You are a Runner, NOT a Jogger!



  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    Oh wow, I have always called myself a jogger because I thought I was slow. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have made me smile and feel like a runner and I will now call myself a runner ;o) Have been doing the C25k and on Wk3D3 and jogged for a full 6 minutes at the end hehe

    Again thanks and go us runners :)
  • silvabelle89
    This just made me so happy. I run at least a little 5 days a week. Finished my dirt 5k in 28:58. My sister says to me the other day, I would go on a hike with you... But I wouldn't ask you to run with me.... But that's just cause I'm a runner. Wtf???? What do I have to do to be a 'runner'???
  • RumOne
    RumOne Posts: 266 Member
    Humans have 2 modes of locomotion; walking - one foot is always in contact with the ground & running - at some point (no matter how briefly) both feet are off the ground. There is no "jogging", I'm a runner and it seems I have lots of company here!:happy:

    ^^^ and This is what I'm gonna tell the guy who said I was just walking fast :bigsmile: Thanks!
  • myltlisa24
    myltlisa24 Posts: 242 Member
    Okay - so I'm really passionate about this one. I really think that many of us, have poor self-esteem, lack confidence, and have a habit of down playing our fitness triumphs, simply because of our histories (i.e. being heavy, out of shape, etc.). Look at you now! You're making strides to get healthy - you're DOING it!!! Anyway... those of us who decided to take up running, had to start slow (it's the safest way to start!). Perhaps we walked a little, then ran at a pace that worked for us, and took a rest... but we ran.

    The speed does not matter! I read this and want to share it with you:

    "What does it mean to be a runner? Simply that you run. 'To move legs quickly,' says the Oxford English Dictionary. '(the one foot being lifted before the other is set down) so as to go at a faster pace than walking; to cover ground, make one's way, rapidly in this manner.' Now consider what the dictionary says about jogging: 'To move up and down or to and fro with a heavy unsteady motion; to move on at a heavy or labored pace, to trudge.' Is that the kind of activity you see yourself doing? No. You don't jog - you run. It doesn't matter how fast, how far, or how often you run, if you're moving faster than you would if you were walking, you are a runner. Not all (people) believe this about themselves, however."
    ~ "The Complete Book of Running for Women" by Claire Kowalchik

    Be proud of your accomplishments - even if you think they are small or insignifiant compared to others. You are awesome! And if you're starting a running program - own the fact that you're a runner! Stay strong, folks! :o)

    I wish I was a jogger, i can't even jog a mile without stopping. :( Congrats to everyone!!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I'm not a runner but I like your post. Actually I wanted to start running but unfortunately I'm not really good at endurance activities because aside from my body gets sore easily, I have more slow-twitch muscle fibers which is why it seems that my body isn't built for endurance activities. But after reading your post, it refreshes my desire to try out running, even if its just for exercise.

    Au contrair - slow twitch is exactly what endurance athletes use. Fast twitch muscles are the ones sprinters need.

    If you do decide to start running take your time progressing; it's good for you but it's also supposed to be fun.
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    I could not agree with you more!!! It took me a good while before I had enough confidence to actually call myself a RUNNER. Now... there is not a doubt in my mind! I AM A RUNNER!!! :) 2 half marathons completed and now training for my 3rd... and then I'm going for the full marathon this coming fall!!! :)
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    Running my first 5k April 15 :)
  • Front_Runner
    love this, and wanted to share my personal favorite quote about running:

    "If you run, you are a runner. It doesn't matter how fast or how far. It doesn't matter if today is your first day or if you've been running for twenty years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get. You just run."

    Love this!!! Great quote - SO glad you shared it!

    Keep it going everyone! So happy we're all part of the Runner's Club - it's a great place to be! :happy:
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    i am currently doing the c25k so this was VERY inspiring! thank you for upping my motivation!! :)
  • 5ladybugs
    5ladybugs Posts: 135 Member
    THANK YOU!!!!! I was actually thinking about this yesterday. I told my father in law I was running (week 6 c25k) and he asked " jogging or actually running". I of course replied well more of jogging I guess. He's the nicest man ever and didn't mean anything by it, but it did kinda deflate me. I was thinking, am I a runner or a jogger?
    So THANK YOU! I am a RUNNER!
  • ineedthis4me
    Thank you so much for posting. I was just thinking about this the other day when I was running - not very fast and wondering if it was considered jogging or running. I am a runner and I am proud!
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 315 Member
    I looove this one! Thank you!
  • sevencallmemom
    sevencallmemom Posts: 505 Member
    Oh wow...I sooooo needed this. I did 2 5Ks on the treadmill this last week and the times were 42:27 and 41ish so I finally started thinking of myself as a jogger because that seemed slow, but I was proud of finishing it...but I was wrong...

    I. AM. A. RUNNER!!! :D
  • chrissy10taylor
  • AmandaB2229
    I am a runner as well, a slow runner but non the less, I ran my first 5K this weekend, I did it in 42 min.
  • AmandaB2229
    I am a runner as well, a slow runner but non the less, I ran my first 5K this weekend, I did it in 42 min.

    That's awesome! I did my first 5K last spring! Awesome feeling when you cross that finish line isn't it? Keep it up!
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    I LOVE this! I RUN! and I get huffy about people asking me if I "jog"? NO. I run.
    My mother asked me what I had planned for the weekend. I told her I was working on lower the time for my long run. She said, "I'm so glad you've taken up jogging. I could never jog." JOG?! NO. I DO NOT JOG. When was the last time you met someone who regularly takes 7 mile "jogs".:noway: NO. I RUN. Get it straight. :grumble:

    The other one that kills me is all My buddies here who "wog" walk/jog. As "cute" as that is, don't discount yourself!! You're PRACTICING your running technique, you're interval training, you're doing "speed work":wink: whatever STOP SELLNG YOURSELF SHORT you're RUNNING damn it!!

    To all my Runners; no matter what your distance, no matter what your speed YOU RUN and don't let anyone tell you anything different.

  • kimdrobison
    Amen! I've been running for 3 years. I'm still chubby because I really like to eat. ;) I couldn't call myself a runner for the longest time for a few reasons...1. I run/walk. I run 5 minutes and then walk 1...always. It really helps me with endurance. You can be a runner even if you take walking breaks. 2. I'm slow, and I felt like I couldn't call myself a runner because I was slow, even after I ran a marathon last year. I have decided that if I'm running several times a week (at any pace) I'm a runner. I'm currently training for my second marathon, and I'm getting faster. Still slow, but faster.

    Any new runners out there that feel like it's torture, hang in there. Alternate walking and run if you want to. You can do it. It took me about 2 years to be able to say that I like it, but after 5 half marathons, a few 10k's, and a full marathon...I'M A RUNNER and I LOVE it!
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I read that book when I started running years ago. It is a wonderful book...and she is absolutely right, you aren't "jogging" you are running. My husband also told me something helpful years ago...I had run my first 5K and it took 45 min...I was bummed that it took so long and I whined to him about the time...he said "Uh you were faster than 90% of the population...they were on the sofa while you were out doing it" That is the truth friends... you are out there getting it done while everyone else is on the sofa...remember that

    My brother said the same thing to me last year...I had just started running and I was complaining about how slow I was...and how many months it took me to run a mile without stopping. He reminded me that instead of staying home and giving up...I was still out there running.

  • Cheeta_HH
    Cheeta_HH Posts: 489 Member
    Thanks for posting this! I have a hard time calling myself a runner. I do exactly what you said- downplay my accomplishments and always say something like, "Oh, I'm just a rookie!" when someone brings up running. I'm going to work on changing that perception of myself!