

  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    I'm back at it again - done running all over the SE and ready to get back to the gym and proper eating.

    My last trip this month was dual purpose - to visit with a long time friend and help her care for her two severely autistic grandchildren. The oldest is 13 and non-verbal. The other is 12 and is mentally and academically about kindergarten level. Mom and Dad were finally convinced that they needed some "just us" time. They hadn't had a weekend alone together for 10 years and finally took last weekend off just for themselves. They work so long and hard for those kids with so very little to show for it; it makes your heart just ache.

    Anyway - I'm back at it and really need to focus. I have gotten sloppy lately and it just won't do. My purpose was to get healthy and I'm being careless. My joints will thank me, if I get back on track. I really think when I eat as clean as possible my sinus problems are relieved as well.

    Monday I bought 7 flats of strawberries on my way home and yesterday I made 48 1/2 pints of freezer jam for DS and his family and for DH. I will be eating the sliced no sugar frozen berries. Add some coconut milk to the frozen berries and it's like strawberry ice cream - well almost!

    Laundry, garden and cleaning are waiting for me, so have a great day everyone!

    Oh - BTW, my grape sized tomato is now a tennis ball. I can hardly wait!

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Amanda's handbag got me thinking about my Italian document bag, and the long-term benefits of international travel. Today I am wearing a denim skirt I bought in Paris, a Barcelona Football Club jersey I bought in Madrid, a watch from Barcelona and a ring from Greece!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hump day Wednesday,

    Cathy- welcome home, I'm sure those sites were something to behold. Hope that you are able to get the date changed for the condo...moving what a task:noway:

    Jane-glad to hear that your PT is going well and you are truly on the road to recovery:flowerforyou:

    Elle- when I wake in the middle of the night I put my book light on my book and start reading...I just hate tossing and turning:grumble: I feel like I should be doing something if I can't sleep.

    jb- Rugby sounds like he has the best dog life:love: Yesterday hubby built three steps up to our bed with carpet because Peanut has started having trouble jumping up on it, I will say it's pretty high, even I have steps to get into it :blushing: but for some reason Peanut won't use my steps. We did the doggie treat thing to get him to use the steps and it looks like it will be a solution, although I did hear hubby in the night telling Peanut to use the steps...it may take a few nights:wink:

    I got an email from the Realtor that I have Mom and Dad's house listed with and she has three people really interested...I just wish they would be so interested they would buy it...that would make me soooo happy:happy:

    Hubby was up early this morning as he got a notice yesterday that his Federal unemployment has run out, but he qualifies for the state unemployment...so he was going to try and get them on the phone since the letter said to call, so so much of the time you just don't get through and it is a waste of hours of time sitting in a phone queue:grumble:

    This week (and I know it's only been two full days) has been tough for me to get my exercise in. Monday I only had time for my kettlebell and yesterday nothing:sad: had too many errands to do after work, hoping tonight is better.

    I did show a .8 loss from last week:bigsmile: but once again I am being greedy and wanted about .4 more and I'm blaming it on the fact that I didn't get good exercise in Monday or Tuesday:grumble: ...so tonight I will get it in.

    About drinking water...I get about 60 oz in a day in addition to my two cups of coffee (16oz) and my two cups of green tea (16oz). I drink 16.9 oz of water with my breakfast and another with my lunch then for dinner I have anywhere from 16 to 24 oz. I used to hardly drink anything at all but have decided it's the best thing to flush out the fat:wink:

    Must get going. Everyone have a wonderful day. Move your body, log that food and drink your water:drinker:

  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh - and a ring from Sri Lanka and a bracelet from Venice. :happy: I wear my memories.
  • doonesbury
    doonesbury Posts: 281 Member
  • leahhelene
    leahhelene Posts: 18 Member
    Glad you started this thread. I am one of the "smallest losers" constantly in need of encouragement. Whether due to hormones, prior starvation, or just plain bum luck I only lose 2 pounds per month maximum. It is very hard to stay encouraged when we all know a 2 pound fluctuation is possible from morning to night. The key for me is long term and very incremental tracking. Otherwise, I would have given up without realizing I was losing. For other "smallest losers" out there, here are some tips to keep you motivated:

    Get a scale that measures in 10ths, and only weigh yourself once a week, if you don't like the weight then ignore it. Weigh yourself for the next 3 days and take the smallest weight., Over time you will see a downward trend if you stick with it.

    Do not weigh yourself is you are still having "that time of the month". the water weight will destroy your psychi

    Keep a spreadsheet of your total and net calories and any resulting weight gain/loss. you will begin to see some trends that may surprise you such as eating more makes you lose more.

    please realize that exercise will make you gain faster than this rate of weight loss, but in the long run your more muscular body is giong to bun more calories at rest. When you start to exercise, just resign yourself to a few weeks of weight gain but notice how much less jiggly you are!

    would love to hear more tips from 50 and over "smallest losers"
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Thanks for the welcome home.

    Last night I developed ALL the side effects of the acid inhibitor I have been taking for the last week or so, including racing heartbeat. Being one who rarely takes ANY medication at all, today I have stopped taking it, doubled my water intake and have put myself on the BRAT diet plus Pediaylte. I'm feeling more like myself already! Down side is I just don't have the energy I need to exercise or even work on the long list of Spring cleaning things I want/need to accomplish. Looks like today has turned in to a pajama day. At least I got my pantry restocked yesterday....
  • Bookchick887
    Bookchick887 Posts: 126 Member
    Good morning all! I read all the entries and am inspired for the day.
    I plan my food out in the morning, then I can tweak it before I eat myself into disaster. My daily goal is to eat min 20 g of fiber and low sodium.
    Still not exercising, but I walk all over the library at work. 8000 steps yesterday. My foot seems to be taking it's time healing.
    Love the frozen strawberries n coconut milk idea. I could eat dessert for all meals, which got me into this situation. I'm not eating as much sugar since I started MFP and have some accountability.
    I need to keep the mindset that it's all about numbers - eat this amt of calories for this amt of days, it will show me this number on the scale. Walk this many steps, exercise this many minutes, this number will come faster.
    Logic. I have to set my emotions aside, that's when I get into trouble.
    Gotta go get ready to head to my friend's house, she's going to show me a cool crochet pattern for a baby blanket. My first granddaughter arrived Feb 3, Sophie Elizabeth. So sad that she lives in NY while I am in WA. I can look at her pic while I make her a blanket.
    Really glad to find this group, thank you for the welcome!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Wednesday to all! Short work week for me as we are off for Good Friday, which makes me very happy! I intend to treat tomorrow like Friday. :smile:

    I keep forgetting to post the birthday list in the evening (sorry) so you still have a chance to message me your birthday if you want to be included. See you all soon! Mary
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Happy Wednesday, Dear Ladies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    It is nice and sunny down here and not as humid. Had Dentist appointment and errands to run this morning, so hope I can get a good walk in this afternoon without turning into a sweating machine...I'll find out soon:huh:

    Ellie: I am glad the sunshine helped your "funk". I need sunshine too!

    Barbie: Good for you for helping the beginner dancers. I am sure they appreciate your help and you are using your good "teacher skills" from your past live!

    Barbara: Okay...when I cannot sleep at night...the THOUGHT of having to get up and wash dirty dishes would MAKE me go to sleep that second! :noway: I'll think about that the next time I have a sleepless night (like last night:noway: )

    Janemartin: SO glad to hear that your ortho doc is pleased with your progress. Hang in there!:flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Backwards on the treadmill????:tongue: You are good. I've never tried that. It's tricky enough for me to do on the ground thats not moving:tongue:

    djhobs: WTG on your 11 miles on the bike. That's great:flowerforyou:

    tallen: Did you get your run in last night? That and your nightly walking will get you in great shape for your trip and you should feel fantastic. Keep up the good work:flowerforyou:

    Suz: Yes, your trip sounds great! How long did all that driving take you? I am sorry about your tummy troubles though and hope that you are feeling like your old self SOON. One PJ day is good for the soul:happy:

    Laura: I agree that deciding WHAT to eat BEFORE it is eaten is the best plan. The times that I have had meals before checking on calories in them, are usually the meals I most regret! Good planning:flowerforyou:

    Bookchick: Eileen...I like your profile name! And I LOVE books. It must be nice to work around books all day. Congratulations on Sophie Elizabeth. We just had a new grand daughter this March 2. She and her 3 year old sister live in Chicago so we don't get to see them as often as I would like either. When Sophie is older you can talk to her on Skye and that makes it not feel so far away. I read books to Lyla on Skype and she "reads" some back to me now!

    jb: I LIKE your new profile pic:happy:

    Leahhelene: Thanks for the smallest loser tips. I think all of us over 50 here are smallest losers. It's just part of being at this "age" I think. Your advice is all good advice!

    Gotta go get out the door now. Enough sitting on my butt! Take care, all:heart: Kackie
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Suz: Yes, your trip sounds great! How long did all that driving take you? I am sorry about your tummy troubles though and hope that you are feeling like your old self SOON. One PJ day is good for the soul:happy:

    We only drove about 6 hours on any given day. My trip meter said 4466 miles and 97 hours, 47 min of actual driving.

    Just realized today was Moma's birthday. She would have been 95.... this makes the 5th one she's celebrated in Heaven, pain-free and breathing easily.
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    Waaaaaaanh! I want to take my poodles, go to northwest Washington and follow Barbie around all day (and learn line dancing). Too bad I have a job!
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    Greetings All

    Oh my God, what a chatty group we have here. It's April 4th and we have 5 pages!!!! I can't possibly answer everyone but I will try to answer some of the points. Welcome to all the newcomers, you have found a very inspirational group. I think that weight lifting is the best. I haven't read the Strong Women Stay Young (SWSY) book but I am following New Rules for Weight Lifting for Women (NRFWLFW) All you new comers, I, too, struggle with all the acronyms people use. I think we should have an acronym link for this group, or, just feel free to ask.....I certainly have.

    On a personal front, my new Principal told me today she couldn't understand how I stayed so thin (THIN!!!!!) given that I teach Foods and work with food all the time. She has gained 7 pounds since she started at our school on February 2nd so I am feeling really happy. On Monday, someone commented on my sculpted arms (my goal is to have Michelle Obama arms) and I can only put that down to my weight training. Another friend dropped by some Portuguese Easter bread today and commented on my weight loss as well. Today I reached 13 pounds lost since restarting seriously on this weight loss goal. I only have 11 pounds to go for my goal. Unfortunately, the sweet bread is going to have to go, (and she makes really the best I've ever had)I will take it to school tomorrow. It's sugar and white flour....all delicious but not allowed right now.

    A number of you are following specific "diets"....no carb, high protein, very restrictive in one way or another., I wouldn't encourage those. My weight loss has been slow, and I have blown my own on more than one occasion, but a balanced diet is the way to go. We need carbs, whole grains, veggies (even the starchy ones) and we also need treats every once and a while or we will fail.

    I had to pick up my bike yesterday from its yearly tune up so decided that I would do a 1 minute jog, 2 minute walk to the bike store. It reaffirmed my belief that I was not made to run...my back was killing me afterwards and I won't be doing that again, any time soon! However, I love biking and the weather has been great so I am replacing my X country skiing with that......the fresh air is so much more fun than the gym and the stationary bike and I saw hawks and swans nesting, and all sorts of people out on the trail. It made my heart happy and full to see everyone and everything enjoying out early early spring.

    Requests for recipes:

    Spicy Eggplant

    Raw - Chinese Eggplant, 700 g
    Oil - Vegetable, canola, 2 tbsp 248
    Generic - Chili Bean Paste, 3 tbsp
    Garlic - Raw, 6 cloves
    Ginger root - Raw, 3 tsp
    Onions - Raw, 1 cup, chopped
    Spicy Peanut Satay Sauce, 3 TBSP ( 30 ml)

    Saute eggplant, garlic and onions until lightly browned then add a spicy bean paste or black bean paste and sambal oelek (or other asian chili paste) and peanut sauce and cook, covered, until eggplant is very soft. I worked this out to 4 large servings at 167 calories per serving. This dish has a zing but it is filling.

    Chicken Curry
    Boneless Skinless Chicken, 24 oz , cut into mouth sized cubes (you could also use thighs which are higher in fat but more flavourful.
    Vegetable, canola, 3 tbsp
    Curry Powder, 3 tbs, your milaege may vary
    1 c. raw grated carrot
    2 T. flour
    1 cup grated apple
    Soup - Stock, chicken, home-prepared, 2.5 cup (or water and a bouillon cube, sodium may vary)
    1 lb. peeled potato (I used baby potatoes)
    Ginger: Fresh, Raw, 3 tsp (2g)
    Garlic - Raw, 3 cloves
    1 medion onion, medium dice

    Heat oil in pan and add onion, ginger, garlic and chicken cut in cubes, garlic and ginger and saute until chicken is white or slightly browned. Add curry powder and cook until fragrant(at least a minute). Add flour and stir and cook one minute on medium heat, add the stock and stir until it hits simmer then add potatoes, carrot and apple (if desired). Reduce heat and simmer until potato is soft. You may want to add more liquid. I kind of like it soupy because it seems like I'm eating more but you might want it thicker. Check for seasoning (salt will probably be needed if you are like me)

    Very flavourful and filling.

    395 calories per serving

    I have a 4 day weekend coming up, so excited!! Going to see Warhorse, on Saturday, in Toronto ( the play) and then Easter dinner with my niece on Sunday. Yoga and workouts in there too. I am so happy that sping is here!

    Goals for April:

    Stay on my workout track of 6 days a week
    Do something social and healthy once a week
    Strength training 3 times a week
    Stay positive every day this month.

    Good luck to all and may you all fulfill your goals


  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    A beautiful spring day in NY. I was not outside much but when I was I enjoyed it!! Did a kettleworx core Dvd. I considered it a circuit training...not sure if that's right, but thought I should get some exercise calories for it. Also walked a mile on the treadmill. Why is it I am "in the zone " when I am short on time??? Thank you for the feedback on water. I usually drink 3 20 oz bottles of water plus 2 to 3 (12 oz) cups of decaf tea so I guess I am on target for that. I also wake up in the middle of the night and struggle to go back to sleep..will try some of the suggestions:flowerforyou:
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You are all so very inspiring. Cant remember everyone's names yet but thanks for spicy eggplant recipe, thanks for slow weight loss tips, thanks for sharing. I have enjoyed reading all your posts as I have no choice but to take it easy as I deal with pneumonia. Some days I feel so well could take on the world but have been warned not too. Today I am very tired and have no choice but too rest. I am taking my vitamins and getting plenty of rest and another course of antibiotics which I'm not so happy about I prefer natural remedies. So if anyone out there has suggestions please met me know. I know it probably has to run it's course but I am hoping to come out of this with some vitality.
    May you all have a beautiful Thursday a beautiful autumn day here in Sydney, Australia.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    Glad you started this thread. I am one of the "smallest losers" constantly in need of encouragement. Whether due to hormones, prior starvation, or just plain bum luck I only lose 2 pounds per month maximum. It is very hard to stay encouraged when we all know a 2 pound fluctuation is possible from morning to night. The key for me is long term and very incremental tracking. Otherwise, I would have given up without realizing I was losing. For other "smallest losers" out there, here are some tips to keep you motivated:

    Get a scale that measures in 10ths, and only weigh yourself once a week, if you don't like the weight then ignore it. Weigh yourself for the next 3 days and take the smallest weight., Over time you will see a downward trend if you stick with it.

    Do not weigh yourself is you are still having "that time of the month". the water weight will destroy your psychi

    Keep a spreadsheet of your total and net calories and any resulting weight gain/loss. you will begin to see some trends that may surprise you such as eating more makes you lose more.

    please realize that exercise will make you gain faster than this rate of weight loss, but in the long run your more muscular body is giong to bun more calories at rest. When you start to exercise, just resign yourself to a few weeks of weight gain but notice how much less jiggly you are!

    would love to hear more tips from 50 and over "smallest losers"

    Hi. My name is Sharon and what a pleasure it is to find ladies in my age group being successful at weight loss. The above post really encouraged me as I have been losing so slowly and it really upsets me. I know I'm really trying hard but I can't understand why my body only releases weight about once a month. I never imagined how hard it would be to lose weight once I hit menopausal years. I'm 51 and still have a period so all of the water weight and fluctuations drive me crazy. However, I'm not giving up. I intend to get to my goal no matter how long it takes. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you're so inclined. It's so helpful knowing I'm not the only one in my age group on this journey. Thank you for this post!

    My goals for April are:

    to lose at least 5lbs
    eat better on the weekends (i tend to get off track when I'm on my own without the structure of going to work everyday with planned meals)
    more cardio exercise
  • scompton54
    scompton54 Posts: 116
    I keep water by my bed. I drink at least 2 glasses during the night. I sleep pretty well but often wake up thirsty at some point in the night and reach for my water bottle, Having it there sure helps my sleep. Usually, if\\
    I don't have to get up, but if I have to get up to pee, I drink a glass.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Those of you who have been on this thread for a while will remember me. I just thought I would stop and say hello. I can see there are lots of new faces, even though I only browsed the last couple of pages.

    Due to my cognitive limitations (head injury, Jan, 2010, for those who didn't remember or didn't know), I won't be trying to keep up with posts, I just wanted to say hello, and let anyone who was interested know that I am still breathing.

    My two doggies, Pepper and Mai Li, are still with me, and still full of mischief. In another couple of weeks, it will be a year since I lost the third one, Bradley. I still miss his barky greetings when I come home. He was always the biggest "talker" of the three.

    Both my parents are still alive, but my dad has been diagnosed with dementia. Fortunately, a couple of months ago, I was able to get him to agree to stop driving, and get the car sold. One less thing to worry about.

    I no longer expect that I will ever return to work. It was two years last month since I stopped working at the bank. I am still trying to to get social security disability, but it is taking forever.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    Barb (from SW Washington)
  • whodatlixxie
    been on MFP for one month - lost 8 lbs. Thought my MD was crazy when she said 1100 - 1200 calories for someone my age. MFP has made it not nearly as hard as I thought. Travel for work so April goals are to lose at least 5 pounds, make time for exercise on the road, be aware of calories when eating on the road (look up stuff before you eat) - make better choices and don't beat myself up when I discover I should have chosen differently. Travelling for work definitely provides a challenge but I can do it!! Would love tips from women over 50 who travel for work!
  • tessi1958
    Just started April 3rd. I have a hard time when I am bored. I am 53 and VERY over weight. I work in a hospital, day shift and my husband works night shift. It is hard to stay away from any type of food items when I have nothing to do. I do have a tread mill and stationary bike set up in garage, ( no room in house). Don't want to be out there after dark though. Does any one have any ideas for exercises that I could do to get started. I have sore knees and I'm as round as I am tall. :blushing: