One phrase that people say that make you CRAZY!



  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I cringe when I hear "My/your/his/her BAD",
    and when people are referred to as "folks", in order of which makes me cringe the most to the least.

    As well, any kind of bad grammer...the worst offender being, "I seen..." when it should be "I saw..." Ugh!

    And I also hate the "You should have..." My mother uses that all the time and it drives me CRAZY!!

    I use y'all all the time! lol... But that goes along with being in the South.

    I hate "my bad"

    But I am from Georgia and Ya'll is just what we say and I never plan to give it up. I also like folks.
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.


    not to mention that if said person DOES know what they are talking about, how hard is it to add "BY VOLUME" to the end of a sentence?

    Maybe density "by volume" has 4 different units.
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member

    ( We all know your really not Laughing Out Loud so please just STOP IT!)

    But I really am. You obviously don't know me.
    LSHANDREW Posts: 39
    " that's so Jewish"
    I hate when people say that! I'm not even Jewish!
  • bigredhearts
    this one was probably said already but "muscle weighs more than fat" NO it doesnt. a pound is a pound.
    Muscle does weigh more than fat by volume, and that's exactly what people mean when they say that.

    i say, say what you mean, and mean what you say. muscle does not weigh more. period.

    It seems you are the one not saying what you mean. If you mean a pound doesn't weigh more than a pound, then say that. If someone else talks about fat and muscle why assume they have a pound of each or that they even use pounds as a unit of measurement? You do know what happens when you assume, right?

    i meant a pound is a pound. and thats what i said. and it doesnt matter really what they use as a unit of measurement. any "unit" of muscle weighs the same, as that same "unit" of fat. they just take up different amounts of space. the phrase is flawed in that it does not clarify. and it drives me crazy.
  • forgtmenot
    forgtmenot Posts: 860 Member
    This isn't really a "phrase" but I hate it when people tell me to "Smile". Unless you are taking a picture of me, do not tell me to smile. I am not some monkey in a cage that does tricks like smile on command. Maybe I'm having a really bad day and don't feel like smiling!

    I also hate it when people say "Winning!" as a way of saying how awesome they are. Like "Just arrived at the beach. WINNING!"
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    "To where"...e.g. When this process is implemented it's going to be to where we won't have to use manual reporting any more.

    WTF is "to where"???

    hahah... YES! My boss does this ALL THE TIME. Of course, I can't really stand her Joysey accent saying anything. [sorry.]
  • Lakesideretirement
    Lakesideretirement Posts: 16 Member
    okay, this one isn't a phrase but it drives me crazy when people give me the hand (stop/halt or even "talk to the hand")
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Lately it's been bothering me to hear pregnant women/people telling pregnant women, "as long as it's healthy!" My cousin posted an article on FB about special needs parents, which she is, and this was included. It's great to hope your baby is healthy, but if there is something abnormal (I hate using the phrase "wrong with them," because there is nothing wrong with my cousin. He is perfect, he just has a disorder.) you're still going to love your child and do everything you can for them. At least, I hope so.

    I get that, but that's normally in response to someone asking if you're hoping for a boy/girl isn't it? And the response is, I don't care as long as it's healthy.

    It doesn't mean you won't love an unhealthy child, but of course everybody hopes for a healthy child? What kinda parent would hope for an unhealthy child? :L

    Doesn't mean you won't love your child no matter what, just means you want the best for them in life!
  • ambrwaves27
    ambrwaves27 Posts: 206
    OOOOHHHHH! I hate that one too! Most of my work is through phones and when someone says "You people" I want to reach through the phone and choke someone. Oops, I mean "us people" wanna reach through the phone and choke someone.
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    This isn't really a "phrase" but I hate it when people tell me to smile. Unless you are taking a picture of me, do not tell me to smile. I am not some monkey in a cage that does tricks like smile on command. I could be having a really bad day and don't feel like smiling!

  • jbrinda1
    jbrinda1 Posts: 153 Member
    OMG you people! Like, I could care less, ya know. This thread is so retarded, it weighs more than fat. It's totally Jewish. LOL. My bad. Fail.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member

    6 and 1/2 dozen of the other. God I want to hit someone in the eye sockets when they say that.

    Murse, moobs, or any other variation of the womenly words turned manly by putting an "M" in front of the word. Here's a clue, it's not funny anymore.

    Irregardless :explode: and when typing, people use the word "then" in opposed to "than". :grumble:

    I agree irreguardless :explode: :mad: :angry: :explode:

    I do say "6 of one a 1/2 dozen of the other" when used correctly it is an effective way of saying two things are the same or that you have no prefercen b/c either of teh choice you are presented with are ok choices.
  • gwenguin
    gwenguin Posts: 74
    haha... i hate it when people say Swagger or Swag

    people with tee shirts that say "i got swagga" or "i have 99 problems but my swag ain't one of them"

    oh that reminds me... i hate "ain't" as well...
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    I have a couple of them.

    My father and his woman (they have been engaged for 10yrs) always say "Like you would not believe" almost every sentence ends like that. For example, "the cookie was good like you would not believe" No, I don't believe it, and I don't want to find out. Oh and my favorite when they meet some one new "they treated us like family like you would not believe" That does not even make sense.

    Also another one from them " it is truly gourmet" that is the description of everyplace they go to eat. she would not recognize gourmet cooking if it hit her over the head. Well, to be fair, she uses both spices, salt and pepper.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    I've heard way to many people IRL and on TV say "you a lie" usually to men. What the heck does that mean "you a lie?" how about you are a LIAR!
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    "I can't count calories, its too hard"



    Counting is hard? Then you are too lazy to get into better shape. Stay fat.

    And stop asking me how to lose weight if you have no real interest in doing it. It drives me nuts to have the same people ask me over and over again.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I hate when people type "end rant" or "rant over". What is the point of that? I can tell it's over because there are no more words after it.
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    "why you mad, bro?"

    A. I am not mad just because I am not afraid to debate. I can enjoy a debate even when I vehemently disagree with my "opponent" and stay rather calm.
    B. I am not your brother.
    C. Therefore, please don't quote my post and add beneath it "why you mad, bro?"


    [ ***awaits numerous future quotations of this post with the phrase "why you mad, bro?" and other disparaging remarks - you guys are so funny! ;-)*** ]
  • Brunner26_2
    Brunner26_2 Posts: 1,152
    It doesn't really bother me exactly, but I always notice when people say they "feel nauseous." The correct way to say it is "feel nauseated." Nauseous means that it causes nausea.