30 day shred starting on Monday 20th Feb...any takers??



  • lisali01
    lisali01 Posts: 9 Member
    day 8 level 1 done
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    Anyone having problems with their ankles in level 2? My right ankle is swollen and I can' figure out if I did it on the shred or by running. I took a rest day today hoping that would help.
  • mb8963
    mb8963 Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone having problems with their ankles in level 2? My right ankle is swollen and I can' figure out if I did it on the shred or by running. I took a rest day today hoping that would help.

    No but my right knee started cracking a few days into level 1. I took a couple of days off then started again. My knee stopped making noises after a few more workouts. I think it got stronger. As for a swollen ankle - you should definitely take some time off until the swelling goes down, then start slowly doing only ths modified moves. Good luck!
  • gvsu4msu
    gvsu4msu Posts: 54
    Level 2 Day #3 tonight. Almost to the half way point.

    I can definitely feel that level two is more CORE workout. That is good for me as that is me weak spot and the area I want to have toned the most with this workout.
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    I've completed Level 2, Day 4 - so halfway tomorrow. I've missed one day so far (dental surgery which is a decent enough reason to miss a day). I found level 2 day 1 really tough, but today was slightly easier in that I could stick with most of the regular / advanced moves.

    The scale is moving a bit this week (yay) but my measurements haven't changed as much (boo) but I am wearing old size 11 jeans (woo) so all is good.

    I'm finding my knees are complaining a bit on L2 so I'm modifying as needed. No injuries.
  • claireb12
    claireb12 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm now on Level 2 Day 3 (Day 4 tomorrow) finding it ok, think my body is working harder due to the amount of sweat, going to give it a go with the pushups tomorrow and need to practice the lunges, can't do them as quick as Jillian
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    Tomorrow will be day 19 for me. Still doing level 1 and 2 back to back (been doing them that way since day 8). Level 1 is not so bad anymore. Peeked at Level 3 on Friday night. Did about 10 minutes of it. Ohhh Boy. Its tough. Not sure I am ready for that but guess I better. May just do it tomorrow after level 1 instead of level 2.. Today I was doing the warm up and I swear my baby girl did the hip rolls mimicking the girls on tv. It was hilarious!!!
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    I dislike level two and need to take some time off to let some things heal, so I think I will start over with level one and try to stay with the harder versions of things and maybe up my weights.
  • gvsu4msu
    gvsu4msu Posts: 54
    Got to Level 2 Day 3 then the weather got REALLY NICE in Michigan....so we have been spending our time outdoors with exercise. If the rain comes, I will be back at this.

    It is too nice out this early in March to be sweating in front of the TV.
  • C4r4W4de
    C4r4W4de Posts: 27 Member
    I love this video and level 2 is my absolute favorite. Does anybody know about how many calories are burned during any level of this video? How do you all record this work out in the exercise portion of your diaries? I've been posting it as a calisthenic/aerobic combo.
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    Caraslp - I've been posting it as 'Circuit training, general'.

    I'm about to go do L3 D1. I have no idea what I'm in for but with only 10 days left just want to get it done. Anyone else still around?

    ETA: Anyone else find their shoulders one of their major weak spots? I'm doing beginner exercises in L3 because it's my shoulders that are giving out on me before anything else.
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    I've taken a week off for various reasons but will be getting back to it either tomorrow or Monday - have hit the half way point and will be starting back in on day 6 of Level 2...hopefully the week off won't make it feel like going back to square one!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    I log 180 calories burned. Any body think it is more let me know.
  • ClareB13
    ClareB13 Posts: 202 Member
    I log 180 calories burned. Any body think it is more let me know.

    It'll be different for everyone depending on what you weigh etc.
  • emberin
    emberin Posts: 56 Member
    Anyone else find their shoulders one of their major weak spots?

    Shoulders, knees, and wrists. I figured that my weak little muscles would be sore, but I hadn't counted on joint issues. :(
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    Anyone still here? I'm 2 workouts away from finishing. I'd like to hear if anyone else finished and see how they did.
  • Arrica
    Arrica Posts: 166 Member
    Today was day 30 for me. I took a few days off here and there and today I only did level 1 where I usually do 1 and 3 back to back. I think I am going to keep on doing it though. I really like the way it makes me feel. I always feel like I get a good workout when I do it. Overall I have lost about 9 inches and about 12 lbs since I started it.
  • sb1023
    sb1023 Posts: 148 Member
    i'm still here too! how's everyone doing? congrats on finishing Arrica! i just finished level 2 today....its taking a long time for me because i am only doing it every other day, and running on alternating days, and then one rest day per week. overall its been working pretty well...i've lost 12 pounds too, and i'm not sure how many inches, but i'm down a pants size:)
  • gvsu4msu
    gvsu4msu Posts: 54
    I have not done anything with it lately as the weather has been unseasonably warm in MI so we have been getting out for 3 mile walks every night as a family. Pushing the strollers helps the calorie burn. So far, I have logged over 25 miles walking.....which I say is a good substitute for this all things considered.
  • cdnkitty
    cdnkitty Posts: 15 Member
    I finished today - down 4lbs and 9.5" which is ok by me. Now to figure out what to do next. :smile: