OMG!! Almost punched this guy @ gym!



  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Wow, what a jerk. I'm pretty crabby, and if that happened to me, I'd have stood up, got right in his grill and just STARE at him up close until he backed down.
  • Angela_Freeborn
    Oh yea i would have soooo lost it on him and said something that prob would have been very un-lady like lol. Some people honestly got no class. And well he is obviously one of them.
    Thats right hunny you stand your ground and dont let some low life mr know it all tell you any different. "pat on the back for you " :)
  • twinlaced
    twinlaced Posts: 46 Member
    I've actually had someone treat me in the same manner. He did the exact same thing and pointed to the ellipticals, then proceeded to tell me I was too small to be lifting, rofl. I actually told the staff and I think they talked to him, never saw him after that, not sure what happened.
  • 10036
    10036 Posts: 51 Member
    OMG! Are you serious?? My jaw dropped when I read that! WOW.. I am speechless..

    IKR... I mean I live in a teeny town in mid-missouri, Im sure the men here think woman shouldnt even be allowed in the gym, but most dont voice it. This guy was outrageous.

    There is your problem, you are in missouri ;)
    Seriously though, as a male, I would never think that, nonetheless say that. It sounds like he is just an idiot.

    I'm from Missouri too, near KC. Doesn't that guy know we're better than that? I personally might have been too surprised to do anything. May have just stared at him like...




    Nicely handled.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    Oh my god what a douche bag! That is unreal. This is why I go to a women's only gym! And added bonus is there is barely ever more than one other woman in the weight room.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    Wow this actually made me angry lol If I were you I prob would have hit him with my 35 pounds lmao I would have used some really mean words i give you credit for saying it the way you did lol After what I would have said to him he would no longer thing I am a lady lmfao glad you stuck up for yourself i go to the y too and its always men in weights but i like you go anyhow :) well really boys at mine lmao
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    I've actually had someone treat me in the same manner. He did the exact same thing and pointed to the ellipticals, then proceeded to tell me I was too small to be lifting, rofl. I actually told the staff and I think they talked to him, never saw him after that, not sure what happened.

    I would say Im glad Im not the only one.. but Im really not. Now that I think about it though, Im glad it happened.. its just motivated me to keep going and try even harder!
  • Ms2Cute
    Ms2Cute Posts: 2 Member
    You did the right thing by speaking your mind to him...
  • jesska812
    jesska812 Posts: 102 Member
    What a tool! Seriously if he's such a big time weight lifter why was he bothering to watch someone else's workout?? Maybe he's got self esteem issues and doesn't like women to see him struggle to pick up his 3kg barbell?? ;)

    I wouldn't have even dignified his crap with a response, really what is he going to do, hit a woman? Gee that'll show all the boys how big and tough he is!

    Hope you don't get anymore hassles from jerks like him - and keep up the weight training you'll start to see huge changes in your body shape.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    I would have been so angry that I might not have thought of it at the time, but you should definitely report him.
    The staff there should handle things like that. Even though you did a BEAUTIFUL job of defending your right to the equipment, this guy could continue to harass others. He needs to be told firmly by the staff that all members are entitled to use the equipment within the rules of that gym. Most gyms have rules about bothering others while they exercise, and this went beyond that.
    You did great! Please don't let this discourage you from going back.
  • captnemo44
    captnemo44 Posts: 82 Member
    Wow the gym i go to the guys will give me advice, Im shocked that someone would be so rude, best of luck with that guy.
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Get the h*ll outta here! Seriously?? Wow, you are soooooooooooooooooo much nicer than I would have been. But the shock might have shut me up for a minute. I'm glad you responded to him though, what a jerk.

    I would absolutely still let the gym know what happened. Don't wait for "next time", because that may be too late for the next woman, or even you.

    Then I would make a point to go into that section of the gym daily. :-) That's just me lol.
  • K2T4e2n6
    K2T4e2n6 Posts: 50
    STUPID BOYS. hahahaha I recently started walking everywhere in town (all trips that are 5 miles or less) instead of driving all the time and my roommate (one of those "beefcake guys" that likes to lift weights) was laughing at me b/c I was so impressed by how many miles I was racking up by not taking my car everywhere and he was saying that all my walking "didn't count".....oh, how quickly he changed his mind when his dog got out and we had to chase her. hahahaha
  • GGullett
    GGullett Posts: 4
    You're better than me because I know my hot tempered self would have laid into him!!! What a jerk!!!!!!
  • Artbjj
    Artbjj Posts: 1
    That is crazy! Some peoples kids.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    STUPID BOYS. hahahaha I recently started walking everywhere in town (all trips that are 5 miles or less) instead of driving all the time and my roommate (one of those "beefcake guys" that likes to lift weights) was laughing at me b/c I was so impressed by how many miles I was racking up by not taking my car everywhere and he was saying that all my walking "didn't count".....oh, how quickly he changed his mind when his dog got out and we had to chase her. hahahaha

    Awesome!! HAHAHHA
  • munchkinhugs
    munchkinhugs Posts: 278 Member
    What a ****. You're awesome for not losing your cool. I would have gone ballistic right there and then, if someone like that had approached me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    So I cant believe that in this day and age, there is still stereotyping going on at the gym. I went to the Y today to do some strength training... I was doing some bench presses.. now Ive JUST started adding strength to my workouts, so Im still only doing 35lbs.. Im proud of my 35lbs press... I plan on increasing it soon, but I know it looks kinda dumb to those guys who can bench press a gajillion pounds.

    So Im happy benchpressing away with my Ipod and this huge beefcake roidrage looking fool taps me on my shoulder.. so I put the bar up and pull my earphones out and say "Yes?"... Well he points to the treadmills and says "The cardio section is over there, where those girls are" so I say "Thanks, I knew that already though, today is my strength day"... so he actually has the balls to say to me "Little girl, this is the MENS area... I think you are lost"... So, I gather up my courage... look him in the eyes and say "NO, this is the 'everyone who pays to be here' area". He stood there looking at me like he might pick me up and carry me to a treadmill... and we have our little wild west stare down and he walks off muttering something about "knowing my place"...

    I couldnt believe it!! Is this 2012 or what?? Any other of you lady weight trainers deal with this kinda crap?
    He probably had small balls and this was the only way to prove he had any at all...........................glad you dissed him.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • lisakyle_11
    lisakyle_11 Posts: 420 Member
    omfg. what an as$. gets my heartrate up thinking about it. glad you stood your ground to that idiot.
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 186 Member
    Hahaha... My boyfriend is the biggest guy at our gym. :) So no one says anything jerk-like to me.

    Really though, my gym is full of cool guys who welcome everyone, men and women alike!

    That guy is just a douche.