Need to loss 28 pounds in 6 weeks.... Meal Ideas Needed!



  • Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs. STARVE yourself. i went back a few days and there is NO reason you should have thousand or even thousands of calories left for a day. and a fiber one brownie for lunch and one fiber one yogurt for breakfast! don't start a thread soon about will get torn apart. just sayin.
  • how much is a stone? i am so
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    how much is a stone? i am so

    14 pounds, I believe
  • tara7302011
    tara7302011 Posts: 89 Member
    Yikes... Cat food, really?:ohwell:
  • jdhosier
    jdhosier Posts: 315 Member
    Check out "Fat, Sick and Almost Dead" on Netflix. It is a fascinating documentary of one persons journey. Following his example, IMO, is your best bet. That said, that much weight in that short a time is not the healthiest way to go about it. Good luck.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Exercise a lot, log your food and make it healthy stuff, don't go over your calories for the day. Don't expect unrealistic weight loss unless you're 100lbs overweight. I don't see how you could lose any faster and stay healthy. YOUR health is what's important. Your weight is a number, you however are NOT. Good luck to you!
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    And before anybody starts, there is nothing wrong with PSMF when done proper or ketosis, which is different from ketoacidosis, and there is no risk to the kidneys, unless you already have bad kidneys, which means anything you do will be bad for them. The research has already been done and posted.
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    Im not trying to be mean but this isnt healthy..on some days your eating less then 400 cals..your body needs more then what your eating to even work.

    Not only that, you've also lost muscle. This will be detrimental to your health in the long run.
  • PU_239, hmmm... So what is this magic trick that your 'group' is bound to secrecy by? Come on, spill. Chances are that unless it's a a rigorous program of healthy meals and excercise it's a pseudplan anyway.

    Dont mind me. I just thought I'd join in the acrimony that's being tossed around the thread. Why do people turn into such smug know-it-alls once they start losing weight? If we were all such experts on weight loss we wouldn't be here in the first place would we? :)

    Louise, it's not impossible to lose that much, but a tad ambitious. A stone may be a better goal. Eat 1200-1400 calories a day, lots of fruit and veg, pulses, fish and lean meat only. Couple that with an hour of cardio and 30 mins of strength training 6 days a week and you'll be on your way. I have a total of 4 stones to lose and I lost a stone a month for the first two months. It's slowed down now, but It shows that if you work hard at it, you'll be at least halfway there. Good luck.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    I just looked in your diary to see what your 'mystery' weight loss was....Maybe you should really look into getting some help because you would seem to be one step away from a very serious eating disorder if you keep this up (if you dont already currently have one). I am concerned for you....
  • cherylfromboji
    cherylfromboji Posts: 9 Member
    I would order the Pink Method...I swear by it!!!! You will lose weight and inches like never before!
  • anmei120
    anmei120 Posts: 19
    Add me as a friend!! Alot of these people apparently have their heads crammed so far up their butts they cant think straight! I have lost 31lbs in 8wks....if you would like some of my suggestions just msg me. All together i am wanting to lose 40ish lbs.

    No offence, but you really should not encourage people to eat the way you do. You eat less than 700 calories most days, and what you eat is anything but healthy. If that is your choice of life, so be it but it is absolutely wrong to advertise this self destruction to others.
    I was the same as you - ate less and less and ended up serverly underweight and absolutely miserable a few years back. Maybe my head is just to far up my butt though.

    @ Louise - Sweety, you might reconsider your goal. You don't want to go through hell for something that is not even going to last (unless you want to end up either gaining it back or with an eating disorder ... or both). Go with 2lbs a week or so - I am sure as soon you as you dropped a few pound you will feel a lot better and you will look gorgeous in Spain :)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member

    You've got to be kidding..........

    "Directions on making the Lemonade Diet Recipe

    Start by rolling a Lemon on the cutting board to get it nice and juicy. Cut the lemon along its belly and grind it on the juicer. Do this until you have juiced half your lemons, or until you have no more room in your juicer.

    1. Measure 2 Tablespoons of Fresh Lemon Juice into your large cup.
    2. Now measure and at 2 Tablespoons of Rich Maple Syrup to the cup.
    3. Measure and add 1/10 Teaspoon of Cayenne Pepper to the cup (or more to taste).
    4. Mix a and drink immediately.


    While on the Lemonade Diet, you can and should drink plenty of Pure Water. I drink 1 cup as a chaser after each cup of Lemonade. You can drink more throughout the day. Try to avoid drinking more than double the amount of Lemonade each day.

    Drinking enough water helps to wash out the toxins being released out of our body during the cleanse. It also helps to prevent possible headaches as well as feeling of hunger or cravings that surface during the detox."

    What an absolute load of twaddle, nothing but lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper?
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    And before anybody starts, there is nothing wrong with PSMF when done proper or ketosis, which is different from ketoacidosis, and there is no risk to the kidneys, unless you already have bad kidneys, which means anything you do will be bad for them. The research has already been done and posted.

    I don't think people should be concerned about the ketoacidois thing, that's an issue with diabetics. I am familiar with PSMF... It's a risky program for people who don't have experience, I have seen people develop binge episodes, destroy muscle mass, develop ED(eating disorders), and hair falling out.

    i have seen people fail this program miserably. My calculations determined a 70% failure rate with it.

    Agreed...and I do agree that the original poster should not go into ketosis without a well trained/studied individual such as myself(pats back) or someone they know. You need support and follow up and you'll also need to take directions and do what you're supposed to do. DO NOT think google is going to keep you in the right path. So yea, ignore my posts if you're not super serious. And yes, 4 lbs a week is crazy high for the best of trainees.
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    This is that master cleanse crap! I lol every time I see it...
  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    Stick to lean proteins and all vegetables (no fruits). Drink plenty of water. Exercise like a fiend. Even then, you may not be able to make it. Make sure you eat at least 1000 calories a day. High fiber, high protein. Salad with chicken, salad with lean pork, salad with shrimp, etc. Mix it up a little with some cinnamon oatmeal made with skim milk. Stir-fry with limited oil. Most of the salad veggies also go well in stir fry, but as a warm meal instead of cold.

    please ignore this "advice"....
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Loosing 28lb in two weeks isn't a healthy target - looking 14 lb is both achievable and much better for you - and likely to set you on a path where you can maintain your weight loss and ultimately maintain your goal weight.

    In answer to your specific question - grilled or steamed fish (or any seafood in fact) is very healthy and low in calories. Game meat (Venison and rabbit especially) is also very lean but you need to slow cook it to make it tender - tastes great in a stew.

    Other ideas: Tuna jacket potato (with low fat mayo), wholemeal pasta or brown rice (weigh it before you cook to get sensible calories) with chicken or prawns in a home made fat free salsa,

    There was a great meal I saw on the forum for eggs with spinach baked in a muffin tray with the muffin case made of thin sliced ham. In fact, just go look at the recipe section - loads of ideas :)

    Good luck
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    PS - against my advice my cousin did the lemon juice diet and lost 10lb in 1 week

    Then she gained 9lb the following week eating a calorie controlled balanced diet: so she lost 1lb in two weeks

    She also had a really miserable time during the week she followed the diet as well as being demoralised by the whole thing.

  • TheFitnessTutor
    TheFitnessTutor Posts: 356 Member
    So based on the responses I see, everyone here should hate the biggest loser and thus their ill-gained products as much as I do, and only watch it for it's entertainment/article writing motivation that it inspires????
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    how much is a stone? i am so

    Is a stone about 2 birds?