Your 3 best investments for fitness?



  • TheMerryPup
    TheMerryPup Posts: 186 Member
    1. Food scale

    2. Polar HRM

    3. Kettlebells
  • abfit4life
    abfit4life Posts: 220 Member
    Proper fitting shoe
  • nerdygirl2
    nerdygirl2 Posts: 27 Member
    1. Good shoes
    2. Gym Membership
    3. Trainer
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    In no particular order:

    Food scale
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    My gym membership-the gym I go to now is so involved & always has extra things going on to keep people motivated, plus nutrition classes and great classes

    My HRM- even though I got it as a gift, it has helped me to stay at the top end of my target range so I burn more calories. It helps me understand what my body is telling me & it motivates me.

    A good pair of shoes...can't do anything if your feet, knees, hips, etc hurt.
  • jodyl70
    jodyl70 Posts: 94
    1. Gym membership

    2. Sessions with a trainer to lift weights properly

    3. Gym clothes ( and shoes, have to sneak that in as well!) that fit properly and allow me to see the changes in my body!
    *After being heavy for years along with no self esteem, feels great to see muscles and the changes*
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I've seen a lot of posts on workout tapes, exercise games, and technology (fit bits, heart rate monitors, etc) that people are using to help them burn calories. If someone was watching their cash but looking to get a great workout, what are the 3 things you would say are worth the investment?

    1. Subscription to SELF magazine. They share all the recipes and workouts online for free, but for me getting the magazine in the mail each month gives me a little bit of renewed motivation alongside some great ideas. I tear out the workouts and recipes and keep them in their own binder so I never get bored and can take them with me on a trip.
    2. Building a "home gym" with little investments over time. I don't own any big pieces of equipment but over the past 5 years I've accumulated a couple different weights in dumbbells, a jumprope, one of those blow up balls, a resistance band, yoga mat, and (my favorite) 2 kettlebells. None were very pricey one their own and allow me to try different exercises.
    3. 1 month with a professional trainer. I consider the time I spent doing Crossfit INVALUABLE. I worked with people who taught me good form and technique. I learned how to motivate myself through a workout and how to listen to my body. I couldn't afford to be a continuous member, but I know my time with them has prevented a lot of potential injuries and opened my horizons on exercise.

    Things that barely missed the list: A good pair of cross training shoes (I LOVE my Vibrams even though I look like a hipster) my Gymboss interval trainer (It's not a necessary piece of equipment, but it does allow me to focus on certain workouts more intensely than if I were watching a clock)

    Things that I always want and then decide it's not worth the cash: Heart rate monitor. I actually bought one once and then returned it. If you put one of these on your list I'd love to hear why you feel it helps. I just don't see the point of the investment but maybe that's because I just don't really understand how to use one to my benefit. I feel I would be too distracted by the numbers than paying attention to how my body feels.

    My three things would be:

    My treadmill
    My Sorbothane insoles for my trainers to stop my shin splints
    My HRM
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    My dietician
    Parks and Rec Fitness Classes
    Community Centre membership
  • mheightchew
    mheightchew Posts: 334
    HRM, good shoes, dvds
  • obeseto13point1
    obeseto13point1 Posts: 144 Member
    Umm... I am kind of a workout gear junkie.

    1. Heart Rate Monitor: helps me keep an accurate count of calories burned, time spent running, and keeping a steady pace running.
    2. Gym Membership: to be able to go to fitness classes, and use a variety of equiptment, if you go it is definately worth it.
    3. Mp3 player: also helps with keeping a pace, and makes workouts more fun and you don't have to listen to your breathing!
  • mandi9041
    mandi9041 Posts: 31 Member
    1. Zumba instructor training - Now I have a job teaching Zumba weekly. Not only am I guaranteed to get a good workout in at least once a week, I feel compelled to practice in my spare time to improve. Also, I get paid to work out!

    2. Polar FT4 Heart Rate monitor - Important because I LOVE my exercise calories. In fact, sometimes having those extra calories is the ONLY motivation I have to exercise.

    3. Food scale - Amazing how much cereal I was regularly eating as a "serving."
  • ThinMint_Stac
    ThinMint_Stac Posts: 59 Member
    1. Great pair of workout shoes! 2.Treadmill! 3. Allowing time in my day to workout!
  • ginamcoyle
    1 Watch what you eat

    2 I joined Curves

    3 I walk at less 30 min's a day even if it is in the house going from room to room

    Did you read the original post? None of these are investments :)

    I would say time definitley counts as an investment.