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August !!! Lets get some new members and get it going again!



  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    Hello ladies!
    Well i completely fell off the wagon and i am trying to get back on! I have eaten bad 5 days this week! :frown: and i havent worked out since last week! Mostly because ive been staying at my parents to house sit while theyre on vacation. But it has completely thrown me off my routine! Doesnt it suck when the smallest change throws your life off completely! They get back on Saturday so hopefully i can start next week where i left off! :grumble:
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    I had such a great day. I went with my kids and my sister inlaw and her kids to a campground beach. I did get much swiming in my my son sure kept me moving. It was fun.

    Hope I have a good weight in tomorow.:smile:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Yay you guys! I didn't do a lick of exercise today. Worked this morning, and was wearing a dress, so I spent extra time in the shower shaving my legs. Evidently it had been a while, since when I wore a dress on Monday, I could see the sun glinting off my no-longer-prickly-stubble. Until then, I didn't think my legs were that bad :laugh:

    Left work a little after noon (only half days on Thursday) and picked my son up from drivers ed. He wanted Pizza Hut for lunch, since he had to drive for class at 2. I was VERY good, and ordered the all you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks. I had the tomato basil soup, the garden side salad, and got plain breadsticks. And, I only ate one of the breadsticks! My entire lunch was 410 calories.

    Then, dropped son off to do his driving time, and met up with DH to go to court. We went last month, because DH's ex wanted custody of their oldest (they have 3 together). Last year she tried to get custody of all 3, this year, only the one. Whatever. Anyways, she didn't get custody, but then she objected to the high school he was going to be enrolled in (only one in the district), so we had to go to court over that today. As well as the fact that she refused to sign the permission paper for us to take the kids out of the country when we go on the cruise. Now, mind you, she did sign for us to get the kids passports in June, so it was transparent that she was refusing because the custody thing didn't go her way. Lucky for us, everything went our way in court. I think she's taken us to court every summer for the past 4 years, and she hasn't won yet. You'd think she'd learn by now... Ugh.

    After court, picked up son from his driving time and dropped him at the library. Then I went shopping. Came home, and DH was making supper, isn't that sweet? We had lasagna, cheesy garlic bread, and cheesy mixed veggies. Yeah, a lot of cheese, I can feel my arteries clogging now, but I didn't have to cook a thing!

    Tomorrow, I plan on getting up early to do c25k again. Before it gets too hot. And before the weather changes, since there's supposed to be thunderstorms all weekend. Speaking of weekend, we leave Saturday morning for Detroit, going to see the ACDC concert on Sunday! Happy birthday gift to DH. So, if I'm not around, that would be why... Have a good one, if I don't pop on before we go (yeah, what are the odds?:laugh: )
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hey sorry I didn't havent posted today, just got back a bit ago. went to a beautiful garden...welll more like gardens. do it every summer with my sissy and her kids! This year all the kids were great and saul had a great time although he was sooooo tired!!! anyways ate probaly too many calories but not as many as I usually would in that situation!! Ok gotta go to bed my eyes are closeing as i type!!

    tomorrow back to the grindstone:wink:
  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    OMG girls. I cannot do any more daquiris or tequila shots!!! :sick: I have went thousands over my calories the last few days!!! I am still counting my food and drinks though. SOOO I think I am still on the right track :wink:
  • laurajoyk
    laurajoyk Posts: 305
    Hey guys, I have bee so busy lately. I don't know if I can check in that often. I am keeping track of my calories in a notebook since I can't even get online to log them on here. So I will say hi when I can. I'm working about 4 jobs total right now between taking care of my grandma, working for my parents, working at the coffee shop and also at the b&b. So I'm not being lazy at all LOL I love being busy, I just wish I had some time for myself, which I definitely don't have.

    I will talk to you guys later. I hope everyone is doing well. TTYL
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Woohoo I dropped to 159.5. I was so motivated today that I want for a long swim and did a interval training video. I feel great.

    Hope you girls had a great weight in too!
  • Hi ladies,,,
    We are so awsum......Everyone had a great week It looks like... especealy emilie great job, ..
    Today I got up and went for a 3 mile walk, and then a friend challanged me to go play tennis with her....I havn't played since high school. and even then I wasn't very good at it. I think I laughted more then I hit the ball.......:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I don't think she'll ever ask me to play again......But we did have lot of fun.......

    Laura, whow 4 jobs?? you should be losing all kind of lbs....I think you'ed be to busy to even think of eating.....But that is how I like it, staying busy..It's when I'm not that I have trouble and just want to eat.....

    jdubard, How's Baltimore???? yah, alcohol's not your friend when your trying to lose weight... The calories can really add up fast when your not looking......I'm always the one ording water.....then I don't have to worry....

    Hope everyone alse is doing great too.
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    hey ladies!!

    busy weekend But I was fairly well behaved!!! hahaha:laugh: I won't be on probably too much tomorrow but be back on with "bells on my toes" ( that way if you can't hear the bells you know that I did WAYYYY tooo much cardio and call 911.....hmmmmm)

    hey did any of you girls see the new BL trailers for this season!!! THeya re giving that sweet "little" boy a second chance!! He lost alot (and mainly on his own at home thanks to his friend wanting out of the ranch basically) but he still has soooo much more to lose!! I am pumped for this season!!! I am going to have to dust off my I LOVE BOB t shirt and get out the wet wipes to wipe up the drool!!! hahaah well anyways....hahah on that note and lovely picture of bob harper in everyones head I will say GOODNIGHT!!!!!!!

    keep it up girls and the scale will go down!!!! good job to all of you!! I am heading up the rear of the bunch but I must tell you all what a great VIEW you are providing your working out is showing!!!:laugh: :laugh: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :tongue: sorry hahah you know what I mean hahaha you guys are AWESOME!!!

    ps for little miss laura---GIRL 4 JOBS???? poor thing!!! But you are amazing!!

    pss for connie---you are doing awesome!! If I would have went out and played tennis the only thing that would have hit the ball would be my head----hahah my head is a BALL magnet...baseballs, tennis balls, soccor balls, volley balls.....even those super bouncy balls---oooo and they are wicked when they get you right on the side of eye!! WOWSers!!! Glad you had fun!!

    psss for em---you are soooOOSOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!! You are under 160!! Say hello to the 50's and tell them I will see them soonn!!! hahah:happy:

    and the rest of you fine ladies that I might have missed (apologies if I did but I DID start thinking about BOB hahahaha:happy: ) keep up the work!!!! We are all this in this togeather!!!

  • hope everyone had a great weekend.....Mine was sad....
    Today was my first day back to work after having the summer off. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be....and at least it's just one job and not 4, LOL....I cant imagine doing 4.... But I gess if you consider working at the school , taking care of a home, a yard, and my family.. that could be 4 jobs.......How are you holding out Laura????? hang in there....

    well I have a servere storms heading this way so I got to get off the computer.
    I'm sorry I missed the BL trailer...I'll have to watch for it. how exciting.....:blushing:
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    good evening beautifl ladies

    my week has started off good and is going to get better like I have family visiting like everyday of the week except for wednesday when I GO do the visiting!!!!!! my poor little boy is goign to be tired but have tons of fun!!!!!!!

    ate well and took a nice walk and excersised today so I feel good

    talk to you ladies tomroow

  • JessiJean
    JessiJean Posts: 1,207 Member
    :yawn: Hi all! Sorry I haven't been on in a while. Baltimore is nice! There was a couple of shootings near my hotel, but besides that I have dropped some weight believe it or not :laugh: Not sure how much though. I will let you know.

    I did run on Saturday morning and I plan to run this evening. Hugs to all!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been around. I've been a slacker since my weekend away. But now it's time to get my butt in gear and get moving! (Must get up off couch... Must get up off couch... Must get up off couch:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    By the way... anybody know anything about the google chart thing? Am I supposed to be using it? I signed up way back when for it, but not sure what exactly to do. Until I figure it out, guess I'll just lurk and post on here:wink:
  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    Hello ladies! Sorry I haven't been around. I've been a slacker since my weekend away. But now it's time to get my butt in gear and get moving! (Must get up off couch... Must get up off couch... Must get up off couch:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: )

    By the way... anybody know anything about the google chart thing? Am I supposed to be using it? I signed up way back when for it, but not sure what exactly to do. Until I figure it out, guess I'll just lurk and post on here:wink:

    the link is on the first page of this message board . i always forget to add it to my favorites so i always come on here and copy and paste it.... here it is

  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    Oh, I've got the link and all, thanks anyways. When I go, I can see the chart with other people's names, but I'm not able to add my own? Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but all it does is let me view it.
  • :heart: Hi ladies, :bigsmile:
    hope everyone is doing well this week.... It looks like it's been a busy one for us all...... I forgot how hard it was to workout when you are working..... I've come home these last 3 nights so tired.. and not wanted to do anything....it'll take me awhile to use to the new routeen...

    Jenny I finally saw the BL trailer...I'm excited :heart: :heart: I circled sept 15 on my calender with a big heart. I hope you are having fun with our family.....Living so far away form mine, I love it when they come to visit me, which isn't very often..

    Pet, I'm not quite sure why you can't get on the spread sheet.... I think maybe Crystal, our fearless leader has to add you, and then you can log your progress on it????????

    Well tomorrow is Thursday.... last chance workout..I'm going to try to give it my all..
    keep moving everyone...:bigsmile:
  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    Ok.... so i dont really know how it happened... But i went to my parents house to weigh myself (i removed all scales from my house to help me get over my scale OCD) and i weigh 130! :noway: I couldnt believe it! I really didnt think i would be able to get so close to my goal. Five more pounds to go... and i cant wait to ge there! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Great job sindy, 130 wowwwww!!!!! I would love to be there too... maybe by next year at the rate I'm going... It's taken me all summer just to get through the 150's maybe I should get rid of my scale too????
    Hope you all are having a great weekend too.....:flowerforyou:
  • sindyg
    sindyg Posts: 12
    Great job sindy, 130 wowwwww!!!!! I would love to be there too... maybe by next year at the rate I'm going... It's taken me all summer just to get through the 150's maybe I should get rid of my scale too????
    Hope you all are having a great weekend too.....:flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the kudos! It really helped me to get rid of my scale becuase i was obssesively weighing myself everyday and it was discouraging to see fluctuations. So now i just weigh myself eveytime i go see my parents which is about once a week. And dont worry you'll be at your goal weight before you know it, just think of how far youve made it so far! Im sure when you first started you didnt think you'd be where you are now! Hang in there!
  • jennyeckel
    jennyeckel Posts: 209
    Hello ladies!

    Well....hmmmm....not so good but not soo bad....kind of balanced out? BUt at it again today! Having all that family is not good ones health!!! Seriously, I don't think it is hahahaha. I will say that my house was sparkling!!! Burned some calories there. Why is it that you have to clean things that you never really clean when you find out your very OBSESSIVE and PICKY and CRITICAL sister is comingto visit?? I mean do you really need to take a tooth pick to the sink just to make sure there is absoloutly no dirt in any of the cracks??? And is she really going to know that you washed all the walls---even in the perpetual dusty screened porch.....seriosly I think that i need to go to therapy for this behavior!! haha the big thing is that she ended up not even coming!!! But no worries my brother just came earlier :) SO now my unhealthy behaviors are done until she comes I will continue on my very bumpy journey to 140..I have such a long ways to go and feel a little down in the dumps about it. But I will get there :) There is always apart of me that wishes that thery really WAS a pill that you could just take and BAM you would drop 30 pounds like overnight!! Like the night before your sister is suppose to come and visit you.....boy I need to address this sister issue! Especially since I had such evil terrible thoughts......BAD.....I saw a recent pic of her and.....*evil sinister giggle* she has gained like 30 pounds....I KNOW ISN"T IT HORRIBLE!!! BUTTTTTTTT she did use to always call me fat and then flaunt her bony body around liker she was the queen of sheba.....hmmmm I think that I should make an appointment with my therapist for this unresolved anger hahahah!!!!! Isn't that just the most horid thing you could think about someone??!!! COME ON be truthful, we have all done it!!

    But I can say that I will never think those things about my beautiful girls here!!!! YOU are all doing awesome and give me encouragment and motivation to keep going!!!

    so I better get moving this tushy of mine so I CAN be skinnier than my sis.....OH I AM EVIL AND BAD.....he heee heeeee

    ok girls lets do this thing!!!

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