strawberries each morning for a week and then switch to other fruits another week and haven't had one problem loosing weight. In fact, I've lost 2 lbs this week alone. It's tasty and better than cereal to me.

    I also enjoy the English tradition of tea with about 2 or 3 cubes of sugar (I have a sweet tooth) about once every three days. I figure I'm balancing my life out. I don't want to go from one extreme from the other. Overeating to depriving myself of everything I love. I want a good body and good joyful life to go with it. Some of that joy I still derive from food and how wonderful it is. That's just me and I perfectly fine with it.
  • Elaine_NY
    Elaine_NY Posts: 5 Member
    Banana has so much sugar.
  • evelindsey
    evelindsey Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, sorry.. completely not related. How do I get one of the awesome trackers you all have at the bottom of your posts?
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Depressing that some people would pay to get this kind of a list. You don't need to avoid any foods! Just be aware of the nutritional and caloric food values of things you eat and eat in moderation, limit the high calorie foods but there's no need to never eat anything.

    My credentials... have lost 176lbs
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,719 Member
    Hi there. Where are you seeing these reports for sale? There is so much free (and accurate) information on the internet. I would start with Dr. Oz's book, YOU on a Diet. Or check out his web site. I would have to say that the top five foods never to eat are:
    1. High Fructose Corn Syrup
    2. Trans Fats (hydrogenated fat)
    3. enriched flour
    4. saturated fat (limit intake)
    5. sugar (limit intake)

    And I know Oz has info about foods that help eliminate belly fat. Green tea comes to mind. My best advice is to go to his site and do a search. Good luck!
    Don't follow the Yellow Brick Road. Instead of a Wizard, you'll find a scammer.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group FitnessTrainer
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • agrzybow
    agrzybow Posts: 38 Member
    I watched the video that was related to the ad you are referring to, and I think while I watched it, I did a giant eye roll and closed my web browser.

    I remember the woman in the video saying that whole wheat bread was "bad" and that switching to spelt was best. THAT was it. We eat whole wheat, whole grain breads and pastas, and that is a-okay with me. I didn't feel like reorganizing my whole food inventory so I could have "spelt everything" on hand. Plus, I am not sure you can make spelt chocolate chip cookies - I could be wrong, but I'm not interested in chancing it.

    I think the video also mentioned orange juice, and I happen to agree with that one. When I was younger, I would have cereal with milk and a glass of OJ before school at about 7 AM, and by 8:30 you could probably hear my stomach growling from 5 classrooms away. It was awful. A giant blood sugar drop like that makes most people feel like crap, so I have avoided OJ for a long time (though it is absolutely delicious). That being said, I figured it out all on my own - I didn't even need anyone else to sell it to me ;)