

  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    Definitely get your thyroid checked. I'm hypothyroid and my hair was coming out like crazy before I started getting medicated. Other symptoms include difficulty losing weight/weight gain, dry skin, feeling the cold a lot, being tired all the time, sore muscles and constipation. Not fun!

    Thyroid issues are serious and should be addressed, however, from experience - ALL of the above can also be symptoms of eating too little.
  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I had this problem last year, I was flipping out. I had every test known to man done and they were all normal. My gynos explanation was that when you lower your calories the part of the body that needs the nutrients the most takes it and sometimes the hair and nails dont get what they were getting before. She told me to start taking biotin and a mulitivitamin. I do this daily and I dont know if it was that or my body just leveled out but it stopped falling out and some grew back. I was so thankful. Wish you all the luck on this because I know how you feel and it sucked.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    This also happened to me - big weight loss can contribute to hair loss. Also have your Vitamin D levels checked and your oestrogen level as well as your thyroid levels. Low levels of all of these can also cause hair loss. ONe blood sample can be tested for all these. Vitamin D can be replaced by being in the sun for 10 mins each day.

    cool, I will add this to my checklist. ;) thanks!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    I see the amount of weight we have lost is almost the same. I will let you know that at 60 pounds lost I had the same problem. I couldn't understand this since I had been eating really healthy but I did a lot of reading and figured it was from the extreme change is diet of eating 3,000+ calories a day to 1,200. Fortunately I have been taking Biotin and Fish Oil and I have tons of new little sprouting hairs. I look like a Chia Pet right now but hopefully in 6 months or so I will have a nice head full of hair again! :-) By the way, I already had super fine hair so when I started to lose the little bit I had I was very upset.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I had this problem last year, I was flipping out. I had every test known to man done and they were all normal. My gynos explanation was that when you lower your calories the part of the body that needs the nutrients the most takes it and sometimes the hair and nails dont get what they were getting before. She told me to start taking biotin and a mulitivitamin. I do this daily and I dont know if it was that or my body just leveled out but it stopped falling out and some grew back. I was so thankful. Wish you all the luck on this because I know how you feel and it sucked.

    I had my thyroid & hormones checked a year ago (pre-WLJ) and everything was normal, but I am SURE my calorie level has a LOT to do with it.
  • Alex_is_Hawks
    Alex_is_Hawks Posts: 3,499 Member
    I am part of a GBS support group, and our doctor explained to us that we have to keep a certain level of protein intake (based on our height and weight). That protein intake helps manage things like hair loss which many of us experience if we don't adequately take our protein.

    So I would recommend examining your protein, your fats and oils (those help with hair also) and perhaps seeing your doctor.

    it can be a symptom of bigger issues as well.
  • Mommy2CCCC
    Mommy2CCCC Posts: 70 Member
    This happened to me last year. I had lost 23 lbs. and a few months later my hair started falling out. I was so upset about this. My hair became very thin but eventually it started coming back. I really believe it was related to the weight loss.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I see the amount of weight we have lost is almost the same. I will let you know that at 60 pounds lost I had the same problem. I couldn't understand this since I had been eating really healthy but I did a lot of reading and figured it was from the extreme change is diet of eating 3,000+ calories a day to 1,200. Fortunately I have been taking Biotin and Fish Oil and I have tons of new little sprouting hairs. I look like a Chia Pet right now but hopefully in 6 months or so I will have a nice head full of hair again! :-) By the way, I already had super fine hair so when I started to lose the little bit I had I was very upset.

    Yeah, I did a mock diary of what a BAD/Avg day was for me pre-WLJ and I was consuming between 3-5k cals EACH DAY!! HOLY CRAP RIGHT! That's good advice. Thanks!
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    This also happened to me - big weight loss can contribute to hair loss. Also have your Vitamin D levels checked and your oestrogen level as well as your thyroid levels. Low levels of all of these can also cause hair loss. ONe blood sample can be tested for all these. Vitamin D can be replaced by being in the sun for 10 mins each day.

    cool, I will add this to my checklist. ;) thanks!

    That's so interesting you mentioned that. I was just diagnosed with magnesium and vitamin d deficiency a month ago. I didn't even connect that to my hair loss. The doctor put me on a prescription-strength vitamin d pill and I added a daily magnesium pill to my regime.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I am part of a GBS support group, and our doctor explained to us that we have to keep a certain level of protein intake (based on our height and weight). That protein intake helps manage things like hair loss which many of us experience if we don't adequately take our protein.

    So I would recommend examining your protein, your fats and oils (those help with hair also) and perhaps seeing your doctor.

    it can be a symptom of bigger issues as well.

    GBS is???
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I agree with most of the previous posters, get your thyroid checked. Also, get checked for vitamin deficiencies.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    you need more healthy fats and protein!!! biotin helps too! this happened to me, but you should use some rogaine to help that hair come back in the meantime. sure helps your self esteem!! speaking from experience:



    WOW!! That is awesome!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    If you can, have your doctor check your thyroid levels. Losing hair is one of the early signs of low thyroid function. Also, it's a sign of malnutrition, so make sure you eat enough, especially protein, since that's what hair is mostly made of.

    I think I am eating enough...look @ my diary. I eat between 1400-1800/day.

    Accounting for your age, weight and I made up your height at 5'0, your BMR is 2085, your maintenance calories or TDEE as Sedentary is 2500, 2870 as lightly active. Assuming you're at least lightly active as you have a young daughter, you're running at least over a 1000 calorie a day deficit before exercise.

    You're not consuming very much protein OR fat, even as a percentage for your low intake. Try to exceed your protein goal daily and nail your fat goal.

    I totally agree with this above post - you need more calories, more protein and a little more fat. When I lost weight rapidly a few years ago and was not eating enough fat (or calories for that matter) my hair was falling out like crazy. Same situation where my hairdresser flipped and said get to the doctor. He said I was not eating enough. He also tested my thyroid which was fine. Also, like a few have suggested get a good multi to add to upped calories and protein consumption.

    The weeks that I eat higher, I dont have a loss. So I go back to eating less. Y'all are making me think I need to go eat a spoonful of peanut butter. LOL
    If you've been on a calorie deficit for a while, your metabolism can become downregulated and non-vital processes are slowed down or swiitched off - especially if you've been eating well below your BMR. Increasing your calories is intimidating, but it can be done - when I first joined here, I followed MFP's guidelines and lost 4lbs in 2 weeks and that came to a complete stall. I've been gradually increasing my calories and now that I'm up over a 1000 more a day than I was eating so start with, I'm losing weight again and this time more noticably in fat rather than lean tissue.

    This is all pretty irrelevant if there's some underlying health issue, so have yourself checked for thyroid function and anemia.

    Edit: Just to add, I gained a bit the first couple of weeks but have lost that and more since, even as I was increasing my calorie intake.
  • Sheila1968
    Sheila1968 Posts: 106
    Just throwing this out there for anyone reading this thread - when my doc put me on birth control pills, my hair IMMEDIATELY started thinning, sadly to the point where I have to use Toppik so that my scalp doesn't show through. When you read the side effects, "weight gain and thinning of scalp hair" are right there at the top of the list.

    And I used to be one of those "you have enough hair for two people" kind of girls. :(

    I am hoping that when my lovely menopausal journey is complete and I can get off the pills, it will start to grow back.

    Oh - and I've always been leery of Rogaine, Propecia, and related products - anything where if you take it, they won't allow you to donate blood, is a concern to me. (I'm a regular blood donor.)
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    same thing happened to me before I started MFP. I was a mess and went to arthritis drs. and specialists.Nobody could figure it out. well, I did.....I quit alcohol,fast food,ecessive bread, and now take a multi vitamin. I also exercise everyday,some more than others and drink lots of water I have stopped shedding my golden mane,lost the dry skin patches, sleep through the night[mostly] have less breakouts and feel a gazillion times better. My bloodpressure is great,no more meds for that. So, you can try all the healthy living ideas,I have been at it for 3 months now and saw great improvement after 1 month. Give it a try and save your pennies so that if you need bloodwork you can get it. good luck[ losing my hair was the worst symptom I had!!!!!]
  • areber07
    areber07 Posts: 38 Member
    Hope this helps but My aunt is a nutrionist and has advised me to eat 1 TBSP of a healthy fat ( olive oil, flaxseed oil or real butter) at each meal. I noticed on your food log that you almost always have a remainder of fat left over. That is not good, also try to get all of your protein in as well! Good Luck!
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Hope this helps but My aunt is a nutrionist and has advised me to eat 1 TBSP of a healthy fat ( olive oil, flaxseed oil or real butter) at each meal. I noticed on your food log that you almost always have a remainder of fat left over. That is not good, also try to get all of your protein in as well! Good Luck!

    That seems to be the consensus...eating fat anyways. EEEEKK! I'll try to work it in.
  • jtandy6
    jtandy6 Posts: 16 Member
    i'm experiencing the same problem. i've started taking a multi-vitamin and i try really hard to get a lot of protein (some days i feel like i'm on a high-protein eating plan instead of a calorie counting one!). hopefully it will help... good luck!
  • kaitlynnme
    kaitlynnme Posts: 19 Member
    You have already received a ton of advice but I wanted to tell you about my own experience with losing hair. I went through a very major stressful, traumatic event several years ago and about 2 months later my hair was falling out in clumps. I seriously thought I was going to be bald and I have pretty thick hair. It was recommend by a dermatologist for me to take biotin, b12 and b-complex. These three things have made a huge difference for me. I can't say my hair is as thick as it used to be when I was younger, but it definitely prevents my hair from falling out. I had stopped taking the supplements for about a month a year ago and my hair started falling out again. Once I started taking them again, my hair stopped falling out. So...for me it definitely works. I know everyone's body reacts differently....just wanted to share!
  • SparklesPlenty
    SparklesPlenty Posts: 90 Member
    I had the same thing happen to me and it coincided with a change in my Birth control pill. Has anything changed recently that could be messing up your hormones?

    By the way, after some time it leveled out and my hair got thick again. Hang in there once you get it sorted out your hair will grow back in.