Women hate me because I'm *too* beautiful



  • JadeRabbit08
    JadeRabbit08 Posts: 551 Member
    she looks good for a brit.

    uh oh.. pot has been stirred.

    crap, i was afraid someone was going to go there... it's true, unfortunately, cept for MFP, I have lots of hot brit friends on MFP.

    I think brits purposely put the ugly women on TV.... although i don't know why..... theories?

    They are not as obsessed with qualifying people (mainly women) on appearance alone?
  • laurenkoszola
    laurenkoszola Posts: 101 Member
    Alice Goodwin, British Super Hot!!!!!!


    ooo me likey!
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    Well although I found that woman to be distinctly average looking and but her article makes her ugly on here are very rude about Brits.

    As a Brit who at 30 has no dental cavities I'm offended, just because we aren't big on veneers but really aren't they just the same as fake boobs? Plus they make people look like horses. Plus a great number of people in the U.S. are of British descent anyway.

    Meh, people wouldn't harp on Brits so much for "having bad teeth" if they came to the backwoods of our own country where there are so many chemicals and minerals in the drinking water that peoples teeth are stained brown... I know quite a few people with "brown" teeth and it wasn't completely for a lack of dental hygiene (though that definitely contributed)...

    Yeah, I don't often see people from the US with the normal slightly off-colour, always bright white and completely straight, apart from on Jerry Springer, than I see some really bad teeth. I suppose it's just what you get to see of another culture. When I was in Florida, everyone I saw had similar teeth to us Brits. Never knew where the bad teeth thing came from, I always wondered if it was a circulated propaganda because we have free dental care.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member

    If there are more than a few exceptions to the rule.. then the rule is crap.... and quite a chunk of the british population is overweight
    I'm just relaying my observations. There are less overweight people as a percentage there then there are here. I think the stats bear this out.

    Depends what part of Britain you were in, no where near as much obesity as America but sadly Scotland has the highest levels of obesity in Europe ):
    Unfortunately, I never made it to Scotland. I would have loved to go because I find the accent attractive and I have roots there.

    Of course, the obesity level of Americans also varies by location. It's a big country. I live in the supposed fittest metropolitan area in the country and obesity is still a pretty big problem.
  • Vench
    Vench Posts: 56 Member
    I'm thinking people in general probably loathe her because she's a pretentious bint, but okay.
  • Femtec74
    Femtec74 Posts: 347 Member
    I don't judge beauty from the outside.
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    I seen this article this morning and thought same thing ... she is pretty but far from too beautiful
  • navstone
    navstone Posts: 30
    The word narcissist comes to mind for me
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    Wow I didn't think british TV was seen.... well outside Britain.. love misfits!... which is saying something coz there's not really much eye candy there admittedly lol

    We have BBC America over here... and what's funny is we get to watch the British Version AND the American version of such shows as Being Human, the Office... and I think one called Agents (or something like that.... Anthony Head was in both versions, I'm sure after his Tenure in Merlin was over)...
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Wow I didn't think british TV was seen.... well outside Britain.. love misfits!... which is saying something coz there's not really much eye candy there admittedly lol

    never ever watch shameless or skins USA, they make me cry D:
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    she looks good for a brit.

    uh oh.. pot has been stirred.

    crap, i was afraid someone was going to go there... it's true, unfortunately, cept for MFP, I have lots of hot brit friends on MFP.

    I think brits purposely put the ugly women on TV.... although i don't know why..... theories?

    I think we might just tend to put people on TV that can act rather than idiots that just look good.

    Normally we do but there is always ......Hollyoaks ....... full of young pretty buxom wenches LOL
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member

    If there are more than a few exceptions to the rule.. then the rule is crap.... and quite a chunk of the british population is overweight
    I'm just relaying my observations. There are less overweight people as a percentage there then there are here. I think the stats bear this out.

    Depends what part of Britain you were in, no where near as much obesity as America but sadly Scotland has the highest levels of obesity in Europe ):
    Unfortunately, I never made it to Scotland. I would have loved to go because I find the accent attractive and I have roots there.

    Of course, the obesity level of Americans also varies by location. It's a big country. I live in the supposed fittest metropolitan area in the country and obesity is still a pretty big problem.

    considering our delicacy is the deep fried mars bar it's no surprise we're chubsters :P we deep fry EVERYTHING
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    Feeling offended as a Brit here - and no, I don't count myself as beautiful so no sarky comments! :P
    I'm pretty certain that every country in the World has beautiful and not beautiful people and if we want to get into American stereotypes, lets just say the words "slim","beautiful" and "clever" don't often score highly!

    And a male version has already been done (as a joke response) which is very funny!

    And I don't think we deliberately put ugly people on TV. We just don't weed them out to delude ourselves that everyone looks pristine and perfect. We use real people. Shocker!
    That's been my observation as well and I find it refreshing. Your stars seem more normal. Additionally, I like how the news is done over there. It's read by "normal" looking people without all of the unnecessary bombast and drama so present in American news. Our newscasters are plastic soulless dolls and they don't vary much from community to community.
  • ST99000722
    ST99000722 Posts: 204 Member
    best laugh i've had in a while. what ever it is that she's on, i'd like some.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    This was a really interesting article to read. Here is the original: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2124246/Samantha-Brick-downsides-looking-pretty-Why-women-hate-beautiful.html

    We can't tell her personality based on her photos. There are a few other photos of her in the article and I honestly don't think she's anything special. Just average I would say, which leads me to believe that it is more of her personality that attracts this attention, and her personality makes her prettier?

    I honestly have disliked women because they're pretty. I'll admit it.

    I'll say I'm a plain Jane and that I have had to be smart and funny to attract attention. I've never had a boyfriend, or even been kissed, even though I'm a really nice person. But people who are flighty, ditzy or annoying that I know have had that stuff because they're pretty. It does upset me some.

    There are times where I'll be talking to a guy and a really pretty girl walks in and I think "forget it, I'll never have a chance with him" and just walk away.
    Confidence plays a HUGE role in that... Clearly this woman is confident, and other people have picked up on that. Men find her attractive because she finds her self to be attractive.

    You are not "plain jane", your self image just needs some tuning! When you acknowledge your own beauty, others will too.

    Also, I really appreciate the honesty in your response.

    As a guy I want to comment on this, I could never stand fake confidence and the easy way to tell if it was fake or real was if the woman was confident solely based on how she looked and had to tell you she was confident or if she exuded confidence by just striking up a conversation being funny and not trying to prove that she was confident. It goes for guys too, I was in my late 20's before I figured "hey I'm a pretty decent guy, so it doesn't matter if I'm not Brad Pitt in the looks department, I'm still alright".
  • Hopelessbird

    "Too-beautiful British writer: 'The bile proves my point'

    On Tuesday we ran a piece in the The Look chronicling the firestorm started by Brick, 41, a British freelance writer who penned an essay in the Daily Mail about how petty and cruel other women have been to her over the years because she’s so attractive. In the essay, Brick describes the way men she’s never met tend to shower her with free bottles of champagne, train tickets, cab fare, drinks and flowers — while the women in her life treat her with hostility and jealousy and block her from promotions at work."

    Big deal, she feels pretty. I have been feeling pretty all week. I am not a big fan of "I'm so fat/ugly/short/etc" pity talk.
  • cannonsky
    cannonsky Posts: 850 Member

    never ever watch shameless or skins USA, they make me cry D:

    The US version of Skins was a travesty if I ever saw one (who thought not changing the slang terms would be a brilliant idea... or the story line for that matter... honestly). As is American Top Gear.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    Alice Goodwin, British Super Hot!!!!!!


    ooo me likey!

    haha...I know!! Makes you want to eat an apple!!! So my opinion...women from all over the world are beautiful!!!
  • Ayeshat
    Ayeshat Posts: 209
    Wow I didn't think british TV was seen.... well outside Britain.. love misfits!... which is saying something coz there's not really much eye candy there admittedly lol

    never ever watch shameless or skins USA, they make me cry D:
    LOL! skins has pretty much been banned from my life because it had the worrying ability to make me want to slit my wrists.. no thanks... i was a happy teenager lol
  • shammxo
    shammxo Posts: 1,432 Member
    She has under forearm fat, that's a deal breaker there. how do you even get that?

    *kitten* muscle.
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