Who else is like me and needs to lose 100lbs or more??



  • I too need to loose close to 100. happy if loose between 85 to 95ids. i have lost 15ids in a month so far. my goal is between 138 to 127. i have lost to waists sizes, in a month to. its very hard hang in there. :)
  • Friend invite sent! My current goal is to lose 120lbs! Everyone else is free to add me as well. The more support the better!


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I need to.
  • HayleyK11
    HayleyK11 Posts: 6 Member

    I'm new and looking for support. We're all in the same boat and hopefully I can be of some help to you too :)
  • reb6672
    reb6672 Posts: 21
    I'm in the same boat as most here. I still have 100+ to loose. Anyone is free to add me to their friends.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    we're around, trust me! there are more of us than you realize, I think. Now I only have 97 pounds to go, but when I started (before MFP), I had 166 to lose.
  • melissa7662
    melissa7662 Posts: 93 Member
    I also have more than 100 pounds to lose!! I just turned 40 and want to be a healthier, Smaller, and off most of my meds by the time I turn 41 (I know a short time for a big goal so big)..

    My Dad, Aunt, and Grandmother all passed away at the young age of 58.. I look forward to breaking this situation when I turn 59.. My Father and Grandmother both had High Blood Pressure, Both were Diabetic, Both died of a Heart Attack.. My Grandmother also had to have her leg amputated (Started with 1/2 of her foot, then had to have up to her ankle, then half her calf, and finally above the knee) it was awful for her to have to have 4 operations just because of being a diabetic.. My Aunt also had Diabetes and Heart Problems, however her ultimate death was caused by cancer of the Brain & Lung Cancer..

    I am already a diabetic and have some blood pressure problems but I am working hard to make these conditions better and be able to live for myself and my family..

    I am a mom to 3 Beautiful Kids (ages 16, almost 15, and almost 10)

    Feel free to add me and we can support each other on this Journey to a new life!!!!
  • Hi, just started 3/29/2012 and I need to lose atleast 150 or more. So far it has been a great help. All I need now is to buy a weight scale because I banished the last one from the house. :blushing:
  • I do!!! I have always been a big girl. After having my twins I have put on alot of weight. Really wanna get it off. lol
  • PeaceCorpsKat
    PeaceCorpsKat Posts: 335 Member
    I need to do around 100 to be happy - though technically I should do about 130 - but I don't see the need to be "normal wieght" just regular overwieght would be nice for me.

    I already got about 60 down - so 40 more to go till I hit my goal :)

    I am doing an unstructured real food diet.... diverse food, no additives, no chemicals. Lot's of veggies - and the ability to eat large portion sizes. It has been working really well.

    If anyone is on the same mission feel free to add me.
  • Peggymom
    Peggymom Posts: 9
    I'm with you too! I've got about a total of 140 lbs to lose. Have lost about 43 so far. Feel free to add me too. If we all stIck together we can do this!
  • Me too and more than that too, gonna be 60 in July and would like not to be over 300# on my bday but damn it's hard.
  • mtm77
    mtm77 Posts: 84
    (Raises hand) Sometimes it's tough but the payoff of feeling healthy far outweighs the struggle.
    WE CAN DO IT! :)
  • Please trust that you are not alone, I have over 100 pounds to lose also and WE can do this. Feel free to add me.
  • kimanne4
    kimanne4 Posts: 52 Member
    Looks like there are a lot of people! I'm looking to lose 109 pounds. Down four pounds in two weeks and I'm exercising and feeling great! MFP really helps keep you in check:)
  • I do, I DO!!!
  • terry_mtb
    terry_mtb Posts: 45
    Iypasric bast had gastric bypass..it is also just a tool, I was over 400, and now 6 yrs later I started mfp at 325 I lost 14 lbs..A food diary is the only way to do it and keep it off...surgery is not the answer. Use this tool and it will work..I still have a hard time loosing weight but with the support from my sister (is on mfp) and all of you I will be able to do this.
  • PolkadotH
    PolkadotH Posts: 15 Member
    I'm planning to lose about 150 odd so feel free to add me! I need motivation to keep me going through those rough days.
    I'll always keep you motivated 
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I have over 100lbs to loose. Feel free to add me!! :o)
  • damuchi429
    damuchi429 Posts: 33 Member
    I am here so no need to feel lonely. I have 100 more pounds to go. I have lost 22.