

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Thursday,

    Just popping in to day HI, busy today trying to clean up more of my desk.

    Son #2 just called to say baby #3 will be another boy. :bigsmile: It seem like the "Pink" gene is non existant in our family.:sad: Sure am glad that I have three wonderful DIL's, funny that DIL #1 is youngest of three girls, DIL #2 is the oldest of two girls and DIL#3 is an only child...and I can only hope that maybe DIL #1 or #3 will show some pink. Although we do know what to do with little boys.:wink:

    Everyone have a good afternoon and evening, let's keep moving and drinking our water:drinker: ...it's not a race...but we do want to get to the finish line in a healthy way.

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hi all,
    I made it home safe and sound and I am happy to be in the nice cool rain. I still don't feel well and the amount of sodium I had the last few days was just way too much. I have been guzzling water like no tomorrow but I am not eating well yet. I just want to go to bed. see you all tomorrow.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Thursday,

    Just popping in to day HI, busy today trying to clean up more of my desk.

    Son #2 just called to say baby #3 will be another boy. :bigsmile: It seem like the "Pink" gene is non existant in our family.:sad: Sure am glad that I have three wonderful DIL's, funny that DIL #1 is youngest of three girls, DIL #2 is the oldest of two girls and DIL#3 is an only child...and I can only hope that maybe DIL #1 or #3 will show some pink. Although we do know what to do with little boys.:wink:

    Everyone have a good afternoon and evening, let's keep moving and drinking our water:drinker: ...it's not a race...but we do want to get to the finish line in a healthy way.


    Too funny have a talk with the boys, they are the ones that determine the sex. Lost a bet with my ex on the first one, my son and DIL didn't want to know the sex. After 6 boys on her side, this next one is a girl. Do you think she will be spoiled? Boys are fun :) Congrats
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Yvonne: DARLING grand daughter with her blue ribbon!! :love: How wonderful to have her so close-by!

    Laura: Isn't it funny how these "straight-sets" of grand children can run? We had 2 sons and now we have 2 grand daughters, so far. I enjoyed having boys to raise...not so much drama. And I am thrilled to have little girls so far. Once they arrive, I can never imagine having anything else. I am sure your little men will make everyone feel the same way:flowerforyou:

    Tallen: Good luck with your 8K!:flowerforyou:

    Flight arrived on time here only to find that DH was in the Emergency room getting an MRI! (Well, was supposed to get one, but now we have to go back tomorrow.) Apparently, he was helping some young children get onto the ski lift yesteray and in process, everyone fell and he hit his hip hard and now has a numb leg!!! I guess he would have been better off going to Chicago with me!

    Today is a "tired" day and I have been hungry. :yawn: :yawn: I do sooooooo much better when I am outside getting lots of exercise!
    I'll have to fit something in tomorrow. I didn't have much time at airport for walking and I am weary now. Have a nice evening, All
    :heart: Kackie
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all havent been on this part for a few days so much to catch up on love all the garden and planting talk cant wait to put ours in. We recently moved, used to have a huge garden but now we will have a small one but I am ok with that much easier to tend and dont have to worry about waisting anything. My 11th grand child is almost here she is due in april and I cant wait sent out a little frilly tutu this am to my wonderful daughter inlaw, my son for some reason thinks we should stay away from rufflely stuff but what does he know tee hee. Thanks for the hummus recipe jb and all the salad sistas I will be trying them all. I feel so blessed to have found this site and all of you look forward to getting to know you all much better
  • brunsda
    brunsda Posts: 78
    Just popping in with a quick hello.
    Another quiet day a work. 2 in a row, amazing!

    I have been struggling with getting myself to exercise this week. There are still several days left so I can still meet my weekly goals.
    My son had a recorder concert at school tonight. They performed well.

    Have a great night everyone.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: Blissfuldrake, my crafts has taken a back seat to exercise since I’ve been on MFP. When I retired I told everyone that I was going to spend my retirement watching TV and knitting. For the first few years I took knitting classes and improved my skills but I also started line dance classes. Now I knit only in meetings or in the car and when I watch TV I’m usually exercising.

    :flowerforyou: Jb, I’m reading “the New Rules of Lifting for Women” (recommended by several women I admire on this thread) and the recommendation is to go use heavier weights with fewer repetitions and really challenge your muscles.

    :flowerforyou: Tallen, if you are preparing for running most of an 8K race, then you are anything but lazy…….get that race taken care of, then add some new stuff to your workouts.

    :bigsmile: Robin, welcome home to the green and rainy northwest…..I know your dogs are thrilled to see you.

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, I hope all is well with your hubby…what a shock to come home to.

    :bigsmile: I modified my weight training workout so I can do all of it at home instead of some of it at the neighborhood clubhouse workout room……hubby enjoyed having me watch TV with him while I did my workout. I started keeping a workout log so I can keep track of what I’m doing….I know I should have started sooner but at first I was doing the simple workout outlined in “Strong Women Stay Young” and just writing on the calendar how much weight I used. Now it is more complicated. I added pushups to my workout and hubby said I looked great.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it is a rainy, blustery day.
  • determinedinAZ
    determinedinAZ Posts: 97 Member
    :flowerforyou: hi everyone - haven't checked in for a few days....wow this grows like crazy.
    looking forward to the weekend. we may even get some rain in AZ. that would be nice we're in a drought.:frown:

    Making corned beef and cabbage for St Patty's Day. Heavy on the veggies.:wink:

    Take care all....
    determined in AZ
  • Patchworkperson
    Patchworkperson Posts: 151 Member
    6.30 gym session done :happy:

    Lunch salad in the fridge :happy:

    Showered & ready for a new day :happy:

    Not a bad start :laugh:

    Have a fantastic Friday ladies.

  • megathome111
    megathome111 Posts: 58 Member
    TGIF Ladies!

    Yesterday did not run true to form...no treadmill in the morning (it DID seem like the middle of the night yesterday morning at 4:50 am). Lunchtime walk...then a doggy adoption home visit last night and a stop at the local humane society where I bumped in to my S-I-L picking up a puppy. Green Eyes Jealous :bigsmile: They had a beautiful young husky and a great pyrenees, as well as a beautiful choc. lab mix that tugged my heart strings. So ready for another fur-baby. Unfortunately hubby is not . Sigh...:grumble:

    When I got home, hubby had dinner ready...ribeye steak & baked potato & salad. We split everything...but holy moly...6 oz of ribeye (which by the way tasted like heaven it had been so long since we had one) was nearly half my daily calories! Yikes. I would have been okay if it weren't for the wine that I had while chatting with hubby while he was grilling and with dinner. Tried to make up for it with 30 min. on the TM this morning.

    Guess I best scoot to the showers and hi-ho-hi-ho off to work I go.
    Will catch up on all the posts this evening...

    Happy Friday all!

  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    IYay!:wink: I lost the pound I gained last week plus I am down 1.6 pounds. I have really been doing a lot of Wii Zumba and Kinnects your shape.
    I have a big long weekend. Today is match day for my daughter when she will find out where she will spend the next 3 years for her pediactric residency. We are very excited to find out where she will go after all of her hard work. Then we are heading over to Myrtle Beach to celebrate our 33rd anniversary. I will have to be a bit careful eating but I am going to enjoy the weekend and some long beach walks should help.
    Hope you have a great weekend!
  • cheddar2000
    cheddar2000 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi going on 52 here. My goal for the month is to keep going like I am going. I exercise 2 hours a day with low impact, swimming, and a nice lunchtime walk. I have a sedentary job hence the amount of exercise. I am in a groove and want to just keep going to keep forming that habit! Have 3 grown children and that thing about that line of support for me is to be flexible and know it constantly changes and finding it is a challenge! good luck to everyone on their goals for March!
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Happy weekend, all! Everyone, get outside somewhere sometime for a bit and enjoy! It's been a overloaded work week here, and it's been cold, rainy and windy. Too much stress means less time for exercise. I wish I had healthier joints like many of you, so I could get a good burn going and expend more calories in a shorter time. Well, I will be thankful for what I have, and what I can still do. Have been walking the poodles (with all of us in raincoats) only 60 to 90 minutes a day (at 2 MPH) this week. I'm most impressed with all the weight lifting that's going on in this group. Rock on, Sistahs! I keep several sets of 5 pound dumbells around the house and office. I have one pair of ten-pounders, but everytime I try to use the heavier weights (and whenever I try to walk faster) I wind up injuring myself, due to arthritic wrists, back, shoulders, knees, and hips. So I have to keep telling myself that slow and steaddy will win my race. I try to take stretch-and-crunch breaks from my computer several times each day: stand up, do two or three sets of Qi Gong stretches, and then do two or three sets of weight work with my dumbells before I sit back down. Oh, and thanks to Barbiecat, I'm also doing squats (well, half squats), and I also do half push-ups off of countertops. I rarely add the strength building stuff to my exercise log. If I'm burning more calories than I log, well, that's actually a good thing, isn't it? I keep my net calorie consumption under 1400 calories per day, but I've been stuck on a plateau for about three weeks. But as I said, I try to focus on being thankful for what I CAN do, and at least I'm not gaining weight. :flowerforyou:
  • katherinemm31
    I'm 42 but my body looks over 50. I have younger teens, both with special cognitive/emotional needs. I've got some issues with depression. I've lost about 70 pounds over the past three years with the help of a lap band that betrayed me during a trip, resulting in gain instead of the loss I had anticipated. I fight stress, hormones, mild pain and exhaustion. Do I still qualify for this group? :smile:

    Here's what I intend to do for March:

    *Increase my walking, hopefully from volunteer work that gets me out of the house more regularly and gets me moving while I feel I'm accomplishing a mission (mission being the motivator).
    *Continue kicking processed sugar and substitute fruit.
    *Continue to increase isotonic strengthening exercises. (I don't lift anything other than my body weight and can still feel the pull.)
    *Keep within my calorie goal.
    *Try not to get emotionally hung up, especially when the scale and my body don't show the results I want.
    *Try not to get hung up on spring clothing and short sleeves that require I show my bat wings and other ugly parts of my body.
    *Remind myself I'm not ugly and stop comparing myself to others.

    As far as parenting, I've heard worrying over the kids never stops, so I better learn to deal with it. Reading the stories here, I believe that bit of wisdom to be true.

    Thanks for the group.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: thankful it's Friday!

    Robin- glad you are home safe. I'm sure that with plenty of water you will wash out that sodium in no time.:drinker:

    Jaks97- thanks for the encouragment:smile:

    Kackie- hope that DH hip injury is nothing serious.:flowerforyou:

    Fitz- a tutu...I'd love to send a tutu...maybe someday..in the mean time it's little suits with vests and bow ties for our family:wink:

    Dawn- I know the struggle with exercise...but I also know how much better I feel AFTER I am done..besides I don't want to let all these other women down....so many of them are super exercise women:smile:

    Barbie- that is so great that your hubby is your personal cheerleader for all your exercise:flowerforyou:

    Barb- I will be fixing corned beef and cabbage too. Will put it in the crockpot tomorrow in the morning, it's not hubbys favorite (it is one of mine) so I only fix it once a year...maybe something to do with my Irish/Scot roots:wink:

    Geri- 6:30am in the gym WOW that's determination:noway:

    MEG-how nice that hubby cooked dinner. Last night we did ours together (it may have been that my hubby was so hungry) when I get home I head to the basement for my workout and then fix dinner so some evenings it's a bit later than others...but I always enjoy the company in the kitchen.:bigsmile:

    KC- Congrats on 33 years:flowerforyou: , I'm sure those long walks on the beach will help burn any extra calories that manage to lurk around:wink:

    Judy- with all your exercise and logging I'm sure that your plateau will break soon...just keep doing what you know works.:drinker:

    :flowerforyou: Welcome to all the newbies that have found us...this is the best place for encouragement:flowerforyou:

    The scale was kind this morning and I'm once again at the beginning of a weekend. I will have to be really good with the corned beef and drink plenty of water, thank goodness "green beer" doesn't appeal to me for this holiday:wink:

    Hubby came to work with me today, my boss and his son are in the mountains competing in a ski race and I have an open house to go to at lunch. I'm hoping that they have a veggie plate there (I know that the person that I'm friends with there is dieting to lose so I'm hopful)...since it's an open house to celebrate the start of their company there is sure to be cake...will have to see how I'm able to resist:huh:

    Everyone have a good day, let's keep moving, logging our food and drinking:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: ...lots of water!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh, is it Friday? :wink: I'm still on holiday, so the only way I know what day of the week it is is by what workout I'm doing. Must be Friday because I'm going to a spin class this afternoon. Not much else to report from the snowy Kootenay Valley. Downstairs renovations continue and I am determined to sort out the detritus on my desk sometime before I go back to work.

    Back to work? The Gov't passed legislation yesterday making the teacher' strike illegal. So, I will be going back to work. I don't think there is a lot of support for an illegal strike among the general teaching population.

    Realpure – One think I liked about teacher-on-call work was the unexpected days off. I hope you enjoyed your afternoon in the yard – in your summer clothes! (It snowed here yesterday :grumble: ).

    Beth40n2 – Whew, kettlebells.:explode: Good for you.

    Liselyn, I wish I lived nearby so I could come and hear your play! Did your son get “the yes feeling” at Royal Military College? I love the “hibetty” word.:laugh: Can’t think of a way to work it into a grade 6/7 French lesson, though. We’re pretty much stuck at “bonjour, je m’appelle Madame Cobra”. My second language of choice is Spanish, so I’m not very good at improvising en francais. 60 minutes 6 days a week is my goal this month too.

    Cathy – We didn’t move, but when we took our year off (2 years ago) we had to pack up our house and ended up giving away or trashing a lot of things we realized we didn’t need or use. It was work, but also kind of exhilarating to realize I don’t need all that “stuff”. Have fun :ohwell: packing up.

    Kackie, have fun teaching that 3 year old to ski. She’ll be racing you in no time. :smile: Hope your DH has not suffered any major damage from his ski-lift fall.

    Barbie and Meg, you have got me thinking. If 4:50 is not the middle of the night, :yawn: perhaps I can make a 6 am step class at the Rec Center.

    Amanda, you do need a holiday.:flowerforyou: I hope your trip to the Isle of Wight is as relaxing as can be, maybe the sun will shine and you can pretend you’re in a hot country.

    JB I am going to use hummus as a salad dressing – it sounds sooo good.

    Barbie, of all the exercises in the New Rules for Lifting workout, push-ups are the hardest for me.:explode: I do them using a step from step-class, with three steps under it (do you get the picture? I’m not quite flat on the floor) and I struggle to manage 10 at a time. It’s a p-u-s-h! I got a new workout shirt from Lulu-Lemon this week, and now that I have taken the straps up 2” I’ll wear it next time I’m at the gym. Perhaps that will help.

    KC, good work on the Wii and Zumba and Kinnects, it’s all paying off. Congratulations to you and your DH on your anniversary :heart: .

    JipsyJudy, your “stretch and crunch” breaks sound like a great idea.:drinker:
    Do you work from home? I get my students to do mini-exercise breaks during the day too. The most fun is “follow the leader”. I put on some kind of music and they go around the room, first lap is “legs”, then we add “arms” and then some kind of twist. We get some pretty funny combinations. It’s amazing how much better they all concentrate (and cooperate!) after a body-break.

    So my dears, I'm going to attack the mess in the office. Really.

    Hasta pronto,

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning Sistas! A-salad-we-will-go :bigsmile:

    Telling myself Friday is NOT the weekend. Chanting it over and over again hoping the concept gets a foothold in my noggin. Good thing I have to teach on Fridays now, gets me out of the house and out of the grazing routine that weekends often bring. Having a little b-day party tomorrow, fixing traditional St. Patty's corned beef and cabbage, which I've already entered on my Saturday food page so that I can plan accordingly. Oh, and will have to allow for a bite of warm brownies and ice cream. Note to self: I did say "a bite". :blushing:

    Will be picking up a copy of "Strong Women Stay Young" today at the library, and put a hold on "New Rules of Lifting for Women". Oh boy, I'm afraid I'm really in for it! :huh: Will be increasing my strength training exercises, thanks to all of you who are lifting weights and working out like ya-don't-know-what, putting my 3 lb weights to shame. Thanks for that, lol :laugh: Seriously, though, my upper bod is feeling much better since I've started using the weights, and I'm ready to step it up a notch. The "HiBettys" LOL! Funny funny funny.

    Putting a chicken in the pot this AM, saving one of the breasts for dinner this evening. I'll be making stir-fry vegs with bean sprouts, cabbage, carrot, celery, zucchini, bell pepper, ginger, garlic and a dash of sesame oil. Chicken gets cooked separately, marinated first in a bit of soy with a bunch of chopped green onions. Served with brown basmati rice, hubby gets to have his crispy chow mein noodles. I tell myself they don't appeal to me. Get your paws out of the bag, JB. :tongue:

    A couple of you mentioned not having time for arts and crafts anymore since exercising and spending so much time on MFP. I'm in the same boat! My creative passions have taken a back seat for the last 15 months, but it's certainly been worth it since I'm now healthier, happier, 58 pounds lighter. My art and music projects are definitely on the back burner, but I'm ok with that for the time being. For once in my life I'm focusing on ME. I think I've learned how to eat right! Yay for that! :bigsmile:

    Oh gosh, see, I could be working on a painting or a new song, but noooooo, I've been sitting here for well over an hour researching calorie counts and yakking away with my sistas. LOL Have a great day everyone! :drinker:

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I'm 42 but my body looks over 50. I have younger teens, both with special cognitive/emotional needs. I've got some issues with depression. I've lost about 70 pounds over the past three years with the help of a lap band that betrayed me during a trip, resulting in gain instead of the loss I had anticipated. I fight stress, hormones, mild pain and exhaustion. Do I still qualify for this group? :smile:

    Here's what I intend to do for March:

    *Increase my walking, hopefully from volunteer work that gets me out of the house more regularly and gets me moving while I feel I'm accomplishing a mission (mission being the motivator).
    *Continue kicking processed sugar and substitute fruit.
    *Continue to increase isotonic strengthening exercises. (I don't lift anything other than my body weight and can still feel the pull.)
    *Keep within my calorie goal.
    *Try not to get emotionally hung up, especially when the scale and my body don't show the results I want.
    *Try not to get hung up on spring clothing and short sleeves that require I show my bat wings and other ugly parts of my body.
    *Remind myself I'm not ugly and stop comparing myself to others.

    As far as parenting, I've heard worrying over the kids never stops, so I better learn to deal with it. Reading the stories here, I believe that bit of wisdom to be true.

    Thanks for the group.

    Katherine - Just jump in with us. Just like the scale - age is only a number!

    KC - Happy Anniversary!

    I am working today, but will be on spring break for the next week. We are going camping in Oklahoma (you may remember a couple of years ago when our spring family campout turned into a blizzard fest.) Well, I don't think there is much chance of that this year, thankfully. When we leave the campground on Monday, we will head to Arkansas for the rest of the week to visit my oldest daughter. We haven't been there since they left Texas in December, so it will be fun to see her new place. My middle daughter and family will be accompanying us, so we will get all 4 grandsons all week! (ages 6, 3, 14 months, and 3 months) Should be a busy, fun week with lots of family. Tonight on the way we will stay with my mother and sister, camping over the weekend with 3 daughters, 2 SIL's, 4 grandsons, 2 nieces with husbands and two each great nieces and nephews, and one nephew with wife and another great niece, then the Arkansas trip. On the way home, will stop to see one of the niece's families again, and mother/sister again. I'm tired and exhilarated just thinking about it. I may pop in to see you if I find wi fi on my iPad; otherwise will just try to log some of my food and activity on the phone.

    Everyone - happy spring! Mary
  • katherinemm31
    I'm 42 but my body looks over 50. I have younger teens, both with special cognitive/emotional needs. I've got some issues with depression. I've lost about 70 pounds over the past three years with the help of a lap band that betrayed me during a trip, resulting in gain instead of the loss I had anticipated. I fight stress, hormones, mild pain and exhaustion. Do I still qualify for this group? :smile:

    Here's what I intend to do for March:

    *Increase my walking, hopefully from volunteer work that gets me out of the house more regularly and gets me moving while I feel I'm accomplishing a mission (mission being the motivator).
    *Continue kicking processed sugar and substitute fruit.
    *Continue to increase isotonic strengthening exercises. (I don't lift anything other than my body weight and can still feel the pull.)
    *Keep within my calorie goal.
    *Try not to get emotionally hung up, especially when the scale and my body don't show the results I want.
    *Try not to get hung up on spring clothing and short sleeves that require I show my bat wings and other ugly parts of my body.
    *Remind myself I'm not ugly and stop comparing myself to others.

    As far as parenting, I've heard worrying over the kids never stops, so I better learn to deal with it. Reading the stories here, I believe that bit of wisdom to be true.

    Thanks for the group.

    Katherine - Just jump in with us. Just like the scale - age is only a number!

    KC - Happy Anniversary!

    I am working today, but will be on spring break for the next week. We are going camping in Oklahoma (you may remember a couple of years ago when our spring family campout turned into a blizzard fest.) Well, I don't think there is much chance of that this year, thankfully. When we leave the campground on Monday, we will head to Arkansas for the rest of the week to visit my oldest daughter. We haven't been there since they left Texas in December, so it will be fun to see her new place. My middle daughter and family will be accompanying us, so we will get all 4 grandsons all week! (ages 6, 3, 14 months, and 3 months) Should be a busy, fun week with lots of family. Tonight on the way we will stay with my mother and sister, camping over the weekend with 3 daughters, 2 SIL's, 4 grandsons, 2 nieces with husbands and two each great nieces and nephews, and one nephew with wife and another great niece, then the Arkansas trip. On the way home, will stop to see one of the niece's families again, and mother/sister again. I'm tired and exhilarated just thinking about it. I may pop in to see you if I find wi fi on my iPad; otherwise will just try to log some of my food and activity on the phone.

    Everyone - happy spring! Mary
    TY Mary! Have fun!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Tomorrow is my 8K . Barbiecat - I had to re-read my last post. I am actually hoping to run 3 miles and walk briskly for the rest. I only wish I could run 5. But you are so right. I have to do my best then get started on other areas of fitness next week.

    I have been hearing a lot about two books: Younger Next Year and Strong Women Stay Young. Not sure what each is about but I am sure I need to get them. I wonder if I can get an idea of what they are about at Amazon.

    Kackie - I hope your husband is ok. I would rather be hurt than to have someone I love hurt.

    I have 36 days until I cruise. I tried on my clothes from last years cruise and they still fit. Probably because I am the same weight as last year. I did real good until I came home last year and then I letmy self go. A few months ago I realized I was back where I started. TGFMFP. Because of it I was able to get back on track. Not smaller than last year, but not bigger either!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. Enjoy St. Patrick's Day!