Need to loss 28 pounds in 6 weeks.... Meal Ideas Needed!



  • UmMasud
    UmMasud Posts: 18 Member
    PU_239, hmmm... So what is this magic trick that your 'group' is bound to secrecy by? Come on, spill. Chances are that unless it's a a rigorous program of healthy meals and excercise it's a pseudplan anyway.

    Dont mind me. I just thought I'd join in the acrimony that's being tossed around the thread. Why do people turn into such smug know-it-alls once they start losing weight? If we were all such experts on weight loss we wouldn't be here in the first place would we? :)

    Louise, it's not impossible to lose that much, but a tad ambitious. A stone may be a better goal. Eat 1200-1400 calories a day, lots of fruit and veg, pulses, fish and lean meat only. Couple that with an hour of cardio and 30 mins of strength training 6 days a week and you'll be on your way. I have a total of 4 stones to lose and I lost a stone a month for the first two months. It's slowed down now, but It shows that if you work hard at it, you'll be at least halfway there. Good luck.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    That's 4lbs per week. Not going to happen, at least not in a healthy manner.

    Start by setting some more realistic goals.

  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Focus on your goals and strive to move towards them with consciousness and determination. Forget the deadline and enjoy the process. You will find better health, better mindset, better sleep, better self esteem during the process. It's a win-win!
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    In order to lose 28 lbs in 6 weeks you need to have a calorie deficit of 2330 EVERY day. That means that you can either eat 1200 calories and then burn 3530 ( running for approx 6 hours straight) or eat nothing and burn 2330 (running for approx. 4 hours).

    Do you think you goal is realistic?

    Math is awesome!

    I :heart: math!
  • Totally possible. I did this when I was 15. It was called the anorexia and exercise bulimia weight loss plan. Totally lose 20lb in 1 month.

    I highly recommend it if you are OK with taking antibiotics every month for 6 months because you destroyed your system.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I believe you can loose a good amount of weight, but not 28 pounds. I have been on this product for 7-ish weeks and have only lost 11.6 and have over 70 lbs to loose.

    Good luck on the weight loss, but please do it safely and healthy and do not be upset when you dont loose that much that soon.
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    ETA: damn the person above me posted at the exact same time, lame :)

    Sry, it was too hard to resist. :-)

    Ha, I know!
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    28lbs in 6 weeks. I think you need to rethink this goal.

    Agreed, this is an unhealthy goal. That's almost 5 pounds a week. If you do achieve this, you will have to do it in a unhealthy manner and it may not be sustainable long term. To lose that you need a 2300 calorie deficit PER DAY! Your TDEE may not even be that high. 15 pounds would be a much more manageable goal and even that is over the recommended 2lbs a week.
  • mimiclown
    mimiclown Posts: 32
    Try some egge beaters with ham and fat free cheese, A great omelet dor only 125 calories.
  • deeray
    deeray Posts: 103 Member
    IF someone is part of my group(you know who you are) and recommends the program. You will be removed from the group.

    ...welcome to Fight Club. The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You do NOT talk about Fight Club.


  • vweavers
    vweavers Posts: 24
    I have a hen do in Spain in 6 weeks time and want to lose 28 pounds (2 stone) before I go!! I am sick of eating chicken salad for breakfast lunch and dinner in order to get dramatic results!

    Does anyone have any other ideas what else I could eat that is very low in fat????


    That amount is over twice the recommended speed to lose weight. That being said it is possible- but not through dieting alone- no way, no how. You are going to have to exercise your butt off (literally and figuratively). I'm losing about 3lbs /week and pushing it pretty hard with the exercise.
    Food-wise, you can't concentrate on low-fat foods. You can eat low-fat foods all day long, but if you're diet isn't balanced in fat, protein and carbs- you're not maximizing your potential- nor being healthy about it.

    If you can lose 2 lbs a week in your diet (you HAVE to be healthy about it- or you'll bounce, plateau, or wind up sick), you can lose 2 more through exercise- that means 1,000 extra calories you have to burn every day. That's 3hrs of walking at 3mph, or 1.5 hrs of aerobics, or an hour of serious P90 style exercise.

    Low fat/calorie foods are not necessary. Like I said, I'm losing about 3lbs/week and I'm eating pizza and steak. I give my body enough fuel to have the energy to exercise vigorously- and let the exercise drop the pounds.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    You won't gain it back if you do it correctly. You have to follow the phases. If you just try phase one and stop, you haven't learned how to consume the amount of carbs for your body. I did Atkins and lost 43lbs. Been off for the last five or six months or so. I am now counting calories to switch things up a bit.
    Hi, have you tried the Atkins program.. My friend wanted to lose 80 pounds and she tried the Atkins..She lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks with the Induction phase and she remained on this phase for a month for a total of 25 pounds lost.. Visit their website and read about the induction phase. I plan to start this program next week. Good Luck!!

    You will gain it right back after you stop the need to change your me these shakes are great for breakfast but not for your entire meal plan!

    If you do the Atkins diet and then drop it you WILL gain the weight right put on the weight for a reason.. if you go back to old ways you will gain it all are doing the diet still you say? that means you are changing the way you eat.. not just doing the atkins diet.. If you do any of those crazy diets out there and then you stop will gain it back it's inevitable..people are telling her to do the atkins diet to lose the 28lbs she needs to lose..once she stops the atkins diet what do you honestly think will happen if she goes back to not watching her carbs?
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hello dearie. Sorry about all the snark you are getting, most of us on here have tried all the fad diet, quick weightloss schemes and have little patience with them anymore. I do agree with the majority that your goal is unrealistic. I would recommend setting up MFP for a loss of 1lb a week maximum unless you, in total, have over 50 lbs to lose.

    Make sure you eat all the calories that are recommended and work out 5 or 6 times a week. 3 days of weights and 2 or three of cardio sessions of around 45 minutes.

    Don't make yourself ill over a holiday.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    In order to lose 28 lbs in 6 weeks you need to have a calorie deficit of 2330 EVERY day. That means that you can either eat 1200 calories and then burn 3530 ( running for approx 6 hours straight) or eat nothing and burn 2330 (running for approx. 4 hours).

    Do you think you goal is realistic?

    Nope Doesn't sound realistic :noway:
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    Hello dearie. Sorry about all the snark you are getting, most of us on here have tried all the fad diet, quick weightloss schemes and have little patience with them anymore. I do agree with the majority that your goal is unrealistic. I would recommend setting up MFP for a loss of 1lb a week maximum unless you, in total, have over 50 lbs to lose.

    Make sure you eat all the calories that are recommended and work out 5 or 6 times a week. 3 days of weights and 2 or three of cardio sessions of around 45 minutes.

    Don't make yourself ill over a holiday.

    A great reply.
  • tbounce10
    tbounce10 Posts: 1 Member
    Without the ongoing monitoring of a qualified medical professional, there is no safe and healthy way to lose two stone in six weeks. You should be aiming for about one stone in that time, broken out evenly over the six weeks. With slower loss, you are also more likely to keep it off. Good luck.
  • iluxoxo211
    iluxoxo211 Posts: 241 Member
    Hello dearie. Sorry about all the snark you are getting, most of us on here have tried all the fad diet, quick weightloss schemes and have little patience with them anymore. I do agree with the majority that your goal is unrealistic. I would recommend setting up MFP for a loss of 1lb a week maximum unless you, in total, have over 50 lbs to lose.

    Make sure you eat all the calories that are recommended and work out 5 or 6 times a week. 3 days of weights and 2 or three of cardio sessions of around 45 minutes.

    Don't make yourself ill over a holiday.

    totally agree ^
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    definately not recommended. though I have lost 18lb in 6 weeks through healthy eating so it is possible, but i have a heck of a lot to lose, and i am eating and exercising regularly. if you only have 20 odd pounds to lose and that is all, your weight loss will be much much lower. just use mfp to keep an eye on what you eat, increase your exercise and at least then you will hopefully start to lose some weight.
  • LisamarieBond14
    LisamarieBond14 Posts: 133 Member
    I am interested in the "club" that you can get banned from for posting...

    Me too! I kind of want to join...
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    There is no way to lose 28 lbs in 6 weeks. At least not a healthy way