Having Babies is no Excuse



  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    You look absolutely amazing! Congratulations on all your hard work! I'm so glad to see mamas posting pictures of their post-baby bodies...yes, we can still look hot after children.
    I am also a mother of six who put myself on the back burner for many years. I would say I'm now in the best physical and emotional shape of my life. :drinker:
  • rsmugala
    rsmugala Posts: 35
    Try Slim and Six Pack Abs, it's an 11 minute video, GREAT ab workout. You can find it free on Youtube!
  • Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn
    Sh0ewh0re7_BlingItOn Posts: 501 Member
    While I agree with this to some extent....I feel the need to argue a couple of points. I had my babies @ 35+ (so an older mom by some accounts and as you mentioned, even though your eating habits may not be horrific, the weight just doesn't disappear like it did in the 20's or early 30's). I was a single / working full time out of the home mother by the time my youngest was 1 (and even with the ex there he worked opposit shifts, so not available if I wanted to hit the gym or whatever). To this day I cannot count on the ex for child care etc, physically he is just not there for them on a regularly scheduled basis.

    And I never used "well I had kids" as my excuse for being over weight, but the fact was I could not fathom being away from children more than the already 9 hours / day required for my job. So dropping them at a gym daycare after being all day at a day care was not an option. It came down to available time and with 2 little ones under 4, managing a home inside and out....you do tend to put yourself last. However, now that my little ones are almost 4 & 7 I feel less guilty about picking up from school/daycare to drop them off at another daycare like situation for another hour of their day. I'm not one to do at home things (although I do some now with the girls, Just Dance for Wii etc or biking etc). I was never skinny (before or after kids)...so I certainly can't use the physical "I had kids excuse", but they certainly aren't always easy to integrate in to a fitness plan/routine.

    And your job is a fitness instructor....so I'm assuming you actually get paid to work out (which is a huge bonus). We all aren't so fortunate...wish I was though!

    You should be very proud of where you are, as you work hard to have the results you have....but please remember every situation/life circumstance etc is unique. Everyone has to make the best decisions based on what they have available.
    I'm 37...canceled my gym membership cuz i wont leave my daughter at the gross daycare....and i did it at home..and im not an instructor!!! It's possible!!!!
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    ShoeWhore....You look great!!!!!
  • Shanna_Inc86
    Shanna_Inc86 Posts: 781 Member
    Um thank you especially to the women who posted pictures....you have no idea how much hope and motivation ya just gave me haha
  • I tried adding pics to my first post, but failed. So I'm trying again....
    top pics are me 5 mos. after my 4th baby
    bottom pics are right now...21 mos. after my 4th baby
    I still have many changes to make, but with time and patience we can all reach our goals!
  • mstawnya
    mstawnya Posts: 450 Member
    Get it girl! You are truly inspiring to me and I only have 3 kids! Thanks for all of your great tips and recipes. Now I'm off to rub some coconut oil into my stretch marks. :)

  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    While I agree with this to some extent....I feel the need to argue a couple of points. I had my babies @ 35+ (so an older mom by some accounts and as you mentioned, even though your eating habits may not be horrific, the weight just doesn't disappear like it did in the 20's or early 30's). I was a single / working full time out of the home mother by the time my youngest was 1 (and even with the ex there he worked opposit shifts, so not available if I wanted to hit the gym or whatever). To this day I cannot count on the ex for child care etc, physically he is just not there for them on a regularly scheduled basis.

    And I never used "well I had kids" as my excuse for being over weight, but the fact was I could not fathom being away from children more than the already 9 hours / day required for my job. So dropping them at a gym daycare after being all day at a day care was not an option. It came down to available time and with 2 little ones under 4, managing a home inside and out....you do tend to put yourself last. However, now that my little ones are almost 4 & 7 I feel less guilty about picking up from school/daycare to drop them off at another daycare like situation for another hour of their day. I'm not one to do at home things (although I do some now with the girls, Just Dance for Wii etc or biking etc). I was never skinny (before or after kids)...so I certainly can't use the physical "I had kids excuse", but they certainly aren't always easy to integrate in to a fitness plan/routine.

    And your job is a fitness instructor....so I'm assuming you actually get paid to work out (which is a huge bonus). We all aren't so fortunate...wish I was though!

    You should be very proud of where you are, as you work hard to have the results you have....but please remember every situation/life circumstance etc is unique. Everyone has to make the best decisions based on what they have available.
    I'm 37...canceled my gym membership cuz i wont leave my daughter at the gross daycare....and i did it at home..and im not an instructor!!! It's possible!!!!
    I understand. Life as a mother with an outside job can be overwhelming. Sometimes we are just not at a place where we feel like we can handle one more thing.
    Having said that, I also work out with weights at home. It takes me 30-45 minutes 3x week to do my strength training routine. Dora or Diego helps me babysit during that time :wink:, but sometimes my babies get down beside me and try to do pushups with me. It's cute.
    Since I have made working out a priority, I am more energetic, calmer, less depressed, and more confident all around. That benefits my children and my husband as well as myself.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    but sometimes my babies get down beside me and try to do pushups with me. It's cute.

    When I come up with a new Zumba song, you have got to see my 2 year old dancing!! Soooo funny!! She shakes her butt and everything! And when she shakes her butt, she says, Booty Work!! (that is one of my songs, Booty Wurk)

    MamaFitness...you do look great. Look at your back!!!

    Tawnya....you know how I love the coconut oil!! ;)
  • merapp9
    merapp9 Posts: 153 Member

    Are you sure you know what you're doing? You may well wait 'till after 35 then find that you're not longer able to! I'd suggest you give yourself a head start and start trying earlier.

    Really? I'm turning 32 and just now thinking about trying in a year....I hate when people say crap like this. RUDE AND UNNECESSARY

    I agree too...I can't stand it when people question others on when they should have children just because they're older. I'm only 29 and I am not even married yet. Everyone is different and they should respect that!
  • tracpo
    tracpo Posts: 73 Member
    OK for having 6 kids - you look FANTASTIC/AMAZING/FIT/BEAUTIFUL for having 6 kids!
  • Natalie182
    Natalie182 Posts: 61 Member
    Great thread!
    Im 23 and had my daughter 9 months ago! Im only 5'2 and any extra lbs make a difference!
    I have no excuse now, i only need to lose around 6 lbs and need to tone up!! Thanks!
  • TurboFireMama
    TurboFireMama Posts: 121 Member
    This is such an inspirational thread!! I love everything about what you wrote! I used the Mom Excuse for over 10 years and in those 10 years I lost my dignity and self worth. I was depressed, angry and very unhappy! I did the same thing last year...Evaluated and stopped making excuses. I couldn't get myself to the gym, so I did at home workouts. I got up extra early in the beginning and added it as a daily routine until it stuck. Now I can't imagine my life without working out!

    For me the Physical benefit is truly amazing, but the true gift is the mental clarity I receive after each and every workout! I am addicted to feeling happy and uplifted and the Blissed out JOY! I love my life now instead of dreading it.

    I hope to other Mom's that really want to commit, this post helps you see that you can! You are worth it, you can do it and You deserve all the happiness in the world!

    Tinkerz I am so lucky to have you as my daily inspiration!!!
  • ajelove
    ajelove Posts: 97 Member
    Sexy Mama! That takes away one of my fears about having more kids :)
  • Colbyandsage
    Colbyandsage Posts: 751 Member
    Thank you for sharing! Great story. I have 2 kids (6 and 3) and recently decided that i was done hiding from the camera. I am down 13 lbs and I can see ABS! Holy crap! When I get to goal in 10 lbs, I can't wait to post a similar thread :)

    Your right, we can do. There are more excuses than reasons. It took me 3 yrs to realize that I needed to quit whinning and get to it. I started Insanity and it was the perfect thing to kick my butt. Here I am now able to do pushups and those awesome kicks. So yes, again, if u want something bad enough, u can do it!
  • nikkiej2012
    nikkiej2012 Posts: 236 Member
    wow that really was a great post...i have had only one child and gained like 60-80 pounds some HIGH number like that...but after my baby i was nice size but not back pre-preggo weight..i weighted like 187after the baby now i am 266 but i am working on getting back down to 145-150...plus i am on aLOT of meds and would like to come off ALL OF THEM!!! but yes you are right "Having (a baby in my case) is no Excuse....but just want to say you look really good for having 6 kids..you inspire me and that was very motivational... Thanks you for that very much :flowerforyou:
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    Since I have made working out a priority, I am more energetic, calmer, less depressed, and more confident all around. That benefits my children and my husband as well as myself.

    "My husband"....imagine your life without your husband and still doing what you do plus everything he currently does.

    I'm not advocating excuses, I'm just saying everyone has to do this in their own time, it is a personal journey. When my girls were young there just simply weren't enough hours in a day between working, houskeeping, snow removal, bringing in wood, mowing the lawn, fixing things that "typically" a man would take care of, grocery shopping etc. And still trying to make sure you actually have quality time with your children.

    Clearly many people make it work and yay for everyone who overcomes whatever they must to get to their goals. I'm doing it now, so I know what it takes....and I also know what I give up to ensure a good balance in my life. Whatever anyone can to support a friend, family member or neighbor is appreciated. Everyone needs their own form of inspiration / motivation, but we all need to find it within ourselves.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Since I have made working out a priority, I am more energetic, calmer, less depressed, and more confident all around. That benefits my children and my husband as well as myself.

    "My husband"....imagine your life without your husband and still doing what you do plus everything he currently does.

    I'm not advocating excuses, I'm just saying everyone has to do this in their own time, it is a personal journey. When my girls were young there just simply weren't enough hours in a day between working, houskeeping, snow removal, bringing in wood, mowing the lawn, fixing things that "typically" a man would take care of, grocery shopping etc. And still trying to make sure you actually have quality time with your children.

    Clearly many people make it work and yay for everyone who overcomes whatever they must to get to their goals. I'm doing it now, so I know what it takes....and I also know what I give up to ensure a good balance in my life. Whatever anyone can to support a friend, family member or neighbor is appreciated. Everyone needs their own form of inspiration / motivation, but we all need to find it within ourselves.

    You are right that this is a personal journey for all of us and that is all that the OP shared - her personal journey. It is still an inspiration even if aspects of it are not applicable for all of us.

    I was a single mom from the time my boys were 4 & 1 until they were 7 & 4. You are right that it is a struggle to find the time to incorporate exercise. But, creativity is a single parent's best friend with regards to health & fitness (and a myriad of other life areas!). I used to use my lunch break to hit the gym for some quick cardio, or I would walk or swim in the evenings with my boys. Just being physically active - even if I wasn't always hitting my target HR - was way better for me than being sedentary, especially since I have a desk job that demands 8 hours of my day. It also set a healthy example for my boys. Now, at 10 & 7, they love to be outside and be active...and I like to think that I instilled that in them. :)
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    That is why I posted what I said and pictures. I know that if I had not kicked my butt into gear, I would weigh more and have less muscle mass because after 40, a woman can lose 1/2lb muscle/year!!

    I noticed that for some reason my original post, the pictures are huge and not showing. So, I will post some of them individually.

    8 months pregnant with 6th child

    1 year later after birth of 6th child

    Side view almost 2 years later (almost 3 years after birth of 6th child)

    Front view almost 2 years later (almost 3 years after birth of 6th child)

    You look so amazing!

    And yes,I agree....having kids is no excuse!
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 999 Member
    I know the OP's post was to inspire and I love seeing everyone's "where I was and where I am now" posts / pics. Along with the trigger or the moment it hit them that "something needed to change". We also need to remember that there was a time (for some of us it wasn't that long ago) that we all were at a similar place before we made healthier lifestyle changes.

    People are sharing what works for them and that is great, but my point is that what works for one does not work for all. Maybe some mom's do use having kids as an excuse, but all anyone should do is be supportive, encourage, educate and inspire. But don't judge.
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