How Many Pullups can you do?



  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Sex/ Age /Wieght / Number of Underhand pullups U can do/ number of overhand pullups U can do

    Female / 26 / 134lbs / I can do 3 of each kind.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Male 201lbs can do 5 chins and like 1.75 pull ups lol
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Palms facing you is considered a chin up. Palm facing away is a pull up. So was is it considered when you have side grips with the palms facing your ears?

    That is the grip I use at my gym. I can do 10 of those unassisted.
  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    About 25 wide grips, 35 standard grip

    31 / male / 190 lbs
  • BGSchultz
    BGSchultz Posts: 12 Member
    Male / 31 / 215 / I can do 8 either grip
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
  • anastasiaBH
    anastasiaBH Posts: 268 Member
    Female / 43 / 145 / 6 unassisted chin ups, 4 unassisted pull ups
    So far.....
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    male, 20, 178 , maximum I've ever done 21
  • walkner88
    walkner88 Posts: 165
    Male, 24, 188, full extension no stupid cross fit swing I can around 12 either way
  • jonnyaloha2011
    jonnyaloha2011 Posts: 6 Member
  • Marzipans11
    Marzipans11 Posts: 10 Member
    1/4. No, I mean .25. A quarter of a pullup. :P
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    Started working on negatives a month ago and then just totally went for the real thing, so am dead chuffed that as of this morning the following are my stats:

    WATRD Posts: 25
    When I started this thing a little over year ago, on one of my first outdoor walks, I encountered a "fitness station" along the trail. No one was looking so, I went over and tried for a chin-up (palms facing). I got about half-way up and that was all she wrote. That was 5-10" and 206 lbs and like 32% body fat.

    I made a vow at that point to never be defeated by them again, so I started working them into every work out. Eventually, I got one, then a little later two and so on. I have since come to really love chin-ups. Squats for the upper body. ;)

    I am now 5-10" and 150 lbs. 8.2% body fat.

    Today at the gym my chin up set was 50. The first 40 were good form, but I was sweating the last 10 ;) hahahahah These are slow, full extension. Recently, I have been playing with inverting them. While hanging from the bar, I bring my knees up to my chest, invert, then thread my feet and legs up between me and the bar and do my chin ups with my legs pointing up. I can only do about 10 of them that way, but they really make the lats and sides of the abdomen burn.

    I don't have the build/genes to get very bulky, but I have bulked up a little and I seem to be getting strong and flexible at a good rate, so I will take it.
  • ster81
    ster81 Posts: 249
    When I started this thing a little over year ago, on one of my first outdoor walks, I encountered a "fitness station" along the trail. No one was looking so, I went over and tried for a chin-up (palms facing). I got about half-way up and that was all she wrote. That was 5-10" and 206 lbs and like 32% body fat.

    I made a vow at that point to never be defeated by them again, so I started working them into every work out. Eventually, I got one, then a little later two and so on. I have since come to really love chin-ups. Squats for the upper body. ;)

    I am now 5-10" and 150 lbs. 8.2% body fat.

    Today at the gym my chin up set was 50. The first 40 were good form, but I was sweating the last 10 ;) hahahahah These are slow, full extension. Recently, I have been playing with inverting them. While hanging from the bar, I bring my knees up to my chest, invert, then thread my feet and legs up between me and the bar and do my chin ups with my legs pointing up. I can only do about 10 of them that way, but they really make the lats and sides of the abdomen burn.

    I don't have the build/genes to get very bulky, but I have bulked up a little and I seem to be getting strong and flexible at a good rate, so I will take it.

    very impressive
    WATRD Posts: 25
    very impressive

    Thanks! It's about the only skill I get to have at the gym, EVERYONE out lifts me, so I was glad to see a thread where I could chime in too ;)

    Back to lurking for me. ;)
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,069 Member
    Palms facing you is considered a chin up. Palm facing away is a pull up. So was is it considered when you have side grips with the palms facing your ears?

    That is the grip I use at my gym. I can do 10 of those unassisted.

    Anyone know whether I should consider these chin ups or pull ups? Or is there another name for them?

    In any case, I couldn't do a single one when I first started.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I can do 10 unassisted pull-ups ;)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Real pullups or kipping pullups?


    That hurts my spine just watching it.

    I can do 0 and never could do more than one or 2, no matter how skinny and in shape I was. Best I could ever do with no assist is hang from the bar for a bit.
  • almonds1
    almonds1 Posts: 642 Member
    26... I know this because I won a prize for doing it lol
  • garyl7593
    garyl7593 Posts: 38
    M/ 39/ 146/ 12/ 5 :)