Couch - to - 5k Running Plan



  • fanta014
    fanta014 Posts: 56
    Great to see that there are so many people on here that are willing to give this program a shot. It's so worth it! :smile:

    I'm currently doing Week 8. The next run will take place this evening, it's going to be the second run of the eighth week. I run every second day and this way I'll be finished with the program the day before I'll fly to Croatia for a vacation with a friend of mine. I really cannot wait for both finishing C25K and the holiday :heart:

    Just stick with the program, you can do it! There were so many times I looked at the plan of the following week and was like "no way I'll ever run 20 mins straight" etc. but every time I managed to pull it through :smile:

    When you go on vacation, will you be taking some time to run?

    I'm hoping to make time to run while on vacation so I won't lose the habit and get lazy :laugh:

    Besides, I think it might be fun to experience running in a different place for a change.

    I think I won't take time to run when I go on vacation. Bad me, but I think there will be enough walking as my friend and I are walkers indeed :laugh: I'll be gone for 10 days then but I'm feeling pretty confident about being able to get back on track with running once I get home :smile:

    By the way, I finished Week 8 this morning. Only three more runs to go and then I can say I'm a C25K graduate :happy:
  • Melissa_123
    Melissa_123 Posts: 115
    I started this today...
    Day 1 of Week 1.... it was great! I read that it is different running outside and on a treadmill. Any thoughts? I am running outside...I feel stupid trying this in the gym with the people running for 45 minutes full force, lol. Also, how do you work other workouts? I want to do everything, how do I fit it all in?
  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    I started this today...
    Day 1 of Week 1.... it was great! I read that it is different running outside and on a treadmill. Any thoughts? I am running outside...I feel stupid trying this in the gym with the people running for 45 minutes full force, lol. Also, how do you work other workouts? I want to do everything, how do I fit it all in?

    Congratulations on starting this. I run outside. I have a treadmill but for me it is easier to run outside because 1) I can't just quit because I have to get back from wherever I am and 2) it is easier for me to start and stop running because I don't have to mess with the treadmill speed.

    I only do C25K on the days I do it, nothing else. I ride my bike or do strength training on my off days. I do C25K Monday, Wednesday, Friday and others on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and rest on Sunday. Don't try to fit too much in, you need to give your body some recovery time from the running, especially at first and if you haven't run much.
  • I've always wanted to be a runner. I'll see people out running and think man, I wish I could do that. Just get out and run.

    Wife and I started this program together last week. She's been doing daily walks for a month or 2 now and I wanted to get out there with her but try to get to running. We're on W2D2 today, hope the weather co-operates and doesn't rain this evening.

    I'm also starting P90X by myself and that is killing me. Hoping it doesn't effect my ability to run. :laugh:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I started C25K last night, outside, the humidity was so bad after a rain storm I sweat buckets. Felt really good though. Like others, I've always wanted to be a runner but never thought I could. I'm really hoping this program gets me there. I downloaded all of Suz's podcasts, the hip hop is great and she is really encouraging. Great to have such great encouragement on here as well. Good luck to all who are going through this too.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Hi all - anyone else keeping up with the C 2 5k? This message seems to have run dry. Would love to chat more with anyone going through this. I just finished week 2 day 2. Wonder how I'll make it 3 minutes next week.
  • I did something similar for my first 10k. What I will say is that if you stick with the program it will work! It took me 2 months of training but I ran my first 10K in June. Soon after, I started on a 1/2 marthon training program with a local running group. It's been 11 weeks and I'm running up to 9 miles! I never thought I would be able to do it.

    Keep at it (even on the days that you don't want to) and train in the morning or evening if it's too hot for you. Good luck! :happy:
  • Hey!! I just did W2D1 today. I love this. I never thought I would be able to run so this is amazing to me. I did not think I could jog for 90 seconds, lol but it was easier than I thought. What kind of exercises do you do on the C25K days and on off days??
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    hi kevinsgirl and m2kjenn...i am starting this too. i was a consistant 'wogger' back in April/May, but have slacked most of June and July. ready to get at it again, and do 3 miles! on my off days i will likely lift free wts and do my stretch and tone dvd, but not more than 3 days/week.
    GOOD LUCK TO YOU BOTH!! :happy:
  • acook059
    acook059 Posts: 15 Member
    Starting week 5 tomorrow morning- I can't wait. I know I can do it! Have you all signed up for an actual 5K to celebrate your accomplishment? I have NEVER been a runner and have signed up for a 5K for the end of September. That will give me time to finish C25K and continue on my own a bit....
    I love Roberts podcasts but will check out Suz's- I really like the free music! YOU CAN DO THIS!
  • acook059
    acook059 Posts: 15 Member
    HEY PAM- I'm just learning about HIIT- do you do this yourself or go to a gym? Any tips for trying this at home? Maybe I'll see if there is a Message board about it....

  • I tried it today!
    And oh yes, I was sweating at the end of the workout.

    Should I drink more than 8 cups of water today because I was sweating profusely during the program?

    And I have to agree, Ullrey's Podcasts are amazing. I just stuck my iPod on the iHome, and hopped on the treadmill.
  • maddiebabe
    maddiebabe Posts: 193 Member
    I did week three run #1 yesterday and that three minute run nearly killed me. I was not expecting it to be quite that hard but once you do the first one the second one doesnt seem quite so bad. I am looking forward to improving on my run from yesterday Wednesday. I hope everyone else has a good run today too :)
  • Starting week 5 tomorrow morning- I can't wait. I know I can do it! Have you all signed up for an actual 5K to celebrate your accomplishment? I have NEVER been a runner and have signed up for a 5K for the end of September. That will give me time to finish C25K and continue on my own a bit....
    I love Roberts podcasts but will check out Suz's- I really like the free music! YOU CAN DO THIS!

    I am going to sign up for one in November...I am just starting and have never run in my life (except when I was little and my brothers chased me with frogs and lizards, eeww!) so I am very nervous. My husband and daughter (she is 16) will do it with me. They run together now 3-4 times a week so I KNOW they can do it...I will get there by November though. I want time to finish and have a few weeks to run before the 5K though so I chose November.
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Great to see everyone still in. javascript:add_smiley('flowerforyou','post_body') I have signed up for a 5k on Sept 19th, that will be the 9th week from starting this program. I'm just like you kevinsgirl3, never thought I would be able to run, even though I'm only at 90sec. now I love the way the program works and I'm feeling very positive that I'll be able to move on through it, especially with some of the great feedback I've seen on this site.

    I've been alternating this with the shred or other workouts from my On Demand channel, last night I just did abs.

    good luck to everyone, I like seeing all the progress here. Let's keep it up.
  • Kevinsgirl- You and I seem to be on the same schedule. I just did week 2 day 1 yesterday as well :smile: I signed up for my 1st 5k on October 3rd so I'm anxious about that. I'm loving the plan so far and the 90 seconds of running was a bit easy but I know it'll just get more challenging as the weeks go on so although I'm nervous, I'm looking forward to the challenge.
    Besides doing the couch to 5k training I also rotate between my Jillian Michaels dvds, Tae bo dvds, On demand workouts and the bike or elliptical at the gym. I get bored easily so I like to rotate my workouts to keep it interesting.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I look funny when I run.

    My shorts bunch up between my fat thighs.


    Try a little longer pair - I had the same problem when I first started - actually I got really chaffed at one point - looked like carpet burn.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    To all of you trying Couch to 5k - it's an incredible feeling everytime you accomplish the workouts - just wait til you get to 2m - 3 miles ---you'll be like NO way - and you CAN do it! Keep working hard! I've never been a runner before and I am running 3.5 miles now.....
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I look funny when I run.

    My shorts bunch up between my fat thighs.


    Try a little longer pair - I had the same problem when I first started - actually I got really chaffed at one point - looked like carpet burn.

    I have the same problem. Hate it. I did buy a pair of tight bike shorts which I wear under my other shorts, that helps a bit.
  • Shuutnstar
    Shuutnstar Posts: 46 Member
    Hey ya'll... Newbie here.

    Where do you find the C25K Program to start??


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