Guys what body type on women do you prefer?



  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    I prefer this

    Not a fan of cheek piercings...
    me neither for some reason they scare me a little (no offence implied to women that have these though)
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I prefer a dancer's build. She is not too thin, not too curvy, not too muscular...just the right amount of everything.


    Nicole Scherzinger, I love her body!!!
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
  • Mission2Me
    Mission2Me Posts: 208 Member
    I am a girl but I am going to answer anyways.
    I like her body type I want it for myself and I would totally go after any girl that looked like her. =]

    EW her thighs are nasty, she probably can't even squat BW

    Well...that's mature.

    I think her squatting abilities might shock that particular poster.

    Oh it that so, what are her states then, go on, lets hear how much she lifts... oh you don't know do you.

    And you do?

    Yeah based on her muscle to fat ratio i would suppose it is near 65 pounds. Especially since the likelihood of her having formal training is slim to none.

    And this is is a subjective topic, so I'm allowed to be subjective on my likes, and if i think her quads are lacking in muscle mass then so be it. I am not being mean to you, or anyone else on this site, but you calling my comments nasty would actually be rude... so come at me bro.

    Who cares how much she's squats? You are totally missing the point. She WON THE FREAKING HUNGER GAMES.

    I'd tap that.

    dying laughing because even in the book she sounded hot. and her shape is beautiful. yeaaaa she could get it lol. but as far as in general, but my scale runs from women who have an extreme amount of curves to a really thin boyish looking. girl like that pic of shane up there lol (yes I still call her shane sue me!)
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    men should like curvy chicks.... just saying :)

    real men do!
  • shiseido_faerie
    shiseido_faerie Posts: 771 Member

  • femmi1120
    femmi1120 Posts: 473 Member
    As a woman, I can say that it has little to do with all this. A perfect woman to me, has a smile that is infectious, eyes that can tell you anything without saying a word, a confidence that lets *her* believe she is the hottest woman in the room, attention to detail in how she chooses to dress that frame, happiness that does not require chemicals to allow her to be herself, pride in herself to not lower to ANY man's standards, wisdom to stay away from men who feel that she is NOT perfect as she is, loves herself enough to have the drive to constantly improve the things that she alone does not like........ If a man cannot love me at my worst, he sure as hell doesn't deserve my best. I am a "thick" woman, but I am a beautiful woman who knows how to work every square inch of me like most 98 pound hotties would dream of, I am a catch not only as I am, but as I have been and as I will be.

    Beautifully written. I'm sorry that posts like this get ignored in the jumble of flamewars and trolling.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member


    That will be a $1.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    I prefer this

    Not a fan of cheek piercings...
    me neither for some reason they scare me a little (no offence implied to women that have these though)

    lol, yeah. Especially surface piercings on the chest, or neck or throat or lower's too much.
  • SqautsAndOats
    Yeah based on her muscle to fat ratio i would suppose it is near 65 pounds. Especially since the likelihood of her having formal training is slim to none.

    And this is is a subjective topic, so I'm allowed to be subjective on my likes, and if i think her quads are lacking in muscle mass then so be it. I am not being mean to you, or anyone else on this site, but you calling my comments nasty would actually be rude... so come at me bro.

    Who cares how much she's squats? You are totally missing the point. She WON THE FREAKING HUNGER GAMES.

    I'd tap that.

    dying laughing because even in the book she sounded hot. and her shape is beautiful. yeaaaa she could get it lol. but as far as in general, but my scale runs from women who have an extreme amount of curves to a really thin boyish looking. girl like that pic of shane up there lol (yes I still call her shane sue me!)

    Except in the book she is near staving for a large portion of her life....
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    I prefer this

    Not a fan of cheek piercings...
    me neither for some reason they scare me a little (no offence implied to women that have these though)

    lol, yeah. Especially surface piercings on the chest, or neck or throat or lower's too much.

    I love piercings...hahaha
  • garyl7593
    garyl7593 Posts: 38
    This is what i prefer..

    Can't argue!
  • brendansmom1
    brendansmom1 Posts: 530 Member
    You know you've gotten good at derailing/trolling when you get people to start talking about your penis

    Um, really? Go find another site to troll and derail on....unless you have something helpful and beneficial to say, buh bye.
  • ladyplaz
    ladyplaz Posts: 186 Member
    I looked at all of this stuff. Personally, I think that advertising and photo shopping has made it hard for real, flesh and blood women to be something men want. A women can work out like crazy, get to be what society thinks is amazing and NOT feel that she measures up. Guys, don't just look at the outward, look at the inward. If you accept the inward, the outward will change. God does amazing things and can change your preceptions. :smile: :smile:
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    I prefer this

    Not a fan of cheek piercings...
    me neither for some reason they scare me a little (no offence implied to women that have these though)

    lol, yeah. Especially surface piercings on the chest, or neck or throat or lower's too much.

    I love piercings...hahaha

    I like her belly piercing, but that's it..=P
  • Bonita_Lynne_58
    Bonita_Lynne_58 Posts: 2,845 Member
    I keep coming back here hoping to see tall with curves and muscles and stretch marks and loose tummy skin.

    Hasn't happened yet. Sigh...

    **goes to find a corner to cry in**

    **joins cory**
    I have enjoyed all my lovers with all their 'imperfections'.... women are just F-N beautiful. I will even kiss the stretch marks and loose tummy skin.

    Please tell me there are more like you and Carl.:flowerforyou:
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    This is what i prefer..

    Holy Crap! She's spectacular. I'm putting that picture on my goal sheet right next to where it says end goal.

    DITTO. Who is sheeeeeee?
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I prefer this

    Not a fan of cheek piercings...
    me neither for some reason they scare me a little (no offence implied to women that have these though)

    Agree, but she's dumb as crap. As in, I bet she couldn't even change a lightbulb.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I keep coming back here hoping to see tall with curves and muscles and stretch marks and loose tummy skin.

    Hasn't happened yet. Sigh...

    **goes to find a corner to cry in**

    **joins cory**
    I have enjoyed all my lovers with all their 'imperfections'.... women are just F-N beautiful. I will even kiss the stretch marks and loose tummy skin.

    Please tell me there are more like you and Carl.:flowerforyou:

    My husband says that he does not notice my stretch marks and loose tummy skin after 6 kids. He says that he looks at the whole package and likes what he sees. So, there are good men out there that do not see our "imperfections"!
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