

  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    Happy April!
    I am really happy to find this group at the beginning of my journey. Thank you, Barbiecat!
    I live on the coast of Washington state and we are experiencing the wettest Spring on record. You can imagine how wet that would be!
    I am 52 (how did that happen?) and work in a library. I love my job-low stress, great team. I have two grown sons and a new granddaughter born Feb 3. Just got to visit them in NY.

    My goals for April:
    Try 1 new recipe a week
    Drink 8 glasses of water a day
    When I find myself aimless in the kitchen-go do a project

    I don't have an exercise goal yet, I'm waiting for an injury to heal. Hope to train for a 5 mile race in august and 5 k in October. Always love to jog/walk the beach 3-5 miles a day. Really miss it!
    I'm looking forward to getting to know you gals as we journey together.
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Mary and anyone else - speaking of Facebook, how can you see someone else's timeline? For that matter, how do I see my own?

    Just click on their name or type their name in the search box at the top. To see your own, click on your name up in the top right side. I think that's where it is anyway; can't look right now from a work computer.

    Hope everyone is having a terrific Tuesday! I know that is in my plans . . .
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    April is already off to a rough start. Spoke to our DS last night and he will be deploying at the end of this month..this is our first deployment (USMC) ...hopefully I can channel the worries into exercise. The good news is we will see him for two weeks before he goes. Stayed on target with my food today but only short walk at lunchtime, but tomorrow will be a fresh start:smile:

    :flowerforyou: I know how you feel, knowing your DS is going to deploy. 2002-2008 all three of my sons were in the military (only #2 Son is still in, in the Army Reserves) Our #1 Son deployed twice during his time of service and those were the times we were so aware of our phone and stopping whatever we were doing to answer it. Will keep you and your DS in our prayers.:flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's a cold and snowy Tuesday (we were having summer on Saturday and Sunday and winter has come back:noway: YUCK)

    Barbara- I think your hubby saved you by eating those Hot Crossed Buns:wink: I'm sure he was looking out for you by eating them before you got to them:laugh:

    Michele- a movie for $2.50:noway: We feel like we are saving by going only on Sundays when it's $5.00 and yes we bring snacks in our pockets too...that way I can insure that I'm not eating something I shouldn't.

    Suz- Welcome back:flowerforyou: WOW what a trip! Sorry that you had to find out the hard way that when you get away from your healthly eating your body rebels:grumble: but I'm thinking that could be a good thing it will keep you from eating things that you would just regret later:wink:

    Last night fixing our leftover turkey when I was cutting it Hubby said to only give him about 3/4 of what I usually do:huh: and then when I showed him what I had on his plate he said it was okay and it was more like 1/2 of what I usually give him:noway: I'm thinking he's starting to realize that eating too much (even if it's healthy food) is not a good thing:wink: could it be something I sent him as an email with some before & after pictures? I can hope, as I'd really like him to be around for a long time.:love:

    I'm finding that if I do my food diary in the morning then I know what I've allowed myself to eat for the day and my snacks and that seems to be a better way of keeping my calories in line:bigsmile: Yep I think that is much better than logging my food after the fact...when i do that I almost always eat too much:cry: and I'm determined to be in my summer clothes that are in the guest room closet!

    I best get to the piles of papers.

    Everyone have a good day, moving our bodies, drinking :drinker: our water and logging the food ... and we will meet our goals.

  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! We walked the dogs again last night. 4 days in a row! Yea! Going to try to get in a run tonight before the walk. Want to get 5 more pounds off before I leave. But thank goodness all my clothes fit now. It would be bad if I bought close "because they will fit when I lose 10 pounds." I have done that before. My closet can attest to that. You guys are great! I have realized that "talking" to you keeps me on track. Welcome newcomers and those who have been away for awhile.
  • JamCubeChi
    JamCubeChi Posts: 378 Member
    Happy April everyone and good luck for contnued success to all. I'm taking it one day at a time as some days my work schedule gets REALLY crazy and I get thrown for a loop! :heart:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening, Dear Ladies,

    So good to read everyone's posts and hear what is going on with you all. WELCOME :flowerforyou: to our new members...you have found a great spot for friendship, support, and motivation! Good luck on your journey!

    It's good to be home but also overwhelming to catch up with the garden, & house chores...and I think I missed SPRING this year. Seems to already be summer down here, so my exercise is going to be a challenge. I got my walk in pretty early today and I will need to keep doing that. I am not acclimated yet to the humidity after the dryer MT air.

    I have signed up for a Challenge with an MFP group for 13 weeks. I haven't done one before so I am excited to get a fresh bit of motivation. I know these last 8-10 pounds have not wanted to leave, so I will see if changing things up a bit will help. I will let you know how it goes, but I am enjoying having a "focus" that isn't all coming from me.

    Have a great evening, All. Kackie:heart:
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Had a good start to the day, recumbent bike 11 miles in 40 minutes ..so far my longest distance. Not as long for stretching as I like but had to get to work! I am 2 for 2 on walking on lunch hour, I think actually having a goal could be th difference for me.
    Laura - thank you for the prayers for our son, this is such a learning experience for us and he wants to do the job he has been trained for...fly birdie fly..but please be safe! :love:
    I have a question about the water...in ww they include tea and other non -alcoholic beverages...when you ladies say 80 oz of water, just water? Thanks and do love this thread!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    barbie - I did the exact same thing as you! We had Mexican Train Dominoes tonight and the food people usually bring! Before we left, I'd made this tomato soup (140 calories), put some oatmeal in it and edamame. When I got there I did have a bit of this one lady's what I was told was chicken caccatore. Really, to me it was more just chicken in salsa. I took some of these sausage cheese bites (140 calories for 2) and had some raw broccoli and carrots along with some strawberries. So I did the same as you, I ate before I left so that I wouldn't be starving hungry and have not-so-good foods. Didn't have any of the cakes (never do, they just don't appeal to me)

    Did an hour of walking on the treadmill backwards today. I find that I need to go at a slower mph when I go backwards. Tomorrow I'll go to water aerobics and then this one bowling alley near us is having free bowling from 11-2. I know what they're doing, this is the week when the senior bowl at the other lane is off so they're hoping that by having free bowling they'll get people to sign up there. Honestly, I probably won't, but I'm also not above going for free bowling.

    Welcome everyone new.

    Can't make a long post, a bit short on time. Will do better tomorrow.

    Tonight the gal asked if we could have bunco at my house this month. I am scheduled for a food safety course that day but it's from 1:30-5:30 and bunco isn't until 6:30. I'll have some more of the sausage/cheese bites and make a dessert.

    Jessica is coming here next weekend so we'll have our Easter then. She wants to have a ham.

    Suz - sounds like you had a great time. You know, when we go away, I feel the same way when I'm eating lots of different foods. I need to continue to eat clean or else my stomach says "I don't think so". Vince just doesn't understand when I tell him that I can't eat lots of high fat foods or else I regret it. A few weeks ago we went to a church's fish fry. Even tho I had the broiled fish, I did have one red potato. It was baked, but there was quite a bit of butter on the outside. Even tho it was only one potato, boy did I feel it that night and the next day.

    Mary - thanks, I did find my timeline. But I'm still having trouble seeing anyone else's. Is there something that I'm not doing right?

    Jen - when I do my water count, I include the water even in tea as long as it's decaf. I don't include the water in hot chocolate.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome all new people!Went to the ortho dr and he is pleased with my progress so far with the therapy.
    Baby steps forward.Sticking to my food plan and doing what I can for exercise.
    Love reading the posts.I learn something new each time.

    Have a good night!
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    Joanie, warp 9? You GO gal! :drinker: Did my 4th SWSY today, slower and holding longer like you. It may truly be too soon, but I almost feel a difference dancing, able to be lighter, higher on the balls of my feet, and less fearful of knee going out on the turns.
    Yay Jane!:flowerforyou:
    Ellie, I sometimes wake in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep :noway: for worrying about all the things I have to do the next day. What helps me is to leave a few dirty dishes in the sink, not wash them all up before bed. Then when the brain wont stop spinning, I get up, wash the dirty dishes and tell my brain. There. That's one thing off the list, now get some rest! It works better for me than tossing and turning for hours... but its not very aesthetic... :frown:
    Welcome all newbies:smile: , glad you're home safe SuzyQ:heart: .
    Michele, you'd never know it from my logs but sometimes too many sweets do make me sick :sick:
    Jealous of your warmth, Kackie, but not the humidity:ohwell: ... and Laura, yes DH did save me, and I was so pooped from line dance class I forgot to stop at that store and pick up more... Saved again!:tongue:

    Good night lovelies,
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    April: get down on that mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :flowerforyou: Barbara, I go to the beginner line dance class and help a bit and sometimes find myself calling steps for the people around me who can't hear the teacher.....I've had good teachers and learned a lot about teaching by watching them so two years ago I volunteered to teach a dance......I probably spent a month learning it :laugh: now I choose easier dances...last summer I learned a really easy beginner dance at the workshop in Lakewood and since the beginning line dance teacher hadn't been there, I volunteered to teach the dance in her class....it helped that I'd learned the dance from an exceptional teacher who teaches beginners....there's no one from here going to Pasco.....I think there are two women going to Quincy. About ten of us are going to Lakewood in June.

    :flowerforyou: Ellie, when I wake up in the middle of the night I read myself back to sleep either using a small flashlight or moving into the guest room.....so even if I don't get enough sleep, at least I've used the time for something I value

    :bigsmile: Jen, I count water, herb tea, and Isagenix Want More Energy,...of the nine cups of water I drink each day, at least six of them are plain room temperature filtered water (we have a PUR water filter).

    :flowerforyou: my SWSY session yesterday was sufficiently challenging that I felt it in all my muscles and welcomed the day of rest.....even so, I had to remind myself to keep my hands off the dumbbells today.

    :flowerforyou: Karen, I have been retired from teaching for seven and a half years and I still remember the sense of freedom of school vacations.......now my life is a year round vacation and I am grateful for every minute of it.

    :bigsmile: SuzyQ, I am learning from your unfortunate experience with eating the wrong foods......from time to time I've thought about taking a break from my healthy eating and having some stuff I never eat, but I have sensed that there would be long term repercussions and your experience tells me that my intuition was right.....best wishes for a return to your former healthy feeling and healthy eating self.....otherwise, your trip sounds delightful

    :flowerforyou: Eileen, welcome....I'm glad you found us......we are having wet weather but fortunately I have a good coat with a hood and dogs that don't even notice that it's raining...

    :heart: :smooched: Barbie from NW Washington state where it rained all day
  • 20Renee12
    20Renee12 Posts: 12
    My Goals For April ......

    Drink More Water ...... Uggg!
    Walk At Least 3 Miles A Day ... If Not More
  • ellie0213
    ellie0213 Posts: 562 Member
    Beautiful, sunny day in Michigan today! :glasses: Seeing the sun helps my funk!

    :smile: Pretty good run this morning and I increased my pushups from 10 to 12 full pushups!

    :yawn: AuntieBK and Barbiecat ~~~ thank you for the sleep ideas ~~~ I will give them a try.

    Laura80111~~ I totally agree with you that pre-logging keeps me from getting off track. I think that I will add that to my April goals!

    Hope everyone finds a reason to smile today! :happy:

  • kckramp
    kckramp Posts: 112 Member
    Yay first day of spring break. I got up and did 45 minutes of kinnects your shape. Great way to start my break. I will have to catch up with everyone now. Enjoy the day.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi and good morning, early bird here. :yawn: Dogs wanted out at 5 this morn so I flicked on the coffee pot and here we go with another lovely day. Of course I hopped on the scale first thing, happy to see it was down a bit. I went up a little after lowest weigh-in 2 weeks ago which is par for the course, then it always seems to take forever to get rid of that pound or two that I'd said goodbye to once already. Onward we go! :bigsmile:

    On the water issue, I drink 80 oz of water irregardless of whatever else I drink during the day, which isn't much except morning coffee and evening wine. "They" say we should drink half our weight in ounces, so I should really be drinking 83. :tongue: I don't find it difficult anymore to guzzle down 2-4 cups at a time, but I don't care for water early in the morning unless I've worked up a real good sweat. Note to self: Get to the track and work up a real good sweat this morning! Ended up not going yesterday because it did start raining. I wasn't ready for yet another dousing. Wimp lol. :blushing:

    I did take the dogs to the park yesterday before work, walked for an hour and played soccer with Timber the terrier, chasing him around the field like a crazy person in the pouring rain. My other boy, Rugby the blue heeler has a partially torn meniscus and is happy with a 30 minute walk, after which I lift him in the car where he waits patiently curled up on the front seat. Wish I could afford surgery for him but he does pretty darned good most days. A few years ago when the injury first happened I acquired a high-tech doggie wheelchair and straped him in it everyday and went zooming around on the trails. What a wonderful deal that was since the poor boy could hardly walk. Little by little he's getting better, as long as I don't let him run or chase squirrels. That's not easy since our backyard is full of them. :grumble:

    I'm planning on being a good lil Salad Sista again today. Bought a beautiful big package of organic baby spinach which makes fixing a salad very simple. Grab and go, chop a bunch of vegs, dress and chow down. Speaking of dressing, I'd best get moving. I WILL walk the track this morning! :wink:

    Have a wunnerful day, peas be with you. :flowerforyou:
  • suendale
    suendale Posts: 3 Member
    Goals for April:

    *No less than 20-30 minutes of excercise per day,preferrably outdoors (gardening or with the dogs) or on the Wii [I hate excercise] :(
    *Four pounds off
    *Drink more water and stay on track with carbs and calories
    *Keep on the lookout for do-able, "husband" friendly recipes that I can actually have. Especially desserts, which he dearly loves.
    *Stay positive! :)
  • cathys01
    cathys01 Posts: 221
    Hi Ladies:

    We are back from our cruise and it was amazing; the Mayan ruins in Belize and in Mexico were something to see!! Of course, I are too much, but did do a lot of walking. My goal now is to get back on track now.

    Our house has been sold firm now for sure with no change in the closing date so we are now scrambling to see if we can get the condo date changed.

    I have so many threads to catch up on around here, but I do hope you all have been well in the meantime :wink:

    We have so much packing to do around here, we have to get started :noway:

    I took this week off work as well and I am glad I did, I can use the rest; I have never taken 2 weeks off at a time so this is a uxury for me :smile:

    Well, I just wanted to let you know I was back and in one piece and vowing to get back on track :laugh:

    Talk to you soon.

    Love, Cathy xx
  • AFabulous50
    AFabulous50 Posts: 36 Member
    Hope it's not too late to post April goals! For the most part what I've been doing is really working out for me. I'm learning not to be afraid of food, even if it's "bad". I log it and I exercise. I drink lots of water and enjoy my fruits and veggies. Logging and checking in gives me something and someone to hold myself accountable.

    I will continue to do my power walks and strength training 4-6 times per week.
    Eat clean
    Drink plenty of water:drinker:
    Not let stress drive me to eat sugary snacks:grumble:
    My goal is to lose 7 lbs this month

    Good luck ladies!!!! May each and every one of you accomplish your goals!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hi ho, Wednesday!

    Today’s the day my students perform “The Siege of Troy” and I get my long prep block. :happy: That’s a good start!

    We had overnight guests on Monday, so I missed reading and posting. I’m looking forward to settling in and seeing how everyone is doing. Coffee’s ready, here we go…

    Janice – If I was loosing a pound a week I’d be ecstatic! :flowerforyou: That’s great.

    Laura, I hope your dizziness is gone and you are back outside enjoying the sunshine. I agree about logging food in advance, when I do that I have “planned what I eat” and I almost always eat what I plan. I plan the family dinners a week in advance too, and shope on the weekend so all the ingredients are in the house. It's a lot less stress and I don't end up throwing pasta on the table every night (which my boys would love :noway: ) It’s when I go “freestyle” that I mess up. I don’t log my exercise in advance, though, because putting in the exercise time is such a triumph.

    Amanda, that’s one awesome looking handbag! :happy: Have you got the matching shoes?

    When I was in Italy a few years ago I splashed out on a very gorgeous leather document bag, which I use for the mundane task of carrying student’s papers to and from school. I told everyone I was going to use it for the rest of my life and then they could put my ashes in it and bury us together at the end. :wink:

    Karen, I am a teacher too, our spring break ended at the end of March. Hope you’re having a ton of fun on vacation! :drinker:

    Welcome home, Suz. Or, welcome back to your other home :flowerforyou:

    Elle0213 – When I can’t sleep I plug in my iPod and listen to audio-books. It’s like having someone read me a bed-time story. I have to listen to non-fiction though, no good having a story that will keep me awake! :ohwell:

    JB – Sunshine! Yes! I would like to see you on the track at Warp 9, but playing soccer with the dog is a pretty good interval workout too, I'll bet.

    Salad Sista’s rock on. I have my pile of greens in the fridge all ready to take to work for my lunch, with a portion of poached salmon on top for a protein hit.

    Kackie, What challenge did you sign up for?

    Michelle, What’s the focus for walking backwards on the treadmill? I see people doing it at my gym too.

    Barbie, I love your attitude “now my life is a year round vacation and I am grateful for every minute of it”. :flowerforyou:

    Woops, the clock just chimed "time to call J'boy out of bed" and get the day started.

    Hasta pronto,
