pushups challenge



  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    sorry all, i've been struggling with illness. But I'm getting back onto this tomorrow morning! I'll see how I do, but I'm guessing I'll need to repeat week three, so will be a little behind.
  • nixnax
    nixnax Posts: 42
    Well i finally got around to starting this last night. I have an app on my phone for it.

    Last night W1D1 i did - 7 6 4 4 5
  • Quarrysider
    Quarrysider Posts: 56 Member
    W3D3 just done, absolute murder but left a long gap after the last day cos of work! Will have to repeat this one too if I don't want the next week to kill me!

    Are you feeling the muscles today nixnax? I was stiff for about 3 days after W1D1, hehehe (probably because I hadn't done a push up for, oh, about 20 years! :bigsmile: )
  • nixnax
    nixnax Posts: 42
    i've been doing push ups every gym session to keep me in the 'zone' so to speak. so i'm not really feeling it yet, but tonight is an arms session at the gym along with W1D3 so this could be painful!!

    I think week 2 will kill me as i have never gone over 10 push ups. I don't even know if i'll make it to W3D3, sounds painful :)
  • shamahn17
    shamahn17 Posts: 26 Member
    Today is W1 D3 for me. I'll update when done. Way to go everybody!
  • Quarrysider
    Quarrysider Posts: 56 Member
    W3D3 done again, felt just as hard as last time but managed 26 on the last set so must be getting stronger - my shoulders and biceps felt very 'lumpy' afterwards (of course I can't actually SEE any muscles yet cos of all the lard, hehehe) - off to find a puny looking guy to arm-wrestle with now :wink:

    Hope everyone feels like they are making progress, and no-one is suffering too much! :happy: Good to see so many of us having a crack at it :bigsmile:
  • robpett2001
    robpett2001 Posts: 320 Member
    Good job, everybody -- sounds like folks are doing great and plugging away! I missed some days this past week, but jumped into W4D1 today and managed to make it through, kind of surprising myself.

  • DaniDido
    DaniDido Posts: 5
    Thanks for this! Going to start tonight...Good Luck to everyone :happy:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    ok, have been lazy. will be back on target this week. How's everyone else getting on?
  • Quarrysider
    Quarrysider Posts: 56 Member
    Just finished W4D1. It's taken me three goes at it to get all the way to the end of 25 on the last set - I can totally see why people start to disappear around the end of week three! :sick:

    Will definitely do this day again before I attempt D2 - wonder if it'll take me three tries to get through all the days from now on?:blushing:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Well done quarrysider!

    I picked back up at week 3. Just done week 3, day 1, column 2.

    12 17 13 13 17

    Hard work after a bit of a break!
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    I'm onto week 3 day 3 today.

    I have no problems doing these unless I've done a heavy session of weights the evening before, when I've done that I find my arms are a bit too tired to be good at this one. That said I am moving along nicely.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I have a similar issue eion. I've started ensuring they coincide, since pushups are strictly strength training. So if I'm working upper body at gym, I guess I should do it all on one day?

    week 3, day 2, column 2.

    12 17 13 13 17
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    I'm thinking of stalling around this level now and starting to repeat days so that I am stronger when I move on.

    It's getting tough around the end of week three.
  • markyb1977
    markyb1977 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi Guys, interesting that you are all doing this, I started on 14th Feb,

    I did some tough weeks, but I can push out 49 consequtive. The progress to get there was really good, im finding it hard to kick on from there at the moment.

    Any motivational thoughts on this one. I weigh far too much and it might just naturally get easier as the weight drops off, I personally don't think its a good idea, while restricting calaories, as the muscle will not repair as necessary, but im doing it anyway.

    Its made my core, triceps, shoulder fronts, and pecs a lot firmer. Not that you can see behind the unecessary fat. But hey ho...

    My kid thinks its great that I can do so many and often counts me out.

    My last exhaustion test was 49, I couldn't believe I couldnt push out one more for the 50 but I collapsed to the floor by this time!!! lol
  • Hey I will do the push up challenge with ya, is there a sit up 1 to? Kay
  • EoinMag
    EoinMag Posts: 25 Member
    I've started doing planks to increase my back strength as I have an old injury there I'd like to work on so I'm finding that is putting extra demand on me and I'm stalling out a bit. That said all I'm doing is holding back and getting them right before moving on to the next day, same is happening on the situps, but I'd rather have them right and be fit than not. The difference in my core, under that layer of fat is phenomenal, I can feel a ripped body in there waiting to show itself. I just need to get down a few more kilos and that will become reality.

    If I can drop another 12KG (26lb) I'll be very happy, so I'm about halfway there at this stage. At my heaviest I was 105KG (230lb) I started to get serious when I started on here at about 100KG (220lb) now I'm around the 90KG (198lb), making good progress so far.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I think that's the best kind of strategy, Eion. I do planks too - they're seriously hard!

    I'm majorly busy at work this week but come thursday, things will calm down and I'll be back to being supportive and present on this thread! :-)
  • EastCincyDad
    EastCincyDad Posts: 15 Member
    Did W 5 D2 awhile back. I was so tired when I got to the last set. I doubted I could've done 10, let alone the 45+ that was recommended. So I just did that set from my knees. I was able to complete every set up til the last one, but endurance just isn't there.

    I'm letting the program go for now. I've been working out with my buddies and we usually bench press twice a week and areobic workouts 2-3 times a week. If they stop going I will look to the pushup program to replace those workouts. Otherwise I'm just using pushups for maintenance if I miss one of the workouts.

    What a great program though. With that and the dips and situp programs available I have no excuse in the future when I can't find any workout partners. Ok, I'll still have excuses of age, injury, tiredness, stress, and anything else I can think of when the time comes... :)
  • EastCincyDad
    EastCincyDad Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Kay,

    There is a "200 situps" program that looks like the same format: http://www.twohundredsitups.com/

    There are also 200 squats, 150 dips, and 25 pullups programs listed near the bottom of the menu on the left hand side at the pushups site: http://hundredpushups.com/

    Good luck!