

  • kilime50
    kilime50 Posts: 37
    Happy April Ladies.

    Since I was only on here for 2 weeks, I am not too disappointed with the 5 lb weight loss. Plan this month is at least 10lbs. MOre cardio, more strength training.

    Will check in later, have to get back to work now.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    For those of you who asked about my handbag (my special treat for a hefty commission!) It's this one:


    I don't often spend that much money on myself, but I am a shoes and bag addict and this one is fabulous in real life and I reckon that it will well and truly outlive me! I change my handbags almost every day to match my outfit, but this will go with most things and will be great for work. Add to that, I've been oggling it in the Joseph store every time I go past on my way to work. Destiny!

    Other than that I am in a filthy mood after a trying hour with my therapist, so I'll speak to you all soon.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • 1PoisonIvy
    1PoisonIvy Posts: 882 Member
    It is April already?
    Well my goal for April:
    Keep going to gym as much as possible.
    Stay focus
    Keep logging - the good and bad
    Don't beat myself up when I do have a rare day off my menu

    Hoping to lose more than the 8 lbs I have been averaging the past few months!

    Water, Water, Water
    With 98 lbs to go.............
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    New here~~but I like the positive posts! Looking forward to getting to know you all! :happy:

    My goals for April:
    6 workouts per week: 4 running and core, one circuit, one yoga
    80oz H2O per day
    Sleep at least 7 hours per night
    Eat a salad every day (been slacking on my veggies ~~turns out you can't live on string cheese~~:sad: )

    Merry Monday All!

  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    April is already off to a rough start. Spoke to our DS last night and he will be deploying at the end of this month..this is our first deployment (USMC) ...hopefully I can channel the worries into exercise. The good news is we will see him for two weeks before he goes. Stayed on target with my food today but only short walk at lunchtime, but tomorrow will be a fresh start:smile:
  • TeTeAngel
    TeTeAngel Posts: 66 Member
    Happy April Everyone!

    I haven't checked in for a while. I didn't reach my March goals :cry: ....must make April better.

    Goals for April:
    Increase my cardio workouts to 5 or more days a week.
    Eat more fruits and vegetables.
    Lose on average a pound a week.

    Good luck to everyone in reaching your goals.
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Happy April! Goals for the month:

    1. Try 2 new healthy recipies
    2. Eat 5 a day fruits & veggies
    3. Start strength training again

    Have a great week!
  • frogmama
    frogmama Posts: 404 Member
    Lots of great goals for April!

    Sounds like everyone had a busy week-end. Hope everyone is off to a great week

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    I did 15 minutes of yoga this morning, then about 50 minutes of extremepump. Tomorrow I'm planning to walk on the treadmill backwards (haven't done that in a while)

    determined - I'm thinking that maybe I'll bring a veggie tray. Bet no one will bring that. I'll check with the lady who is running it and see if that's OK. Oh, her hubby wants to make brats, hot dogs and have beer. Vince is going to love that. Doesn't appeal to me one bit.

    yadda - the sugar from fruit is fine. I think I'd die if I had to give up my fruit. That's one reason I could never go on the South Beach diet. To have to give up my fruit for two weeks -- couldn't do that. Honestly, I'd prefer to have a piece of fruit for dessert than a piece of cake. Lately, for some unknown reason, I've gotten into wanting to have a grapefruit every night. Well, that kind of craving could be worse....:)

    JanuaryJan - my deepest condolences on the loss of your dog.

    Dynamicwom - welcome! Same to you, Ellie

    Mary and anyone else - speaking of Facebook, how can you see someone else's timeline? For that matter, how do I see my own?

    Laura - I'm so sorry for you. Being dizzy is no fun at all, how I hate it when I'm dizzy!

    Yea susan! I always bring my own snacks into the movie theater. If we go to the $2.50 shows, even then I might bring in a little something. I feel bad on one hand because I know that the way they're making their money is on the concessions, but on the other hand, at least I know that what's going into my body is something decent.

    Well, off to finish watching DWTS. Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :bigsmile: SWSY is a short way of saying “Strong Women Stay Young” which is a great book that someone on this thread recommended and many of us have either bought the book or checked it out of the library to find great information about why exercising with weights is so important and why it is possible for women of all ages and all fitness levels……what’s even more significant about the book is that it contains an easy to follow weight training program to make it possible to get started right away. It is especially fabulous for those of us who cannot or will not join a gym to do weight training. I can see and feel the difference in my muscles since I started this program in January.

    :flowerforyou: Another great book that was recommended here is “The Thin Commandments Diet”………this would a great book for anyone who is having trouble with portion control, social eating, emotional eating, or out of control eating of certain foods. One of the commandments says “Strategy is stronger than willpower”

    :flowerforyou: I went to a party tonight with a friend to celebrate another friend’s 20 years of continuous sobriety. My strategy for this occasion is that I ate my dinner before I went so I didn’t have to go crazy over the two giant bowls of chips that were on the table in front of me. I had a few pieces of fresh fruit after saying “no thank you” to the chips, pop, coffee, and sandwiches. Fortunately there was no birthday cake .

    :bigsmile: I’ve done my strength training today and was able to increase most of my sets to nine reps instead of eight. I feel stronger doing some of the exercises but will add reps or sets and concentrate on improving my form before I add weight. I don’t need to impress anyone but myself.

    :bigsmile: I found a new line dance today and taught it to myself and called the line dance teacher and offered to teach it on Thursday. She said yes. The dance is “Have You Ever Seen the Rain?” danced to the Rod Stewart song of the same name.

    :bigsmile: Now it’s time for DWTS. We always vote for our favorites (we call on cell phones, home phone, text, and vote online)

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington state where it was cold and windy this morning and warm enough to open windows this afternoon.
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello all welcome to the newcomers I have been a bit down today not sure why but I need to snap out of it any way so exciting to read all the goals and see all the new people joining I am so glad I found this site and this thread it is so possitive and such great advice see you all tomorrow
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Jane, Pam3, MbiceoMary pigote sherry kinglilah janlapinski Diane realpure Kathy-ryansgram, Bev, Viv, Ivy, TeTeAngel, Kayms13 and all, loved reading your goals. We CAN do this! :heart:
    Jstewartdesig, Patricia, OnlyGrace, rpphillip, KathyGSM, jen-djhobs Gill_L, gennyturne, kmacgera, jenni, jhansonfan, dyanamicwon, ellie welcome to the warmest, wisest and most supportive group of gals ever.:love:
    Robin Hoping the sun shone on and in today for the interview.:glasses:
    Joan love your Peas and love signature, and face yoga, LOL. :smile:
    yaddayaddayadda The first time our class tried Lion pose, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47GlhLYyLiA) we all fell over laughing. Don't know if it helps the sags or letting go of bad habits and negative thought patterns... but sure helps fight off colds and sore throats. :tongue:
    Renny what a beautiful profile pic!:flowerforyou:
    clover who's the pooch?:happy:
    Judy Sounds like you had good grooming help, lucky poodles, lucky girls!:smooched:
    Nancy It's amazing all you've accomplished:drinker: despite the foot and related pain. Will you have PT post-surgery?
    Susanpv, mcdebbie, Alice, MacMadame, Jeannie welcome back, no foolin'!:wink:
    Kackie fresh cut asparagus from your garden? Dpesn't get any more real than that!:love:
    Barbie + Issyfit, thanks for the view full report tip, after all this time I didn't know that!:noway:
    workmum BRRrr!:grumble:
    Meg brave gal to take on the Magic Logging Book. You'll do well!:happy:
    Lynn conVERYgratulations on meeting your weight loss goal!:drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:
    Michele, only one in the house who knows how to take out the recyclables, LOL!:laugh:
    DeterminedinA the challenge for me is that a teaspoon of others pot luck contributions sometimes turns into a HEAPING TABLESPOON.:mad:
    tallen four small dogs? got pics?:heart:
    grandmasally Weekends... when will I learn?!? Good luck to all of us who struggle with weekends! :bigsmile:
    Janice my heart goes out to you for the los of your dog.:brokenheart:
    Sally hope the chiropractor gives you instant relief:sick:
    Mary funny how easy it is for us to believe Facebook would be so Big Brotherish... :laugh:
    Laura what a fun win! Glad you took care of yourself.:sick:
    Susanpv good idea! Hope you don't get caught... :wink:
    Jillian what an awesome start!:flowerforyou:
    Amanda, never easy is it?:noway: Hope the insights gained compensate for the trying time. :heart:
    jen "channel the worries into exercise" sounds like the best plan:ohwell:
    Barbie you TEACH Line dances too? Wishe we were closer. Any of your group going to Pasco in May?:bigsmile:
    Fitz you are so right. Think one of the reasons I fall off the wagon is I get too busy to read the posts, overwhelmed at the time to acknowledge everyone. That is one complusion to I must really give up. Really. But not tonight! :laugh:

    Down on the mat 2 days running. 3rd SWSY session tomorrow morning. Better get to sleep :yawn:
    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    April: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • marydb0000
    I really like this thread. I'm 53 years old, lifelong Weight Watcher and happy to find something "new" to get these last pounds off for good! LOVE MFP!

    Happy April everyone - it's gonna be a great month!

  • VioletBeauregarde
    Hi girls I have just came across this group and would love to be a part of it ,first week on MFP and I love it ,toyed with it a few years back,seems a lot bigger now .

    Goals will be to get moving a lot more than I do
    Try some new recipes from the posts on here some of the meals look fantastic.
    Try not to make an utter pig of myslef this Easter Sunday :smile:
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    Good Morning All,
    Thanks to all of the responses to my comments/questions about sugar. I plan on getting a couple of books and reading more about it before determining what to do. I am not overweight, but worry about my health as I age, so I want to try to eat to maintain my weight and my health.

    I'm a teacher on spring break this week!!! Having great fun shopping and doing things around the house... its amazing how many chores around the house I don't do during the school year... I want to retire... oh well... only 10 years to go:-)

    Off to yoga class...

    BTW...my real name is Karen
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    marking my spot, will get back this evening.
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Well I am home from my road trip with my Mother-in-law and her sister, my Aunt, and mostly unpacked. In 23 days I drove 4466 miles and loaded and unloaded a suitcases for 3 women almost every single day. We drove through Texas, Arkansas, Tennessee (the lengthwise), to Virginia, spent 4 days, then headed South through South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and then back through Arkansas and Texas. We saw lots of beautiful country and Spring blossoms. It was truly a feast for the eyes, plus I got to spend a weekend both coming and going with my daughter.

    The first week of the trip I did great both traveling and exercising. But once we arrived in Yorktown, I made the mistake of eating a bit of everything that was offered at the party my DiL's church friends threw for her the evening before the vow renewal. After almost 3 months of clean eating all those simple carbs (and I'm wondering maybe a bit of vodka I didn't know about) made me SICK. :sick: I managed to dope up with enough otc meds to attend the ceremony but really didn't feel like myself for about 10 days and eventually ended up in the doctor's office. I had no idea it would be so difficult to eat clean on the road and it did quite a number on my system! My body was used to whole grains and nothing artificial. She said I had "irritated my gut" eating and drinking unfamilar foods and gave me 2 prescriptions and told me to get some probiotics and get back on my usual diet asap. She likened it to giving a baby chili. I guarantee I willl never make another road trip without probiotics!

    I've been home for several days now and feel rested up so its time to get back to my regular routine and restock my pantry.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,512 Member
    Maybe one reason so many of us were blue funked in March was that DrattedDaylight Savings Time? :mad:
    Was enjoying awakening to the light then boom:explode: , an alarm clock struggle every morning.:angry:

    Oh... and thanks to DH, the delicious looking properly iced hot cross buns all got eaten before I got one. Thanks Joe! :grumble:
    Hugs to ALL,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    April: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Morning Ladies!

    So far so good: except for sleep. I really struggle to get to sleep and stay asleep even with working out 6 days. Ideas?

    I agree with you AuntieBK that spring time change is tough. I love waking to sunshine!

    Have a blessed day!:flowerforyou:
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy Tues-good-news-day! It's not raining, and we actually saw the sun yesterday - that's the good news here. :smile:

    I'm feeling quite hungry this morning after having a nice, low cal day yesterday with a giant Salad Sista salad for lunch. SWSY routine went very well, I concentrated on making the moves longer and slower, breathing for a sec at full extensions, and boy, did I ever feel it afterwards. I must say it's quite the workout when done properly. :wink:

    Off to the track this morning for a few laps at warp 9. Hope everyone has an excellent day! Salad Sistas are already kickin' butt this week! I'm so impressed! Yay team! :drinker:

    Be good, be true, be strong, be happy. :flowerforyou: