
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,247 Member
    Good point, 1300 a day? that seems awfully low....

    Why is it?

    See 1300 calories per day is perfectly fine, providing the person does not eat rubbish. All the calories consumed need to be good food, otherwise it is empty calories doing much of nothing for the person, except help them put on weight.

    I am on 1200 calories per day and have been since 1st January, but I cannot afford to waste any of the calories on crap.

    Don't get me started on muffins, if I started eating those, I wouldn't stop LOL
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I haven't read the replies but has anyone said troll yet? lol
  • toffolo
    toffolo Posts: 2
    Hi There, no worries, just cut back a couple snacks over the next few days. I think of my calories in three day chunks, and this gives me some wiggle room. Great that you are aware of the calories and are making a plan.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    I haven't read the replies but has anyone said troll yet? lol

    Well, that was a given from the very beginning.
  • ArtsyLaurie
    ArtsyLaurie Posts: 39 Member
    450 calories? Not bad for a muffin, actually.

    Just watch out for the 1000 calorie muffins though....
  • hofdog
    hofdog Posts: 269 Member
    I had Wendy's today. The end.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 558 Member
    you're probably right. Just so to McDonalds for dinner, It'll make you feel better. That or a quart of Chocolate ice cream!
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    OMG...did you see the profile??? She wants to lose 1.4 lbs...not even 2 lbs. If I only wanted to lose 1.4 lbs I would have muffin parties!
  • FitLink
    FitLink Posts: 1,317 Member
    So my mom was kind enough to buy me a banana muffin this morning, which I didn't think was unhealthy (so much).
    Turns out... it had... 430 CALORIES
    What do I do?!
    I only eat 1300 calories a day and now i've already passed that amount!!

    No biggie. The world isn't ending, you won't gain weight, and everything will be fine. So you go over today. So what?

    But in the future, there was a clue there that that muffin would be high in calories...it's that little word "muffin."
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    you can eat a muffin straight after exercise,it wont turn into fat,fact

    FACT: Bears eat beets... Bears... Beets... Battle Star Galactica....
  • mgraue82
    mgraue82 Posts: 168 Member
    For reals though - just work out tonight and get your calorie burn on! You will feel so good when you're done - just be glad it was a lil ole muffin, and not a chinese buffet or something along those lines. You can do it :)
  • sjflowers
    sjflowers Posts: 148
    I had three servings of nachos and I am totally fine with it. wish I had a muffin, or a brownie.
  • Ryder9902
    Ryder9902 Posts: 22 Member
    Tomorrow is another day. I had a rough week myself. weigh in's gonna be interesting.
  • Clarimusic00
    Clarimusic00 Posts: 96 Member
    I feel you! I ate a small piece of pie to splurge at work. I probably would have thought twice if I knew it was 350 calories. I just ate less for for dinner and worked out. It all worked out in the end.
  • JB5349
    JB5349 Posts: 135 Member
    430 calories....LOL I just at three whoppers for over 1100 calories... had a really stressful day!

    Going exercise my *kitten* off tomorrow to make up for it!

    Tomorrow is a new day - just don't do it all the time - that is my philosphy!
  • steflbrown
    steflbrown Posts: 168
    I had one of these days today... it's not the end of the world. Just back on the horse tomorrow and maybe a little more exercise to counter for it. I have to have a day like that occasionally where I might indulge in some favorites or I would go totally crazy.
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    Get on your walkiing shoes. I carry a camera with me and use my camera to entertain my self on my walks.
  • Exercise is great then you earn more calories. If you can't do that eat healthy the rest of the day and remember tomorrow is another day. One day will not mess you up the repetition of making food errors day after day will. Forget about it and more on. Don't beat yourself up about it!
  • MissTattoo
    MissTattoo Posts: 1,203 Member
    I haven't read the replies but has anyone said troll yet? lol

    Well, that was a given from the very beginning.

    You would think, but there are serious replies. lol
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I haven't read the replies but has anyone said troll yet? lol

    Well, that was a given from the very beginning.

    You would think, but there are serious replies. lol

    And the last laugh's on the troll, since there are serious replies that will no doubt be of help to someone who's really struggling with the stinking thinking that accompanies "slips".

    I've been participating in internet discussions since the early Usenet days (more than a decade before the OP's birth, assuming he/she is really 19), and I still don't understand the pathology that motivates trolls.