Worst Wedding Proposal EVER



  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    :grumble: im still waiting..it"ll be 11 yrs on feb 25th

    wow...11 years? You haven't b!tched enough
    That's WAY too long to be waiting in my opinoin.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    My ex proposed to me with a ring made out of the green foil from the top of a Pils beer bottle at his work's Christmas do. He was so drunk he threw up all the way home and the next morning he couldn't remember what my answer was and I assumed he was too drunk to be serious so we didn't talk about it for two days!
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    Mine is horrible. My husband and I had been together a few years dating. He was previously married for 19 years. This day in particular we were out looking for a house. He accidentally called me his ex's name. So I told him to take me home. 2 hours later he came over with an engagement ring and asked me to marry him! STUPID me said yes. 6 yrs later I still regret saying yes.

    He only did it so I wouldnt break up with him.

    Horrible engagement story!
  • Pokermom10
    Pokermom10 Posts: 78 Member

    ^^^^^ this is too funny!!!!!
  • tonihayden
    never really got a proposal...it was just discussed and i had to pay for my rings and he picked them up and just handed them to me while laying on his parents couch watching tv.............i was so depressed for days after becuz all anyone wanted to know was how he asked me and i didnt wan to tell them that story. We married and were married for 17 years, have three beautiful healthy children but are divorced.......we are still best friends tho.......he just remarried two weeks ago.....so I am not sure if our best friend relationship will be allowed by his new wife.....
  • Grlnxtdr0721
    Grlnxtdr0721 Posts: 597 Member
    I will say that the proposal was not what he had planned, but it is what happened...

    I had had a really bad day and he knew about it. He came home really late (we were supposed to cook dinner together). When he walked in, he said, "Honey come here." It was like 9 oclock, and I was worn out and emotionally drained. I kinda argued with him because I didn't see why he couldn't come in and why I had to get up (haha). But eventually I did get up and went to him. He pulled a red rose from behind he back and said he was sorry I had a bad day.
    We talked for a minute, and then I turned around and started to go put the rose in water. He said my name, and I turned to find him on one knee. Well, I was shocked...I had no clue this was happening. I asked him what he was doing and got "nothing" as a reply. I said, "If you're doing nothing, then get the he** off your knee" And then he pulled the box out of him pocket and proposed.
    Great story to tell the kids and grandkids, huh? But 4 years of marriage, 6 of being together, and 1 child...things are still pretty good :)
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    My first ex-husband proposed by first asking me how it should be done. Then he presented me with a pair of ear-rings before declaring it was time for us to shop for a home. I still laugh when I recall this memory. :laugh:
  • vwghiafreak
    vwghiafreak Posts: 15 Member
    Mine was okay, but I think my in-laws have the best story. My father-in-law had my mother-in-law over to his house, 2 weeks after they met/started dating. His cat strolled in and he said to the cat, 'Prissy, get used to seeing her around.' my mil said, 'why? are we getting married?' he said, 'I guess so!'
    They've been married for 35+ years.
    :heart: :laugh:
  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    I don't know about being forced not to be physical.but for us having talked online for so long first (we would often instant message until like 6am) that when we finaly met in person we already knew each other. When we met for the first time it was like meeting an old friend, someone I was already so comfortable with. Basically we were married that day we met in person the actual wedding was just a formality

    When he finally gave me the ring, he didn't ask. I didn't say yes. He gave me the little box, I pulled the ring out... smiled.. and put it on. We already felt married.. and as you said, the ring and marriage were just a formality.
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    My Ex fiance proposed to me while i was in the bathroom answering a call of nature. when i got mad with him he said, well if you say yes its a story to tell the grandkids!
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    I feel like I should redeem the guys a little so here is my story.

    This past December when I had a Friday off, I had a buddy call and say I needed to come to work in uniform (I'm in the Army) to sign my yearly evaluation because it was due that day. She went in with me and was in one of our offices talking to my coworkers. I made an excuse to step out and went outside where I had 24 Soldiers lined up in formation (8 men per row). I stood in the very back. I then texted my friend inside who was to bring her out the front door where she would be centered on my formation. When she walked out I swear my heart was in my throat. I gave the Soldiers a command to "open ranks". They opened up like a V. The I gave the command "present arms", which is normally given to salute, instead all 24 of them held out a rose and the very from rank went to one knee. I walked thru the center of the formation up to her and managed to squeak thru a few words on why I love her, went to one knee and I asked her to marry me. The best part (besides she said yes) was she was so surprised that it took her a second to register what was going on and when she finally figured it out she let out a loud laugh, then the tears start coming!

    Best day of my life, at least until the wedding on May 18th.
  • hazelnut861
    hazelnut861 Posts: 390 Member
    My husband "my friend says you're a good woman and I should marry you."
    A few days later I brought him breakfast in bed and said "so, you wanna marry me or what?"
    Him "I sure do."Him
    Been married 5 years.
  • dawn_eichert
    dawn_eichert Posts: 487 Member
    well this is going to sound odd but its time for a guy to comment on this topic.

    I had decided to ask Andi to marry me. I went to the store and bought the ring (getting a store credit card to do it). I knew that i was only going to have a short amount of time after doing this, as we lived together and she was going to be suspicious when the bills started arriving. On the way home from the store i stopped and asked her parents, they both said it was about time (in a round about way). I even told her brother and some friends that i was going to do it but wasn't sure when.

    fast forward a few days, She had to work a double shift that day and i said you know what, tomorrow is the day. I had an idea of what i wanted to do. So i sat down and I wrote out 25 good things i liked about her. Such as Your Beautiful. and 25 special memories I have of us together. I then took an index card and wrote a memory on one side and a good thing on the other. Then it was off to the store to buy stuff for breakfast in bed the next morning and to find some boxes. I wanted little gift boxes to put the cards in. After hours of shopping i finally found what i wanted, went home and started putting all the boxes together. the last box was a card that said favorite memory #25 OUR ENGAGEMENT, the other side said WILL YOU MARRY ME? I spent all day working on these things. i finally got done with everything for the next day an hour or so before she would get home from work. i hid everything. boxes in my cars trunk, ring in my underwear drawer, other card in one of our cabinets. I had this whole plan.

    She comes home from work and is in a bad mood because none of the house work was done. dishes laundry etc. She decides shes going to clean out our closet at midnight. the same closet i hid the ring in. i helped her. The whole time trying to get her to go to bed. she finally gave up cleaning up the closet and moved to the kitchen where she was going to find the card i had stashed away. She was very upset with me that i had an entire day to clean and didn't do any of it. At this time I started to get upset because i had spent the whole day getting everything just right. I even told her in the midst of our fight, oh your so going to eat those words....

    She wasn't dropping this and going to bed so i told her i would show her what i did all day and to give me a minute. i went and got everything set up with candles and all on our dining room table and then told her, no i didn't want it this way and to just go to sleep and she would see it in the morning.

    Morning came, i slipped out of bed and made breakfast and took it to her. i said when you are ready to come out to the table and she can see what i did. she cried and cried and cried with every box she opened and said i'm sorry a million times that she was such a b*tch to me. I kept telling her to keep going. She opened the last box and saw the Our Engagement and had an odd look on her face. as she turned the card over i was down on one knee with the ring box open saying will you marry me?

    She said yes and we will be getting married may 18th 2013.

    So ladies cut your men some slack. They try hard, sometimes its just not as easy.

    This actually made me tear up....
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    My engagement rign wasn't purchased with the intention of being an engagement ring.

    2008. a few days before Christmas, we started playing the "my present is totally better than whatever you got me" game. Finally on the 23rd it all came to an end when we said enough and decided to exchange presents early. He made me go first and so I presented him with a total Mario themed Christmas. The Mario edition gameboy, multiple figures, just tons of stuff. He loved it. Then he hands me an empty wicker basket and proceeds to fill it by handing me things from Bath and Body Works and a couple of CDs one at a time. He's finally finished and while I love my stuff I'm kinda dissapointed because I was hoping for a ring. By that point we'd been together for 10 years and we knew we would get married it was just a matter of formality. He gets up like he's done and then says "oh yeah...and this" and pulls a ring box out of his pocket and hands it to me. I open it and I'm sitting there expecting him to pop the question only it never happens. Instead he asked me if I like it and that he wanted to get me "something nice" for Christmas that year. I of course love it and tell him so and then sit there on my couch trying to decide which finger to wear it on. He goes outside to smoke, I'm still playing with the ring. He tells me I can wear it on whatever finger I want and I'm going "yeah, yeah, I know." 20 minutes after he gives me the thing, he comes over, kneels in front of me on both knees and proceeds to tell me that it doesn't matter which finger I wear it on because to him I'm already his wife. Then the question suddenly falls from his mouth. He looked stunned. haha. I don't know if he surprised himself or me more by actually asking. It was totally unplanned and unexpected for both of us. We finally got married ("officially") on 08/26/2010 which was our 12 year anniversary.
  • ilvmykidz
    ilvmykidz Posts: 66
    My Ex fiance proposed to me while i was in the bathroom answering a call of nature. when i got mad with him he said, well if you say yes its a story to tell the grandkids!

    Wow I am not the only bathroom story!

    My husband (bf at the time of course) were together for about 3 1/2 yrs and I had just found out I was pregnant (BUT we were discussing it before I knew I was pregnant so that isn't the reason..... it was just rushed more lol) and it was Christmas night. We were at his aunts house to celebrate Christmas when it started to snow pretty badly. He worked for the town at the time and had to be into work to plow the snow. So he had to get me home first. I was a little upset because he had to leave but it was no big deal. We got back to my parents house (where we lived at the time) I went straight for the food and as I was eating he secretly went upstairs to ask my fathers permission. Then came back to me, and just as I took a huge bite of my delicious sub he pulled me into the bathroom so no one would see ( he hates any attention) and asked me while still standing up! No knee at all! lol I was to excited to even notice that at first. I said yes and then he had to leave for work. Then I called him crying my eyes out that he had to leave after being engaged for only 2 minutes! lol We have been together for almost 13 yrs now and married for 7 1/2 years with 3 beautiful babies! So I guess it wasn't too bad : )
  • krazykando
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    my FIL proposed to my MIL by handing her the ring box when they were on their way to his mothers house and asking, "do you want this"... she said yes for some reason.. (they ended up divorced)

    my husband and i just love this story and thought it was so funny, so when my husband proposed to me, we were in his truck and he handed me the ring box, but instead of saying "you want this", he said some very wonderful things, and then asked me to marry him...

    when he handed me the ring box i started laughing, because i think that story is hilarious, and i thought he was going to do the same.. i was very pleasantly surprised.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    Mine...I love my husband more every day but the proposal or lack there of still bothers me after nearly 11 years or marraige and 2 kids!!! :grumble: Here goes, one day I answer the phone at home, it is my soon to be MIL, she says " So your going to be my daughter soon, huh?" She thought he had already asked, he hadn't, then didn't really feel the need to...he was kinda like "now you know..." :cry:

    I really wish I had gotten a real proposal. My husband really isn't a mushy guy and not big on that stuff but I won't ever get engaged again so I feel cheated some times...He is so lucky I love him :love:
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I was like.. 17? Outside of my hoopty 89 honda accord with no ring in the middle of the night. ComPLETELY random and out of nowhere. We actually got married 5 years later tho, haha. Married young, but couldn't be happier. :)
  • sarawoertink
    sarawoertink Posts: 62 Member
    My now husband tells me he wants to buy a gun and that's why he is taking a large amount of money out of the account. I was pregnant at the time as well, so in my opinion, that made it even worse. Well, I talk to him mid-day and he is hanging with his brother having some drinks. That irritated me first. Then he starts talking about this elaborate gun that he just purchased and he can't wait to get it. I ask how much he spent and when he tells me, I get real quiet. He's like, "you're upset?" I was like, "No, I just think we could've found something cheaper." I was trying my best not to be upset about it. He then goes, I got you something too... "a gift card for Kohl's, so you can get maternity clothes!" At that point, that was the last thing I wanted to hear. So, my husband then tells me that he has a little money left over and he would like to take me to dinner. When he comes and picks me up from work, I'm tired and have been dwelling on the fact that he spent such a large amount of money on a gun. We start driving and he starts excitedly telling more about his "gun" that he will be able to pick up in a few days. As soon as he starts talking about it, I feel the tears start to come to my eyes. I'm trying my best not to cry. My husband goes, oh no don't cry... here, I'll give you your gift card... please don't cry... SO he reaches in his pocket (mind you he is driving and I'm in the passenger seat this whole time) and pulls out a the ring box and hands it to me. I start crying even more when I realize what it was. I go to open it and he stops me and says, "Wait! Don't open that unless you want to marry me." We laughed the whole way home. Even though it was not a romantic proposal, it is completely our story that we will always laught about. He had wanted to take me to dinner and propose on the pier, but he said he couldn't let me stay upset the whole night.