Any Working Moms?



  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    I'm a working mom too. I'm sending a request.
  • jcollie2928
    jcollie2928 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my name is Julie and I just started this week. Already I'm swinging like a pendulum from healthy eating one day.. to old habits the next. I can see I'm really going to have to get this meal planning thing down to make this work. I want to lose about 40lb total, but have 20 as my goal in June. I'll take and give whatever support I can:D
    Friend me too y'all!!!!
  • sdm329
    sdm329 Posts: 57
    I work full time and a mother of a sweet almost 3 year old girl. My son is 25 and lives with his wife, so I don't have to worry about him. So, I completely understand being tired and finding time to work out.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    I work about 30 hrs a week and have 3 kids (15,12 and 7). It can be hard sometimes to squeeze everything in. And then when I do workout I usually feel guilty for taking time for myself. :(- Feel free to add me if you would like to. :)
  • I work full time and am the mother to 3 sons (ages 21, 19, and 12). My two oldest are away at college, so I work my butt off to try and help them have what they need for school. My job is stressful and does require me to travel, so I do that as well.
  • jbahrami
    jbahrami Posts: 206 Member
    I'm in the same boat...I just turned 37, have two kids (10 and 6), and work full time. It's SO not easy to find any time for myself, but I try to squeeze it in where I can. I do all of my workouts at home (I definitely don't have time for a gym!) and I focus on what I eat...

    Feel free to add me...I can totally relate!

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am not currently working, but for 11 months out of my time on MFP I was working full time so I can probably help with some recipes and food prep tips! Add me if you'd like!
  • single mom (widowed 10 years) of 2 teens. working full-time as a teacher to 400 students from pre-k to 8th grade! :)
  • Jewel1201
    Jewel1201 Posts: 68
    Hello, I work full time and am a mother of 3 boys. 10 and a set of 8 year old twins. Feel free to add me.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I am a single mom of a 3 year old and I work full time as well as taking some classes online.

    Add me. :o)
  • proudtexan71
    proudtexan71 Posts: 203 Member
    Mom of 2 (18 - son, 12 - daughter). I felt real guilty working out instead of spending time w/ them. After 4 months and changing the way I live - they get it. And they are happy for me. My daughter goes to the gym w/ me sometimes.

    I'm very blessed.
  • Working mom of 2 girls: 3 and 12. And I work 50+ hrs a week. Feel free to friend me! I started working out at 5am so I wouldn't feel like I was stealing time from my family.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    Single Mom of a 16 year old daughter. It's tough but I keep her close.
  • kkej1
    kkej1 Posts: 5
    Hi . I work full time and have two kids. I just joined and
    would like a person in a similar situation. I also have MS if any MS mom are out there.
  • mikethom
    mikethom Posts: 183 Member
    As far as I'm concerned all Mom's are working, just sayin' :happy:

  • cherryqb
    cherryqb Posts: 16 Member
    Hello! I am also a working mom of 11 year old twins and yes it is hard to get a work out in! I try to plan my workout time the day before. My goal is to try to make it to the gym at 5am. That's the time my gym open. I keep weights at home and like to try different workouts in magazines.
  • coconutbuNZ
    coconutbuNZ Posts: 578 Member
    Yes I'm a working mum too. I use the rice cooker a lot. Always a fast meal to whip up a healthy fried rice or stir fry with veg. I use chicken breast and lean bacon it's yum! The family never get sick of it too.
  • cassmonster
    cassmonster Posts: 58 Member
    I work full time and have 3 daughters ages 13, 10 and 6. Very hard to make time for myself! Feel free to add me:)
  • hjfischer
    hjfischer Posts: 250
    I am a working mom of 4 (7, 6, 4, 1). I work about 50 or so hours a week. It is hard to find time for myself. I get one hour a day, my lunch hour and I take it!
  • 2kidsmckinney
    2kidsmckinney Posts: 39 Member
    Full time IT Director with a 5 yr old son and 8 yr old daughter. I work around 100 hrs every 2 weeks on top of all my mommy and wife duties it's a challenge. Feel free to add me i'm always looking for new friends.